Tag Archives: the nectar collective

Weekly Wishes – My Goals for the Week Ahead

Happy Weekly Wishes!

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

Happy Monday! It’s going to be a busy busy week for me, I have loads of meetings and I need to get ready for my vacation next week, but I am thrilled to have off. We’re not going anywhere, it’s a total stay-cation, but you better believe I am looking forward to it.

We had a really great weekend, productive and with plenty of time for relaxation – it could not have been better.


Last Week’s Wishes 

My first goal from last week was to stick to my meal plan and workout plan. We stuck to the meal plan without any difficulty, but considering I didn’t really set up a schedule for myself to workout, I had nothing to stick to. This week, I’m ready!

Next up, was to keep up with my chores throughout the week. This was a success!

I wanted to complete the book I was reading, A Story Unfinished. Another success! I finished it up and will be writing my review soon.

Finally, I wanted to make time start working on the class I signed-up for – I haven’t yet started but I should have time to get rolling on it this week.

 This Week’s Wishes

  • Keep up with my chores. This one always allows for more relaxation throughout the weekend, so I want to keep it up.
  • Stick to my workout schedule that I set up yesterday.
  • Finally, next weekend, I want to get up closer to my normal wake-up time. This weekend I woke up later, around 7, but I would like to get up around 5:30. I would like to get some stuff down around the house before everyone wakes up.

That about does it! Be sure to link-up with Melyssa and The Nectar Collective.

The Nectar Collective

Your turn!

What are some of your goals for the coming week?

Weekly Wishes – My Goals for the Week Ahead

Happy Weekly Wishes – my place to share my goals for the week ahead.

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

We had an fantabulous weekend! It was relaxing, refreshing and giant hugs and cuddles were had by all. I absolutely love weekends with my guys. We didn’t do a whole lot of anything, other than hanging around the house, but it was just what we needed. I hope every weekend is just like this one. 🙂

Weekly-Wishes - 126

Now for Weekly Wishes

Last week I said I wanted to do some batch blogging (you can read about where I got this idea from, here), and batch blogging I did. I didn’t get a full week’s worth of posts written, but I did manage to get a couple written, putting me ahead for the week.

Next, I wanted to add some more posts to my editorial calendar. I did come up with a bunch of new post ideas, but haven’t yet added them to my calendar. I struggle with scheduling posts, because I never really know what I’m going to feel like writing. I need to set that aside and “Just Do It!”

I wanted to complete the book I am reading, A Story Unfinished (that’s an affiliate link), I haven’t finished it yet, but I am quite close to being done. I’ll definitely get it completed this week.

Finally, I wanted to get all my chores done ahead of time so that I could enjoy the weekend more – pure success here! I did laundry throughout the week, and kept up with the cleaning around the house. I was able to fully relax this weekend, and not stress too much about everything needing to be cleaned.

This Week’s Wishes / Goals

  •  Stick to my workout and meal plan for the weekyou can read about it here.
  • Keep up with my chores throughout the week. This has left me feeling awesome and relaxed over the weekends, that I want to keep it up. I seem to do best when it is one of my goals, so it’s on the list!
  • Finish my book, A Story Unfinished, and start a new one, just haven’t decided which one it will be yet.
  • Make time to start the class I signed up for almost a month ago. It’s an online course, one you work at your own pace, but I’m already 3 weeks behind, I need to get on it.

Alright, that will about do it. Be sure to stop on over and visit Melyssa, and The Nectar Collective.

The Nectar Collective

Your turn!

I’d love to hear some of your goals for the week. Share in the comments below!

Weekly Wishes – Monday Monday

Oh yes, it is Monday and that means, Weekly Wishes!

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

I’m super excited to write this post this week, it’s actually Sunday night, I’m writing it early, that’s how excited I am. Why you might ask? Well I have lots of success to share, but we’ll get to those in a minute. First, I figured I’d tell you about my weekend.

Saturday I had to work for a good chunk of the day, but it was quiet and I got a lot done, which made the time fly by. When I got home, Emmett was still sleeping from his nap so Seamus and I watched some TV and relaxed. It was lovely! Eventually Emmett woke up and we headed out for our weekly dinner out, that turned out to be a HUGE disappointment.

