Tag Archives: young

Baby Book – Part 2

If you missed it, I’ve started a series of blog entries where I will be answering the prompts in Emmett’s baby book so that at some point I can print them all out and glue them into the book. You can read my first entry here.

The next prompt in the book is:

Things you parents liked to do before you were born…

s and j

Well, Emmett, to an outsider your dad and I might seem like boring people but we are often quite content being in the same room while we do our own things. For instance, I’ll be reading or messing around on the internet and your dad will be reading or playing a video game.

When we would go out to do things we would go to dinner or go to see a movie. Actually, we used to watch a lot of movies before you came around. Now it’s tough because you need our attention and that doesn’t leave a lot of room to watch a 3 hour movie. That’s okay, I’d choose you over a long movie any day.

In our early days together, your dad lived in Buffalo and I lived with my parents about an hour away but we still made it work. I’d go over to visit him after work or drive up on the weekends and we’d do all sorts of things. We went to different museums, music concerts or would get into TV shows together but it was (and continues to be) so easy to be around your dad, we got on so well and we enjoy being together.

I hope that one day you find a partner that makes you as happy as your dad makes me!

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