Tag Archives: top baby blogs

What I Ate Wednesday – # 5

It’s that time of the week again, that time for What I Ate Wednesday.

It wasn’t an exciting day for eats but still yummy nonetheless. Let’s get started right off with breakfast, I had two slices of Wegmans 100% Whole Wheat bread, with eggs that were supposed to be overhard but both yolks burst as I was flipping them (boo!). On the bread was some Trader Joe’s Goat Cheese, avocado and some absolutely delicious locally grown, never been refridgerated, tomato. Yes, I’m being very descriptive because I love tomatoes, but more specifically those that are grown and picked in WNY that have never once seen the inside of a fridge.

Let’s take a step back for a second, when I was a little girl my grandma did canning, she’d make homemade BBQ sauce, tomato sauce and tomato juice. I loved being a part of it, we’d do all of the work in her basement and crank the tomatoes through the grinder by hand. She was always so cautious, worried that one of us might lose a finger in the grinder so we (mostly my sister and I) did the cranking and she’d push the tomatoes in. We’d also then help her scrape the screen where the skins and seeds got caught, some of that would be saved and used in some of her recipes. As I retell this story, I am putting myself right back in her basement, smelling the already ground tomatoes boiling down on the stove for one of the three recipes. But my favorite thing of all would be when she’d let us grab one of the tomatoes straight from the bushel and eat it like an apple, no washing or slicing. The taste was out of this world, I can still feel it hitting my taste buds today.

When I went to the Farmer’s market this past weekend and realized that it was fresh tomato season, I did a little cheer to myself. I bought a bunch of the larger ones for salads and just for eating (like an apple) but then also bought some cherry tomatoes. When I first threw one of those in my mouth, it took me right back to my grandma’s basement. Mmmmm

Alright time for some pics, here’s my breakfast.

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As you can see I also had two yellow plums and that one has a bite out of it. Well, the external flash on our camera needs new batteries and we don’t currently have any in the house so when I need to use the flash, it takes forever to warm up and I was very hungry this morning. I couldn’t wait! 😀

I completely forgot to get a photo of my lunch. I had a luncheon at work, I had 2 slices of vegetable pizza, a bowl of salad and one too many brownies.

Dinner was one of my favorites! Pulled pork with a slice of American cheese with horseradish on a Marco Polo roll, so delicious. We do it pretty easily in the crock-pot, just throw half a pork shoulder in with some salt, pepper and BBQ seasoning for about 8 hours. Then, about a half hour before you want to eat, pour a bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce in and let it cook on high for about 30 minutes. Finally… enjoy!


We also had some roasted broccoli, where, yes, I put a slice of American cheese on it. I couldn’t resist, I haven’t done it in ages and thought, what the hell!?



I also had some Polar Triple Berry Seltzer Water. I’ve been really into the setlzer lately, but my favorite flavor has to be the vanilla. It tastes almost like an Italian soda. Yummy!



And finally, I work from home on Wednesdays. I’m pretty fortunate in that Emmett does a great job of entertaining himself and leaving me to get work done. However, today, he wanted to be as near as possible while I was working.


He laid like that for quite some time, while I was just typing away. Such a sweetie!

Your turn!

What did you enjoy on this What I Ate Wednesday?

 As always, a huge thank you to Peas and Crayons for hosting!

Picture Posts

We have been taking quite a few pictures of Emmett and I never seem to get to share them all, so in an effort to share his cuteness I’m going to randomly start doing picture posts. Enjoy! picture-post-1

The remnants of the cake Seamus made for Emmett.


Cousins! picture-post-3 picture-post-4 picture-post-5picture-post-8

New bath toy! Thanks Grandma!picture-post-9 picture-post-10

Fun new book! Thanks Aunt Ginny!picture-post-11 picture-post-12

Cards and Legos! What could be better?? Thank you Cousin Kevin, Becki and baby!


I love my new Fisher Price farm house! Thank you Aunt Katrina, Uncle Mike and baby!picture-post-14 picture-post-16 picture-post-17

Bubble blower from Grampa Mack. Yay!picture-post-21 picture-post-22 picture-post-23

Yummy! picture-post-24 picture-post-25 picture-post-26

I think I’ll do some finger painting with the peanut butter mousse.picture-post-27 picture-post-29

OMG! This is so yummy momma!picture-post-30 pictures-post-18

Oooh! Something to climb on…


Here we go…



pictures-post-21There we go! Thanks for the foam flooring Grandma and Grandpa!

Emmett is a very lucky boy and was so happy that day. He loved spending time with everyone and loved each and every gift he received.

If you missed his first birthday posts, you can read them here.

Life Hacks

I believe as moms and busy individuals, we are always looking for a quicker, safer, better way to do things. As I’ve gotten busier over the last year, caring for another human being, I’ve looked for ways to make things easier on myself and I wanted share some of my favorite life hacks here.

My Top Life Hacks

  1. We love berries in my house, every week I buy strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. The thing is, we weren’t getting through them all in a week and I was starting to just throw them out, if I purchased them on Sunday by the following Friday there was mold growing in them. We were wasting SO much money in produce, enter the vinegar bath! I found the Food Lush article one day when I was randomly scouring the internet for a way to stop the growth of mold, I tried it after the next shopping trip and I can tell you it really TRULY works! I currently have blueberries and strawberries in the fridge from last Sunday’s shopping trip and they are free from mold and still taste amazing.I know you might be wondering whether you can taste the vinegar after you’ve washed the berries in the vinegar/water solution. Absolutely not! The mixture is so diluted that after a quick rinse, you can’t taste a thing but the delicious berry taste.
  2. More berry hacks! As mentioned above, we love berries but there is nothing more frustrating than cutting off the stem of a strawberry and losing so much of the fruit or having the hard crunchy part left behind. Try using a straw, you push it through from the bottom and it pops the stem right and any crunchy part right off. Easy peasy! 
  3. I always buy lettuce, I’ll have a salad or two but the lettuce gets gross and slimy in just a few days. I went on a hunt for a way to keep lettuce fresher longer. Try this – wash and thoroughly dry your lettuce, lay a paper towel on the bottom of the container you’re putting the lettuce in, put the lettuce in and then lay another piece on top. This works! My lettuce lasts so much longer, but check out this post on AndreaDekker.com, the lettuce in her pics is 2 weeks old and it looks fresh from the store.
  4. Tis the season for iced coffee, but stopping to buy it every single day can get pricey. Making it at home is much more affordable, but making it in the morning  and pouring hot coffee over ice just makes it watered down and taste lousy. Try making coffee ahead of time, pouring into an ice cube tray and freezing for the next morning. This way, as the “ice” melts, it not watering your cup of Joe down.
    5. And finally, because we all need more brownies in our life… How to make a single serve brownie in a coffee mug. Yum!

Your turn!

Have you tried any of these, have they worked for you?

What other life hacks have you used to enhance your life?

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