We get stuck in a rut, so instead we tried something new, Campobello’s. I really wanted to like it, but neither of us found it very desirable, even Emmett didn’t eat his ravioli and he ALWAYS eats ravioli. I had eggplant parm, the eggplant was very bitter and the sauce was too chunky for me. Seamus had steak and seafood. He said his steak was decent and his seafood pasta was okay, but not something he was super impressed with. The waitress brought us boxes to take the leftovers home in, we filled the boxes and then left them on the table, hoping no one would run them out to us (no one did).

Sunday, was a day full of relaxing, and it was just lovely. Emmett was up early but we got some cuddle time in before we got up and made pancakes, eggs, and bacon, together. After that, I did some laundry, cleaned the bathroom and spent a good long time on the couch until we all went to the gym. Emmett and I went to swimming, and Seamus went for a run. Afterwards, we made a quick stop at Wegmans for some stuff for lunch and dinner, and then back home for naps and relaxation. I spent a good chunk of my evening dozing on and off on the couch, it was heaven!


Emmett had his first lunchable today! They’re so bad for you, but once in awhile as a treat won’t hurt. He really enjoyed it!

Last Week’s Wishes

My first wish from last week was to work on getting my chores done throughout the week, so that I wasn’t overburdened on Sunday. Success! I did some laundry on a couple of days, and any time Emmett would take a new toy out, we’d put the other one away. It led to only needing to do a few things on Sunday.

Next up was to start reading my new book. Yet again, another success! I began reading A Story Unfinished – 99 Days with Eliot, (that’s an affiliate link) and am just about halfway through. More to come on this book in the future!

And finally, I wanted to get my FitBit fixed. It’s not fixed yet, but I did send all of my info to the FitBit people and they’re reviewing my case to see if they’ll send me a full replacement or just replace the back that is cracked. We’ll see!

This Week’s Wishes

  •  Do some batch blogging. I was reading Chasing Happy the other day, and came across her post about increasing blogging productivity, and this batch blogging really resonated with me. So, I want to take a couple hours at some point this week and just sit down and write. Once I have posts completed, I can add pictures after the fact. I’d love to get ahead!
  • Add some additional posts to my editorial calendar. I got a good start in early January, but I’m starting to run short on ideas. I need to sit down come up with some more post titles and then add them to the calendar.
  • Finish up the book I’m reading, A Story Unfinished.
  • Complete chores ahead of time, leaving Sunday as mostly a rest day. This worked so well last week, I want to stick with it again.

Alright, I think that about does it for this week. I’m really excited about getting started on my goals this week!

Please join me in linking up at The Nectar Collective.

The Nectar Collective

Your turn!

What fun things did you accomplish in the past week? Please feel free to share in the comments below!


Weekly Wishes – Getting it Together

Happy Monday, it’s Weekly Wishes time again!

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

I set a lot of goals, I enjoy it. I find that making lists of goals is like making a huge to-do list. They help motivate me to be a better person, especially when I truly focus in on what I want. That’s why I check-in every week and why I participate with Melyssa’s Weekly Wishes link-up. Goals help me zone in on what I really want and help me gain razor focus to accomplish so much. I hope that you enjoy reading my goals, and checking in with me weekly. 🙂


Last Week’s Wishes

Last week I focused on the things I would like to accomplish by the end of January, and I am well on my way!

  • I finished the book Hyperbole and a Half, and began my new book (will be sharing info soon). I love that I’m finding time to fit in pleasure reading, it feels great.
  • I also found the perfect notebook! I bought myself a classic Moleskin notebook, it is large enough to take notes in, but small enough to fit inside my purse. My purpose is to use this to write blog ideas in, because I get them at the most random of times.

There are few other goals that I want to get through in January, you can read about them here.

Now, This Week’s Weekly Wishes

  • Get all of my chores done throughout the week and on Saturday, so that I can fully relax on Sunday. I so often put all this pressure on myself to get everything done on Sunday afternoon and evening, and then by the time 9 o’clock roles around I’m panicking because I only got half of everything done. I need to stop that, and spread the chore love across the week.
  • Start reading my new Book (title to come soon).
  • Get my FitBit fixed. The back of the device is so messed up that I can no longer open it and my current battery died today. I need to find out whether I need to order a whole new FitBit, or if you can just find the back piece somewhere.

Alright, those are my goals for this week, they’re all totally achievable.

Thanks to Melyssa for hosting! Stop on over to The Nectar Collective and link-up.

The Nectar Collective

Your turn!

