Tag Archives: yummy

Why Should I Follow Baby Led Weaning?

Are you thinking of doing following the Baby Led Weaning (BLW) eating method? You might be a little worried or concerned about how everything works – Well, worry no more, I’m sharing all sorts of information in regards to why we did BLW with Emmett.

Why You Should Follow Baby Led Weaning - Baby Doodah

This is the very FIRST time we gave Emmett solid foods.


First, you may be wondering why we chose the BLW method in the first place, right? Or maybe you’re wondering how I came across this method?

Well, similar to how you’re getting this information right now, I got it from one of my favorite blogs, The Art of Making a Baby. She used this method with her daughter and was seeing such success that I decided to read up on it. You can read my review of the Baby Led Weaning book here.

I was hooked right from the start. One of the big things the method touts is that since your child is in charge of feeding themselves, they’re never forced to eat anything they don’t like nor will they eat too much. As I’ve mentioned on the blog before, I struggle with Binge Eating Disorder and emotional eating. I do not want Emmett to ever have to suffer through this, and wanted to take every precaution and in ensuring his eating health. Number one was to breastfeed him from birth, and now number two was to follow Baby Led Weaning.

Another big important thing to note about BLW is that they recommend you start with veggies (not fruit or cereal), broccoli in particular. It allows your child’s pallet to develop to the less sweet foods (including fruit), that they then typically end up wanting more of. We did eventually get to bananas, apples and strawberries, but Emmett’s first foods was steamed broccoli, followed by steamed baby carrots and roasted sweet potatoes.

An Effective Way to Feed Your Child

I truly believe that BLW is one of the most effective ways to feed a child who is 6 months or older. They learn how to feed themselves right off the bat, rather than being spoon-fed (though, Emmett did use a spoon, but on his own). In the beginning, since babies love to put everything in their mouths, you just place the foods on the high chair tray in front of the baby, they naturally want to pick it up and mouth it. Since this is all about exploration, if you are feeding your 6 month old breastmilk or formula, them filling their belly with veggies is completely unnecessary.

A couple of other things of note, it is super easy to prep food for your baby when following BLW. Baby eats what you eat! This can lead to a more experimental child when it comes to food choices, even as they grow. Children learn to feed themselves earlier, so they learn to stop eating when their bellies are full.

You will still have a thriving, healthy baby if you don’t follow BLW – but by following it, you will find it MUCH easier to get your baby, turned toddler, turned 4 or 5 year old, to try new things. Emmett (now almost 2 1/2), may not eat or like everything we put in front of him, but 9 times out of 10, he will at least try it – and many times he’s learned that he likes it (cherry tomatoes is an example of this, for us).

When I first came across BLW I was very skeptical. I always thought, how is a baby not going to choke(more to come on this aspect in a future post)!? I couldn’t have been further from the truth. Right off the bat, Emmett was successful with it. We started with broccoli and he ate it immediately, picking it up and putting it into his mouth. He gummed it a bit and probably got a few leaflets down, but he didn’t have even the slightest problem with the taste (and NO gagging!).

Why You Should Follow Baby Led Weaning - Baby Doodah(1)

A Couple Additional Things to Remember

  • You should not begin using the BLW method until your baby is 6 months of age or older. The child’s stomach is just not ready for ANY food prior to that. It can cause stomach distress or an onset of allergies.
  • On that note, remember your baby makes the decision on when he/she is ready to eat. You can offer them food, but if they’re not interested, that’s okay, because….
  • Until a baby is 9 months old, they don’t REALLY need solids. They should be getting most of their calories from breastmilk or formula. Naturally, by around 9 months, your little one will start to notice how the solid foods taste yummy and help keep their bellies full longer.
  • You should always serve your child food in a high chair. You want them sitting upright and contained.
  • Gagging is NOT choking, but a productive means that the baby uses to keep himself from choking (there’s a whole section in the book dedicated to this).
  • Even though there will likely be gagging, there will probably be less than if the baby is spoon-fed, bc the child is in control of how much and the speed at which they eat.
  • Most foods are not off limits. Since you don’t start BLW until the baby is at least 6 months, your child’s stomach is developed enough to handle any food. (You should avoid milk and PB if you have a family history of allergies).
  • There’s no need to prepare for BLW. As long as you have a high chair, you’re ready. Make your 6 month old child some extra soft broccoli or maybe even sweet potatoes, place them in their high chair at the table with you and watch the magic happen. 🙂

Final Thoughts

If you’re thinking of following this method, I highly recommend you read the book Baby Led Weaning by Gill Rapley and Tracey Murkett, it will answer any possible questions you may have about the process. I know there are tons and tons of forums and blog posts (like this one) that are helpful, but I think it is very important to read the book, as there are loads of tips, that are not included here.

