Tag Archives: tomatoes

What I Ate Wednesday – #7

What I Ate Wednesday, week 7!? I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for 7 weeks already.

This Wednesday, is my last Wednesday working from home, regularly. My promotion is showing itself to be one that I need to be in the office 5 days a week for. I’m really sad, not because I don’t like my job or because I resent needing to go in for 5 days but because I love spending time with Emmett, even if he’s on the floor by my feet playing and I’m working. It was a hard decision and one that I did not take lightly, but Emmett deserves to have someone pay direct attention to him, to play with him and I can’t do that when I’m working. I tried to make the most of the day, by getting in a few extra cuddles and having him sit on my lap while I worked through some emails. Next week will be hard, it will be the first week in over a year of life that I will be away from him for 5 days. I really should stop looking at the negative, it’s only making me feel worse.

Onto What I Ate Wednesday!

Breakfast today was so delicious! I had a couple slices of Wegmans 100% Whole Grain bread with First Light Farm and Creamery’s Garlic and Dill Chevre, which was topped with 2 eggs scrambed and a juicy, delicious tomato from this past weekend’s farmer’s market and also a handful of blueberries. I love healthy meals, that are delicious and hit the spot. It helps me realize that you can eat healthy and still enjoy your food.



My snack was some First Light Farm and Creamery (I swear I don’t work them, just love their dairy products) Garlic and Herb Jack cheese and a handful of Keebler Sea Salt and Olive Oil crispbread.


Lunch, oh goodness lunch was so so good! I’ve been stuck on this salad… It includes romaine hearts, fresher farmer’s market tomatoes, blue cheese crumbles, 1 hard boiled egg, an ounce of Krakus Ham, Wegmans sliced chicken and unsalted sunflower seeds. Pure yumminess! I’ve been really into Ken’s light Honey Mustard, it’s very flavorful and tangy so I don’t need a whole lot to beef up the salad. Doesn’t it look amazing? I also had some Polar Seltzer, I gave the ginger lemonade flavor a try based on a friend’s recommendation and I’m glad I did. It tastes a like a mix of 7-UP and ginger ale but without all the added sugars. Mmmm

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As always, Seamus made a delicious meal for dinner. We had Buffalo salmon and Israeli couscous, with a few cut up carrots. It was so so good!


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When Seamus got home from work, we went to a local gym to sign-up for a family membership, I’m super excited! It will be rare that Seamus and I go together (just based on time constraints) but it’s nice to have us both working out again.


Now we’re about to watch some TV and relax! Night!

Your turn!

What did you eat on this, What I Ate Wednesday?

Thanks to Peas and Crayons for hosting, What I Ate Wednesday, weekly!
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