Tag Archives: veggies

Hearty and Delicious – Cheesy Meatloaf

Meatloaf is a comfort meal, through and through.

I know summer’s here and it’s typically the season for grilling, but on those rainy and gloomy days, where you just feel like curling on the couch, comfort food is exactly what you’re looking for. You want something warm and inviting, and this meatloaf recipe is just that.


 The first time my husband made his meatloaf recipe, I was skeptical. I’ve never been a meatloaf person, and assumed that his would fall into the “gross” column, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was, and continues to be the best meatloaf I have ever eaten, and that’s saying a lot because my grandma made a mean one. 🙂


The best part about this recipe is how simple it is to put together. You throw your dry ingredients in a bowl with the meat, mush it all together, lay it out, fill with the cheese and ham, roll it up and put it in the oven. Prep time is less than 20 minutes!


Your turn!

I’m excited for you to try this recipe. I want to hear what you think?

Do you have a favorite meatloaf recipe or comfort food recipe?



I’m linking this yummy recipe up with Peas and Crayons.

30 Paleo Breakfast Ideas

On the Hunt for some Paleo Breakfast Ideas

I think the meal that I struggle the most with when transitioning to healthy eating is breakfast. First off, I just love breakfast, eggs fill me up like nothing else I’ve ever eaten, and a good piece of toast with butter and jelly will make even the gloomiest day seem a bit brighter. But even more than that, eggs taste delicious!

I know what you’re thinking, Jillian, eggs are Paleo so what are you going on about?  Well, I love having my eggs with some form of bread, or bagel and those are definitively NOT Paleo. And every week when grocery shopping comes around, I add the same things to the list for breakfast that I always do, eggs, Wegmans everything bagel and American cheese slices. I stick with what works, and that egg sandwich has been keeping me full for a couple years now. But, I really REALLY want to eat better so I decided to look around for some breakfast ideas that include egg, or other options that will keep me full.

Here’s what I came up with:

Paleo breakfast ideas 3

My Favorite Paleo Breakfast Ideas

  1. Bacon and Heirloom Tomato Frittata with Basil
    I am a huge fan of eggs for breakfast, and this would be a great recipe to make on weekends or to make ahead and prepackage for the week.
  2. Paleo Whoolly Mammoth Oatmeal
    Oatmeal!? I know! I was surprised too, but Paleo Fuel and Fire has it figured out. I love love LOVE oatmeal for breakfast (not as much as eggs, but still a lot), and this looks pretty good. Something I could probably whip up ahead of time and then throw in the frying pan before leaving for work.
  3. Banana Bites
    Okay, seriously, such a brilliant idea. Mornings for a lot of people are rushed but all you need to do is slice up a banana and smother it with almond butter and put another slice of banana on top. Perfection!
  4. Banana Nut Porridge
    I love oatmeal, love it like there’s no tomorrow, but unfortunately if you choose to follow a Paleo lifestyle oatmeal is not an acceptable option. This is where those alternatives come in, and this one looks awesome!MG_6135-30-Paleo-breakfasts
  5. Banana Walnut Muffins
    I love all things banana! Banana bread and muffins are a primary love of mine. These look like a phenomenal option to fulfill those banana cravings.
  6. Best Paleo Pancakes
    Pancakes can be Paleo! This makes me happy, check out this light and fluffy option by Girl Gone Country.
  7. Breakfast Biscuit Sandwiches
    I often enjoy egg sandwiches for breakfast, and when I’m being really strict and sticking to a Paleo diet, I miss them a lot. This recipe has you make Paleo biscuits and the other items are already Paleo, perfect.
  8. Paleo Breakfast Casserole
    I’ve personally made this recipe and I really REALLY like it. My only tip would be to ensure you cut the sweet potatoes into very small cubes or the whole thing tastes like a sweet potato. If you don’t mind that, then go with larger chunks.
  9. Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash with Bacon & Apples
    Oh my goodness! This look simply amazing! I love sweet and savory together so this would be the perfect breakfast for me.
  10. Churro Waffles
    Topped with coconut sugar and cinnamon, these are sure to be a winner at your next breakfast party!paleo-breakfast-ideas
  11. Coconut Porridge
    Another delicious oatmeal-like option. Yum yum yum!
  12. Eggs with Avocado and Salsa
    Sure this might be a pretty straight forward example of a breakfast, but that’s the beauty of it. You don’t need fancy things in order to make a yummy and filling breakfast.
  13. Everyday Paleo Crap Cake Eggs Benedict
    Okay, raise your hand if you love eggs benedict. Is it raised? Mine too! I love it and this is the perfect example of how a recipe can be delicious and Paleo.
  14. French Toast with Grilled Bananas
    Here we have bananas again. Something about bananas makes them very breakfast friendly. Check out this yummy looking french toast recipe.
  15. Green and White Omelette
    Another great one that is pretty quick to make for those busy workday mornings.
  16. Onion Frittata Recipe
    I love onions and I love eggs, so what better than a frittata recipe with both of those items in it? Sign me up!
  17. Orange Dark Chocolate Chip Scones
    When I found this recipe, I’m pretty sure I dribbled on my keyboard. These sound amazing! Nothing something I would necessarily eat for breakfast every morning, but would be good for a pot luck breakfast.paleo-breakfast-ideas-orange-dark-chocolate-chip-scones-gluten-free-recipe
  18. Paleo Almond Honey Granola
    I absolutely love the idea of making this ahead of time and packing it up for snacks all week long.
  19. Paleo Breakfast Burritos
    So good, so simple and perfect for breakfast! A great idea to make really quickly in the morning before heading out the door.
  20. Breakfast Cookie Granola
    Another granola recipe, but this one has almond or sunflower seed butter in it. Sounds really delicious!
  21. Paleo Cinnamon Rolls
    OMG! Who doesn’t love cinnamon rolls on Sunday mornings?? We used to have them all the time, with our Sunday brunch. I want to run and make these now!
  22. Paleo Cinnamon Square Crunch Cereal
    Oh yes, you read that right, CEREAL! I love love love cereal but avoid it a lot of the time because it is so full of sugars and other additives, but not this one. This is homemade through and through. I’ll likely be giving this a try very soon!
  23. Paleo Oatmeal
    Another oatmeal recipe, and you may very well be sick of seeing them, but they all sound so good that I wanted to be sure to share as many as possible with you.Paleo-meal-ideas-2
  24. Poached Eggs with Tomato, Avocado and Basil
    Genius and something so simple to throw together. Use the tomatoes as your toast and layer with the avocado, salt, pepper and basil. Mmmm
  25. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
    One of my favorite things to order when going through a drive-thru for my morning coffee is a chocolate chip muffin. Now I can just make these, saving the money and the calories!
  26. Strawberry, Spinach and Almond Butter Smoothie
    On days when I just don’t feel like eating, I can usually stomach a smoothie. This one sounds like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and like it would be amazing!
  27. Weekend Paleo Breafast Bowl
    Om nom nom – This recipe is full of veggies and topped with eggs for some hardcore protein.
  28. Paleo Breakfast Biscuit Sandwich
    The maple dijon bacon alone, in this recipe makes me yell about the delicious food from the rooftops.
  29. Coffee Cake Banana Bread
    Oh my goodness! This looks like something I could eat in one sitting, so I probably shouldn’t make it, but you should and then bring me ONE slice. 🙂
  30. Paleo Breakfast Bars
    Super simple to throw together and make ahead, so that you can grab and go in the mornings when you have no time.