I personally read through the book twice, and then certain sections, 3 or 4 more times. I highlighted, tagged and wrote on many of the pages. I wanted to be well prepared and well-versed before we began the process (I read the book when he was 5’ish months old). And, I’ll be honest, the first few times Emmett gagged were kind of scary, but we were right there, watching his every move and, just like the book says, he gagged twice and the too large food was back in the front of him mouth.

It is important to mention that gagging is NOT choking! Gagging is a defense mechanism and the baby’s gag reflex starts at about the center of their tongues, WAY before it reaches their throat, so babies are very good at protecting themselves.

Trust me, I completely understand the nervousness that surrounds feeding your child this way – you’re worried that they’re going to get enough nourishment or maybe that they’ll choke. Just remember, your child will not start devouring food at 6 months they don’t need to, it is more for exploration, and getting familiar with feeding themselves. Around 9 months is when your child will begin actually eating with the intent to fill their bellies.

Even, despite all my worries, I don’t regret feeding Emmett BLW style, and I honestly think it was one of the BEST decisions I ever made as a first time mommy. Now, he’s an adventurous eater and will try most things we put in front of him.

Your turn!

Have you tried BLW? What was your experience like?

Have you thought about following the BLW method, but you’re nervous? What other information would be helpful to know?


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**I am not a doctor, or other medical professional. I am simply a parent sharing her experiences as a mom with a unique method of eating. Please check with your medical professional before beginning any diet or food changes with your baby.**

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Delicious Zucchini Pasta

Hey everyone! I thought I’d do something a little different today and let a good friend of mine take the reigns and share a delicious (and gluten-free) recipe with you today! 

Alright Adrianne – take it away!

Hi all! Adrianne here. I’m super excited to be sharing this recipe with the Baby Doodah community! It’s a perfect light meal for these hot summer days, and you will exponentially increase your chances of getting non-veggie eaters to eat their veggies (this is obviously backed by science). (This post first appeared on my blog adie-cakes, but it was just to good to keep to my own little corner of the blogosphere!)

In my (seemingly) never-ending quest to be the poster child for health and wellness (or, more realistically, offset those crazy days), I’m always on the lookout for interesting healthy meals.

Enter: vegetables masquerading as pasta.


Now I know some lend themselves better to the task (like spaghetti squash, an obvious choice as the name would suggest), but I like to make things difficult. Zucchini? Without a mandolin? Why not?


While cutting zucchini into thin strips may be an annoyingly tedious and time consuming process, it was absolutely, totally worth it. As someone who loves her carby carbs, believe me when I tell you that you won’t even miss the pasta.

Now, don’t go in expecting the zucchini to taste like pasta, because that would be delusional. But, it makes for a pretty decent substitute, as a veggie with a relatively low flavor profile.



I used my zucchini pasta as a sub in my previously-posted pasta with sautéed leeks and mint (link to come later if you don’t feel like searching, but I can’t figure out how to get a link in when posting from the good ol’ iPad), which made for a very Springy green dinner.

So. Gather thee thy patience and a good sharp knife, and a few zucchini (duh), and make some pasta without the guilt!

Zucchni Pasta-BabyDoodah3

Zucchini “pasta” (1-2 zucchini per person, depending on size (of the zucchini, not the person))

Cut off the ends of your zucchini. Slice it lengthwise to about 1cm thick (aka thin – you’d be crazy to think I used a ruler). Slice each piece into matchsticks. Bring a pot of shallow water to a simmer, and simmer the zucchini for about 4-5 minutes. The zucchini should be cooked, but not soft and mushy like it can get (think al dente). Strain out water and toss zucchini with whatever sauce you’re using. I threw it into the pan with my leeks and sautéed for a couple minutes, for reference.



I’m linking this yummy recipe up with Peas and Crayons and What I Ate Wednesday and Weekend Wind Down.

30 Paleo Breakfast Ideas

On the Hunt for some Paleo Breakfast Ideas

I think the meal that I struggle the most with when transitioning to healthy eating is breakfast. First off, I just love breakfast, eggs fill me up like nothing else I’ve ever eaten, and a good piece of toast with butter and jelly will make even the gloomiest day seem a bit brighter. But even more than that, eggs taste delicious!

