Tag Archives: your child

100+ Tips for Breastfeeding Success

Breastfeeding a newborn, can be one of the most difficult things that you do, but there has NEVER been something more worth it in your life!

In the beginning, you’re unsure of what you’re doing, your child knows what to do, but may not latch correctly, which can lead to painful, cracked nipples, or your child under-eating. However, there ARE ways to overcome this, and still have 100% success for you and for your child.

The BEST piece of advice that I can give you, is DO NOT GIVE UP! Yes, things may be difficult, and you might have times in the beginning where you are exhausted and want sleep, but don’t quit. It DOES get easier, and eventually, it is the most amazing time spent with your child. That time is just for you and your baby, no one else can have that… think about how special that is! Think of the bonds that will be built. 🙂

Side note: One thing, that I think is incredibly important to mention – My intention when writing this is not to criticize a mom who chose to formula feed, but to encourage those moms who are struggling with breastfeeding. 

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