Woot Woot! It’s What I Ate Wednesday time again!
Phew! What a day. I am tired and ready for bed, but I really wanted to get this blog posted before I head to dreamland.
Breakfast was a nice and simple breakfast Egg McSeamus, a toasted bagel with 1 egg, and a slice of cheese. I’ve pretty much cut gluten out of my breakfast entirely, but I was just sick of avocado and couldn’t bring myself to eat another one this morning, instead I opted for my old standby, it was delicious. Sadly, I forgot to grab a picture of breakfast.
My snack was something new and delicious, a recommendation from a good friend. I took some Trader Joe’s Organic Pumpkin and mixed it with, honey, unsweetened coconut, raw pumpkin seeds, pecans and cinnamon. It was DEEE-licious! I made too much of it, though, and ended up throwing over half of it out. It may look like baby diarrhea, but I assure you it tastes nearly like pumpkin pie. Yummy!
Lunch was my typical salad, romaine lettuce, Krakus Ham, oven roasted chicken, sunflower seeds, blue cheese crumbles and Lite honey mustard. I know I eat this weekly but it is just so darn good! I actually look forward to eating this everyday.
Tis the season for clementines. I love them and eat them frequently at this time of year.
I needed a mid-afternoon pick-me-up and went with a delicious Tim Horton’s k-cup.
Seamus typically works out on Wednesdays so we keep our meals nice and simple. Tonight’s was some delicious Al Fresco Apple Chicken Sausages, sauerkraut and leftover Tuscan potatoes from my mother-in-law (they were out of this world). If you’ve never tried the chicken sausages before, you really should, they’re delicious, sweet and savory all rolled into one.
And because I love this picture and because he looks so much like me in it…
That’s it for this week’s What I Ate Wednesday. Be sure to jump on over to visit Peas and Crayons and link-up.

Your turn!
What has been some of your favorite food over the past week?
You can read some of my other What I Ate Wednesday posts, by clicking here.