Tag Archives: toddler care

With Eyes and Ears Everywhere, Dad is SuperDad

Thank you to Philips AVENT for supplying me Philips AVENT Digital Video Baby Monitor to try out, all opinions of the product are my own.

With Father’s Day around the corner, I wanted to share what makes Seamus an awesome dad!


From the moment Emmett was born, Seamus has been a hand’s on dad. He had never really had contact with an infant as small, delicate or young as Emmett and was slightly nervous when it came to holding him, changing and just overall baby care. But he took to it like a professional.

The very first diaper that Emmett needed changing, Seamus handled. It was the first diaper he had ever changed! I stood by, and gave gentle assistance from the background, but overall Seamus did amazingly. That was just the very first amazing thing that my husband, Emmett’s father, did.


He was so encouraging while I nursed, because I seriously struggled to stick with it. I wanted to give up on Emmett’s second night, he was cluster feeding and all I wanted was rest. Seamus was so sweet and so gentle with his encouragement, and reminders that it wouldn’t be like this forever, and he was right. Emmett and I got the hang of it and made it through 6 exclusive months breastfeeding, and 14 months total, before E decided he was ready to give up the boob.

Seamus has always been willing to get up with Emmett in the middle of the night, to change a diaper, comfort or give a bottle of pumped breastmilk. However, sometimes when your baby cries, you just never know whether they are awake and crying or if they’re crying out in their sleep. The Philips AVENT Digital Video Baby Monitor (affliate link) does an amazing job of allowing you to look in on your baby without barging into the room when it’s unnecessary. Not only does the Philips AVENT Digital Video Baby Monitor have a color display, but it can also switch to night vision, so that you can see in the middle of the night. I’ve got to be honest, it’s A LOT of fun looking in and seeing Emmett and how he’s sleeping.


Seamus is also always willing to show Emmett what he’s doing and why he’s doing it. For instance, if he’s putting something together or hanging up a picture, he will take the time to show Emmett. It is obvious how much Emmett is learning from this! Now, if Emmett sees a screwdriver laying around, he will grab it, find a screw and pretend he’s doing the work. It’s adorable and is showing us how much is brain is absorbing.

Whether Emmett is asking for a hug, or needs a good cuddle, Seamus is always giving the affection away freely. It’s obvious how much little E loves his daddy. I love walking in on them on the couch – Emmett curled under Seamus’ arm, squeezed in tight (this happens frequently). They are the loves of my life!

Thanks again to Philips AVENT for supplying my family with a video monitor to try out!

Your turn!

What makes your guy a great dad?

Have you, or do you plan to use a video monitor when you have a baby?



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