Tag Archives: virtual race

My Finds Friday

I’m really excited for this week’s, My Finds Friday!

Today was such a great day and what even made it better was that it was Friday AND payday! Woohoo! Work was quiet, so I was able to tackle a lot of the things that were on my ‘To Do’ list. It felt really good to knock some things off! The only downside of the day was when I picked Emmett up, he was in a really awful mood.

I was hoping that after the 45 minute nap on the ride home he’d feel better but once he was inside and out of his car-seat, he was still really cranky and just wanting to be held. Thankfully, Seamus had dinner all put together and it just needed to go in the oven because we had quite the cranky monster on our hands. While we switched off, passing Emmett between us, so I could change and Seamus could check the food, Emmett just continued to whine and cry every so often. I felt really bad for the cutie because nothing was soothing him and he was less than interested in dinner (delicious Mexican pizzas). We tried a few different foods and then just stopped pushing him, we know he’ll eat when he’s hungry.

Since he wouldn’t calm down, we decided it was going to be an early bath and bed tonight. There was no sense keeping him awake if he was so cranky and tired. After a very unhappy bath, we got him in his jammies, and he curled up to nurse and then finally doze off. Poor guy!  I really think he’s getting another tooth in, he’s had a running nose and been a little phlegmy as well.

Alright, so without further ado, here are My Finds Friday:

  • Car seats are REALLY expensive, so why not enter to win a free one from A Nation of Moms? They’re giving away a Recaro Performance Sport Car Seat – such a fantastic opportunity, click here to enter!! There are multiple ways you can join, so jump on over and check it out!
  • I’m obsessed with fashion! I may not be able to afford a lot of the high fashion items, but I love it nonetheless. One day last summer I came across the blog, Outfit Posts and my life has been forever changed. This week the author chose this as an outfit, I’m so so in love with this look. Readers, I’m going to be honest with you, so much of my wardrobe has been purchased over the last year because of outfit ideas from her blog. I’m telling you, check it out, you WILL NOT regret it!
  • I am pretty much always looking for new food ideas. I hate getting stuck in a rut and when I eat the same thing over and over again, I get bored and start eating junk food. Recently I came across, Kath Eats Real Food, where she has her “Lately” posts. In these posts she shares her latest meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I have found a whole slew of new ideas for all three meals, because of her blog.
  • A brand new blog find of mine is Mommy Run Fast and I’m loving it! Laura, the author, offers a Virtual Race Series. Be sure to click the link to get all the details but basically you commit to running a 5 or 10 mile virtual race by the 5th of each month, September – December. Sounds like a great place to find motivation. I’m joining, you should too!
  • And finally – a little selfish plug, for myself. My giveaway, for The Magic Path of Yoga, is still going on and will continue through Monday, 8/26/13 – 9 PM EST. It is a fantastic board game, that helps you master the practice of yoga, while participating in a little friendly competition. It’s simple to enter, click the link, comment and you’re in!

Your turn!

Which of the finds is your favorite, this week?

What “My Finds Friday” have you found this week?

My Finds Friday - babydoodah

This is how I found Emmett when we had gotten to day care this morning.

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