Tag Archives: work at home mom

Enough is Enough – On Making Change and Being True to You

I know I’ve talked about re-branding, changing the direction of my blog and having a whole new template, a couple times on my blog. I think I first brought it up about 3 months ago, in this post, On Starting a Business. However, here I sit with the same blog, across all areas. I’m not growing or changing, I’m just staying put. It’s a damn struggle, too!

How to Create Change as a WAHM and be True to You - Baby Doodah

On Being a Mommy Blogger

I love being a mom. It is the best job I’ve ever had, but I don’t have a passion for writing about it like I did when Emmett was first born. This is the reason that you’ve seen my post frequency getting less and less, I just don’t have the drive to write about it. Yes, I know, I’ve read the posts too, where you just need to force yourself to write and then the routine of it will create the drive. However, this is different. I am not avoiding writing altogether, I’m mentally avoiding writing about the topics that fit the niche of my blog. I just don’t have any interest in writing about them.Continue Reading

Trick Your Guests Into Thinking Your House Is Clean

It’s happened to nearly everyone at some point – your house is a mess, you haven’t cleaned in days and Aunt Jane calls and says she is just around the corner and stopping by to visit. You look around your home as panic sets in and realize there is no possible way to clean the mess in 10 minutes.

Fortunately, there are some simple tricks that will help you whip your house into shape and make your guests think you’ve recently cleaned.

Clean Your House Fast, and trick your guests into thinking your home is clean! - Baby Doodah!Continue Reading

On Starting a Business – Part 1

I’m no expert, in fact I’ve just started working on starting a business – but I’ve gone from having nothing, no plan, no direction, no drive, to having everything available for my taking.

I am sure that you’ve noticed my absences at both the holidays and then again the last 2 weeks. It wasn’t because I didn’t feel like writing, or that I didn’t have any content to write about, rather the opposite. I was working on me! I was working through some online courses that I purchased, and going through Stuck to Unstoppable, an online small group workshop (sooo worth it, but more on that in a bit). So, yes, I’ve been absent, but I have a good reason and now, I’m back and I’m all YOURS! 🙂

On Starting a Business - Sunset in the Park - Baby Doodah

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