Tag Archives: year in review

Happy 500 Posts!

Holy moley! Baby Doodah has hit the BIG 500!?!

You read that correctly, folks! I hit 500 posts late last week, which means it is time to celebrate…. 😀

Happy 500 Posts Baby Doodah! - Baby DoodahContinue Reading

My Finds Friday – The Year in Review

Today I’m sharing Baby Doodah’s Year in Review.

Happy Friday everyone!

Is anyone else kind of, sort of glad that the holidays are over, or is that just me? I do enjoy the holidays, the warm fuzzy feelings and the wonderful traditions we’re making with Emmett, but I am a creature of habit and I’m missing my routine. I’m looking forward to getting some extra down time and I’m sure my bank account could use a holiday break too. HAHA I really don’t mean this to be negative, we had a nice holiday season, but I do enjoy not having anything to worry about in the evenings, other then spending time with my family and blogging (my current two favorite things).

Anyhow, this is my first My Finds Friday of the new year, and I’m going to do things a bit differently today. I’m going to share Baby Doodah’s year in review, and highlight some of my most popular or most favorite posts of the past year. So buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride BACK IN TIME! (Not really, just being really goofy.)

year in review

Baby Doodah’s Year in Review


1. My number one most popular post from 2013, was my a post that is very dear to my heart, because of what is included in that post. My post, titled 5 Tips I Wish I’d Know as a New Mom, is my most popular AND my personal favorite!


2. Next up, you have my post about perfect Toddler Stocking Stuffer ideas. We got Emmett almost everything on the list and he loved it all!

pizza dip 3

3.Then we had my Ooey Gooey Pizza Dip recipe. I love making this dip for a quick lunch on the weekends, but it is also phenomenal party dip.

Baked-Potato-Soup4. I love this soup! My number 4 most popular post is my Baked Potato Soup recipe.

life hacks Lettuce-and-Papertowel-

5. And finally, my fifth most popular post of the year was my Life Hacks post, I use every single one of these almost weekly.

Alright folks, those are my top 5 most popular posts from the past year – I’d love to hear your top posts, or any of your other finds from the past week. Link-up below!

Baby Doodah


200th Post – A Celebration of 200 Posts!

Readers! Can you believe it? This is my 200th post!

When I started this blog over a year ago, I had no idea how long I would stick with it or how many topics I’d have to write about. I’d started 2 or 3 blogs before this one and they didn’t go anywhere. I’d post frequently for a good couple of months but I would lose steam, or rather things to write about. I’d become uninspired and wonder if anyone found what I was writing to be of any interest. Then I had a baby, and realized there was so much that I wanted to document from his life for myself and for others. I knew I wasn’t the first mom to go through any of these things but I was hoping to share some experiences that aren’t normally shared widely by other moms.

I’ve spent a lot of time on this blog and I’ve loved every minute of it. There have been times when I run low on ideas or just don’t feel like sitting down to type, but after taking a few days off, I always come back ready to write and full of ideas. It feels so good to have an outlet for all things mom and life related, and I’m so thrilled to have an audience to share it all with.

One of my favorite moments of our first day together.

I thought for my 200th post I’d share some of my favorite posts since I began and some of my favorite photos.


Obviously, one of my favorite posts was the very first one, how the name Baby Doodah came to be.

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Every month since Emmett’s been 4 months old, I write a letter to him, titled Dear Emmett. In them, I describe what we’ve done and how he’s grown. I plan on continuing this until he’s at least 2, and then switching to quarterly or so.


I definitely don’t know everything, but I love to share what I’ve learned as a new mom so that maybe I can help others through feelings they may be struggling with.


I had a blast doing The Color Run, this past Summer.


Emmett’s first birthday was a ton of fun! And of course, I loved recounting my memories from Emmett’s actual day of birth.

7-months-8 7-months-5

Your turn!

What have been some of  your favorite posts over the past 200?


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