There you have it, my list of favorite Paleo breakfast ideas that I’ve found around the web.

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite Paleo, or healthy breakfasts?


Friday Fitness

Results for 10/5/12 – 10/11/12

Amount Lost:

Nothing. I gained 3.4. Ugh!

I truly ate better this week and still somehow managed to gain.

Amount Remaining to Lose:


Food Goals:

  • Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at home, except for 1 dinner and 1 lunch

I ate pizza last Friday and then had pizza Sunday for dinner. So while it was two dinners, I did pretty well food wise.

  • Get in those vegetables!

Complete! I’ve been making a very mindful effort to start eating more veggies. I had a ton of carrots and beans this week.

  • Snack on fruits/vegetables, not crackers and chips

Not so great. I ate more veggies but still managed to eat plenty of crackers.

Fitness Goals:

  • Get to the gym at least 3 times

Didn’t meet this one and am disappointed with myself.

  • Walk with Emmet at least twice

Also did not complete this one.

  • Work on creating some sort of workout schedule. Even if it has holes and is just a loose idea of what I want, I need something.

This was the simplest of the 3 and I still didn’t do anything with it.

I am so terribly disappointed in myself. I wasn’t even going to post a “Friday Fitness” this week since I was upset about my weigh-in but I need to hold myself accountable. If I don’t want to report out failure then I need to work at success. There is never a reason for me to not eat well and I can’t even think of a valid excuse for not exercising at least 3 times.

My Happy Meathead!!

Goals for 10/12/12-10/18/12

Food Goals:

  • Begin working on eating cleaner. More veggies, more fruit and more whole foods.
  • Find one new healthy recipe for Seamus and I to cook and make it
  • Eat slightly smaller portions of the foods I’m currently eating

Fitness Goals:

  • 3 workouts: walking, swimming, running, strength training – just move AT LEAST 3 times
  • Create that workout schedule for a month out.
  • Get back into practicing yoga – it is empowering and relaxing all at once

Here’s to a fantastic week ahead!

Any goals you’d like to share?

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