I know what you’re thinking, Jillian, eggs are Paleo so what are you going on about?  Well, I love having my eggs with some form of bread, or bagel and those are definitively NOT Paleo. And every week when grocery shopping comes around, I add the same things to the list for breakfast that I always do, eggs, Wegmans everything bagel and American cheese slices. I stick with what works, and that egg sandwich has been keeping me full for a couple years now. But, I really REALLY want to eat better so I decided to look around for some breakfast ideas that include egg, or other options that will keep me full.

Here’s what I came up with:

Paleo breakfast ideas 3

My Favorite Paleo Breakfast Ideas

  1. Bacon and Heirloom Tomato Frittata with Basil
    I am a huge fan of eggs for breakfast, and this would be a great recipe to make on weekends or to make ahead and prepackage for the week.
  2. Paleo Whoolly Mammoth Oatmeal
    Oatmeal!? I know! I was surprised too, but Paleo Fuel and Fire has it figured out. I love love LOVE oatmeal for breakfast (not as much as eggs, but still a lot), and this looks pretty good. Something I could probably whip up ahead of time and then throw in the frying pan before leaving for work.
  3. Banana Bites
    Okay, seriously, such a brilliant idea. Mornings for a lot of people are rushed but all you need to do is slice up a banana and smother it with almond butter and put another slice of banana on top. Perfection!
  4. Banana Nut Porridge
    I love oatmeal, love it like there’s no tomorrow, but unfortunately if you choose to follow a Paleo lifestyle oatmeal is not an acceptable option. This is where those alternatives come in, and this one looks awesome!MG_6135-30-Paleo-breakfasts
  5. Banana Walnut Muffins
    I love all things banana! Banana bread and muffins are a primary love of mine. These look like a phenomenal option to fulfill those banana cravings.
  6. Best Paleo Pancakes
    Pancakes can be Paleo! This makes me happy, check out this light and fluffy option by Girl Gone Country.
  7. Breakfast Biscuit Sandwiches
    I often enjoy egg sandwiches for breakfast, and when I’m being really strict and sticking to a Paleo diet, I miss them a lot. This recipe has you make Paleo biscuits and the other items are already Paleo, perfect.
  8. Paleo Breakfast Casserole
    I’ve personally made this recipe and I really REALLY like it. My only tip would be to ensure you cut the sweet potatoes into very small cubes or the whole thing tastes like a sweet potato. If you don’t mind that, then go with larger chunks.
  9. Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash with Bacon & Apples
    Oh my goodness! This look simply amazing! I love sweet and savory together so this would be the perfect breakfast for me.
  10. Churro Waffles
    Topped with coconut sugar and cinnamon, these are sure to be a winner at your next breakfast party!paleo-breakfast-ideas
  11. Coconut Porridge
    Another delicious oatmeal-like option. Yum yum yum!
  12. Eggs with Avocado and Salsa
    Sure this might be a pretty straight forward example of a breakfast, but that’s the beauty of it. You don’t need fancy things in order to make a yummy and filling breakfast.
  13. Everyday Paleo Crap Cake Eggs Benedict
    Okay, raise your hand if you love eggs benedict. Is it raised? Mine too! I love it and this is the perfect example of how a recipe can be delicious and Paleo.
  14. French Toast with Grilled Bananas
    Here we have bananas again. Something about bananas makes them very breakfast friendly. Check out this yummy looking french toast recipe.
  15. Green and White Omelette
    Another great one that is pretty quick to make for those busy workday mornings.
  16. Onion Frittata Recipe
    I love onions and I love eggs, so what better than a frittata recipe with both of those items in it? Sign me up!
  17. Orange Dark Chocolate Chip Scones
    When I found this recipe, I’m pretty sure I dribbled on my keyboard. These sound amazing! Nothing something I would necessarily eat for breakfast every morning, but would be good for a pot luck breakfast.paleo-breakfast-ideas-orange-dark-chocolate-chip-scones-gluten-free-recipe
  18. Paleo Almond Honey Granola
    I absolutely love the idea of making this ahead of time and packing it up for snacks all week long.
  19. Paleo Breakfast Burritos
    So good, so simple and perfect for breakfast! A great idea to make really quickly in the morning before heading out the door.
  20. Breakfast Cookie Granola
    Another granola recipe, but this one has almond or sunflower seed butter in it. Sounds really delicious!
  21. Paleo Cinnamon Rolls
    OMG! Who doesn’t love cinnamon rolls on Sunday mornings?? We used to have them all the time, with our Sunday brunch. I want to run and make these now!
  22. Paleo Cinnamon Square Crunch Cereal
    Oh yes, you read that right, CEREAL! I love love love cereal but avoid it a lot of the time because it is so full of sugars and other additives, but not this one. This is homemade through and through. I’ll likely be giving this a try very soon!
  23. Paleo Oatmeal
    Another oatmeal recipe, and you may very well be sick of seeing them, but they all sound so good that I wanted to be sure to share as many as possible with you.Paleo-meal-ideas-2
  24. Poached Eggs with Tomato, Avocado and Basil
    Genius and something so simple to throw together. Use the tomatoes as your toast and layer with the avocado, salt, pepper and basil. Mmmm
  25. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
    One of my favorite things to order when going through a drive-thru for my morning coffee is a chocolate chip muffin. Now I can just make these, saving the money and the calories!
  26. Strawberry, Spinach and Almond Butter Smoothie
    On days when I just don’t feel like eating, I can usually stomach a smoothie. This one sounds like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and like it would be amazing!
  27. Weekend Paleo Breafast Bowl
    Om nom nom – This recipe is full of veggies and topped with eggs for some hardcore protein.
  28. Paleo Breakfast Biscuit Sandwich
    The maple dijon bacon alone, in this recipe makes me yell about the delicious food from the rooftops.
  29. Coffee Cake Banana Bread
    Oh my goodness! This looks like something I could eat in one sitting, so I probably shouldn’t make it, but you should and then bring me ONE slice. 🙂
  30. Paleo Breakfast Bars
    Super simple to throw together and make ahead, so that you can grab and go in the mornings when you have no time.

