Tag Archives: vacation


**UPDATE: So that there is NO confusion – When I say I took time off to be with my family, I am referring to time with Emmett and Seamus.**

Just wanted to pop in and let you all know that I’m going to take a couple of days to just be with my family. I’ll be back in the new year with loads of new posts and content.



I’ll see you in the new year!

**UPDATE: So that there is NO confusion – When I say I took time off to be with my family, I am referring to time with Emmett and Seamus.

My Finds Friday – Vacation

Happy My Finds Friday, vacation edition!

What a lovely, lovely mini-vacation it has been, I have gotten so much accomplished, including plenty of relaxation. Wednesday I spent the morning getting into a new series, Scandal, it is soooo good, I wrote a couple of blogs posts and then I went on a nice long and luxurious bike ride around Buffalo. I do enjoy taking Emmett with me in his trailer, but sometimes it’s nice to get out their on my own. I came home, made myself a nice lunch and relaxed some more.

Thursday, after taking Emmett to take day care I came home and cleaned. Cleaning is totally NOT relaxing or fun, but it needed to be done and having things clean makes me feel so much more relaxed overall. So it’s win-win! I had made plans with my sister Bridget to meet in-between her college classes and I completely forgot, I had gotten so absorbed in my cleaning that I let our lunch date slip on by. Thankfully she has a nice long break between classes so I was able to shower and get out to Panera, before she had to go back to campus. It was really nice to get to sit and chat with her, it had been so long since we had an opportunity to do that without any interruptions. Seamus was picking up Emmett, so when I got home I went out on another bike ride. It has been such a beautiful 3 days, I’ve gotten out and made sure to soak every bit of it.

And today, today has been wonderful! Seamus took the day off and we’ve spent some time just being a couple. We went for a leisurely breakfast and then ran a few errands, we relaxed watching some TV and talking. It was lovely! Seamus went to workout and I blogged, I’ve been blogging like crazy since I’ve been off. It has been heaven! Tonight we’re meeting my parents and siblings for dinner at Danny’s, I can’t wait to see everyone.

My-Finds-Friday Vacation

Now for this week’s My Finds Friday – Vacation

  •  I hope to one day go on vacation with Emmett and even though we don’t currently have plans for traveling, I like to google and see what I can find as far as great family friendly vacation spots. This article on Parents.com shares the top 10 family friendly resorts, there are some really great options.
  • The thought of flying with Emmett makes me a little squirrely. I have no idea what to expect or how to even handle the situation if it should come up, Jaunted has a great article with some fantastic tips on how to fly with a baby or toddler. I will be bookmarking this one!
  • And here’s a little shameless plug for myself – Kendra Thorton wrote a guest post with some tips on traveling with a loving family.
  • Have you made the most of Pinterest when it comes to pinning your pins? If not, check out Reviewz ‘n’ Tips article on ways to increase your repins.
  • Fall is coming (or is it here?)! Either way, it is apple season and what better food to make with apples than apple sauce? Emily Bites has a lightened up Slow Cooker Applesauce recipe, and it seriously looks DEEEE-licious!

Be sure to stop on over and give all of these finds some love!

Your turn!

What vacation finds do you have? Share away by linking up below!

What I Ate Wednesday – #10

Happy 10 week anniversary to me and What I Ate Wednesday!

Oh my, what an AMAZING day I’ve had! I have absolutely been sticking to my Weekly Wishes goals that I’ve set for myself. I have today, tomorrow and Friday off and I swore to myself (and put it on my blog), that I would NOT waste these days being a bum on the couch and I have (proudly) stuck to that.

I woke up early with Seamus, got everything ready for Emmett to go to day care and then off we went. He got there at just about his normal time, I wanted to maximize my alone time. I’ll admit to feeling slightly guilty about leaving him there, when he could have stayed home with me but I reminded myself how much I have been looking forward to these days without work and a few hours without baby. I stopped for coffee on my way home, once home again I opened my laptop to blog. It has been wonderful being able to type away without interruption! Don’t get me wrong I love Emmett so so so sooooo much, but it’s nice to have some uninterrupted time, I’m sure other momma’s understand.

I just can’t believe I have two more glorious days! I know that it probably seems like I won’t stop talking about this vacation time but I literally cannot remember the last time I’ve been home completely by myself, with no work and not pregnant. I was sitting on the porch this morning, typing away and it hit me, the last time I was home alone was last summer, however I was (very) pregnant so I didn’t really get up off the couch except to pee. And while I (really) love my job, I needed some days away. I haven’t had longer than a day away since my maternity leave last October (other than weekends), I really think I was due. This way I will go back calmer (hopefully) and refreshed and ready to take on all the craziness ahead.

Alright – Onto What I Ate Wednesday

Breakfast was a couple delicious oozy sunny side up eggs on 100% whole wheat toast with First Light Farm and Creamery Garlic and Dill Chevre, strawberries, blueberries and half an avocado. Seriously, my favorite breakfast!


It was a very busy day, I spent time on the porch blogging, watched some TV, worked out and relaxed. I was so busy that I didn’t even think about a snack and just went right into lunch around 1 PM. I had some delicious Trader Joe’s Mushroom and Black Truffle Flatbread. If you haven’t tried it, I would absolutely recommend that you go out and buy some now, it is so very delicious!



what-i-ate-wednesday-918-2 what-i-want-wednesday-918Dinner was some leftover pulled pork on a Ciabatta roll and some boiled potatoes. Certainly not the healthiest of meals, but it was so good.

what-i-ate-wednesday-918-7 what-I-ate-wednesday-918-6Even though Emmett’s been pretty finicky with his food, he is still so darn adorable!

Emmett singing for his meal.

Emmett singing for his supper.

Your turn!

What yummy eats have you had this week?

Thank you to Peas and Crayons for hosting, What I Ate Wednesday.

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