There you have it, my list of favorite Paleo breakfast ideas that I’ve found around the web.

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite Paleo, or healthy breakfasts?


My Favorite Big Game Snacks

Delicious Big Game Snacks

big game snacks

I’m not the biggest of football fans, I’ll occasionally watch the Bills play, but no matter what I always watch the Superbowl. When I was a little kid it was always an event, we’d be allowed to stay up and watch the big game (our bedtime was 8:30 at the time), but we had to take a nap in the middle of the day so that we weren’t so tired or cranky come Monday morning. It was always so much fun!

I remember a couple of years in a row that we ordered pizza (for delivery) and it never showed up, and when you’d call the pizza place they’d say they lost the order. Great business, right!? This year, so that we don’t have to wait for delivery, we’ll be making snacks at home!

My Big Game Snacks

  1. Seamus’ Guacamole – Number 1 on the list for any superbowl is this guac. I LOVE this stuff! It’s a fairly simple recipe that hopefully I can share in the future, but it is a MUST for during the game.
  2. Cheese and Crackers – Another old stand by. If you don’t have a lot of time or don’t enjoy cooking cheese and crackers are a great choice. I remember my mom always having different kinds of cheeses, pepperoni and crackers out.
  3. Blue Cheese Ranch Dip – I’ve never met a single person who doesn’t love dip, I’m sure they exist, I just have yet to find them. Anyway, for all those dip lovers in your life, why not give this delicious dip from Lemons for Lulu, a try.
  4. Football Deviled Eggs – I honestly never thought of deviled eggs as a football appetizer, but when made this way they totally work. Yum!
  5. Pizza Bites – So that you don’t have to order out, why not try these delicious pizza bites?
  6. Pizza Dip – A personal favorite of mine! We make this frequently, but it would fit in perfectly at your Big Game party.
  7. Cheese Steak Dumplings – I don’t know about anyone else, but I LOVE dumplings, so making them with cheese steak filling just seems like a completely genius idea!
  8. Bacon-Wrapped Potato Bites – Oh my drool… These sound absolutely out of this world! The spicy sour cream dipping sauce kind of puts this recipe in the range of most delicious thing EVER.
  9. Loaded Baked Potato Rounds  – If you know me, it’s no secret that I love potatoes. These are are quick and easy, and the perfect accouterments to your game day menu.
  10. Chicken Bacon Artichoke Dip – Three wonderful recipe ingredients, that will make one amazing dip!

And then to combat all of those calories, try this Super Bowl Workout put together by Skinny Mom.


Your turn!

What are your favorite snacks to have at the Super Bowl?

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