I’d love to hear all about your goals and wishes for the week ahead! Share in the comments below.

Weekly Wishes – 2014

We’re talking January 2014 goals, today.

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

Happy Snowy Monday!

I’m kind of excited, Melyssa has changed the format for her Weekly Wishes posts, and I think I’m going to join in. I believe it will really help to get me focused. On the first Monday of every month, Weekly Wishes will be dedicated to sharing what you’d like to accomplish within that month. I love goals, and I love setting them, so this will be a lot of fun!


This week’s Weekly Wishes theme is 2014. I chose the picture above, because the most important thing in the new year will be spending time with Emmett and Seamus.

January 2014 – Goals

  • Plan out posts for at least 3 of the 12 months of this year on my editorial calendar. I began planning this past weekend, but I have a ways to go and January is such a good time for that.
  • Finish the two books that I am in currently reading, and then begin my next one. I’m currently reading, Hyberbole and a Half and also The Paleo Manifesto, I do have a third one lined up, but I can’t remember the name of it off the top of my head.
  • I am a pen and paper type of chick, so as much as I love my phone, whenever I get an idea for a new blog post I forget it because I never put it into my app. I want to find THE perfect notebook, one small enough to fit in my purse but large enough to write decent notes in.
  • I mentioned in my 2014 Intentions post that I have a few new blog series ideas, I’d like to get the layout of one of those set and possible ready to roll out by the end of the month.
  • Get into a workout routine once and for all!
The Nectar Collective
Those are my goals for this month, I truly believe that I can accomplish all of these, or at the very least get them going.

Your turn!

What are your goals for January?


Weekly Wishes – Nature

It’s Weekly Wishes – Nature time!

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

Is it seriously Monday already? I swear that I had just been joyous that Friday had ended and was on my way home from work. Guess the busy days cause that to happen, huh?

Either way, we had the best weekend! Saturday was full of us bumming around, to almost every store you can think of, getting all of our last minute shopping out of the way, and then grabbing (a not so healthy) lunch at Tully’s. If you’ve never been, you should go, their chicken fingers are AH-mazing. Anyhow, back to our weekend, Emmett was so good while we went in and out of one store after another. I really anticipated him melting down because he had to get in and out of his car seat and didn’t get the chance to get down and run around, but nope, he was so good! Love that lil bugger!

Sunday was almost as equally busy. Seamus had to run an errand in the morning, so Emmett and I spent time playing and being complete goofballs together. When Seamus got home, I showered and we all went out for lunch, then grocery shopping and ran a few other errands. I am seriously enjoying this Christmas season, but I will admit that I am looking forward to a weekend of not running around or possibly not even leaving the house. That sounds lovely! 😉

weekly-wishes-natureThis week’s theme for Weekly Wishes is Nature. My picture doesn’t directly  reflect nature, but it was taken while Emmett and I were out playing in the snow (that has now melted away 🙁 ) last weekend. Emmett wasn’t thrilled with being in the snow, he actually got quite upset (you can see pictures here), but I’ll keep trying. I am snow lover (except to drive in it, then I’m a nervous wreck) and I really would love to share that opinion with my favorite boy.

Now, down to business! Last week’s wishes…

My first wish from last week was to fill in my editorial calendar. Ugh! I hate reporting failures, but I just could not find the time to do this. The only day I had time was Thursday, and I really wanted to take that day away from the blog, I always seem more refreshed and motivated when I take a day away. It is what it is, life is busy right now, I’m not going to get down on myself about it.

Next was to ensure that I really spent time absorbing the Christmas season with Emmett. I did this as much as possible! Work is busy, and I’m really stressed out about it, so trying to pull myself back to family time, once I’m home, is tough. But I did force myself to do so, and felt great about it!

My final wish was to finish Christmas shopping and begin wrapping. COMPLETE! We finished shopping this weekend, and while I may get a few more odds and ends for the heck of it, we are done. Seamus has off today, so he’ll begin wrapping this afternoon. I couldn’t be happier!

This week’s wishes…

  • Spend time being with my family, this Christmas week. Next time I am here, Christmas will be over and I really want to report that we had a full and loving holiday.

That’s it, that is my ONLY wish. I’m taking it easy on myself this week, so that I can not stress about anything at home and just be happy and in love.

Alright that’s it, my loves! Be sure to stop on over to The Nectar Collective and link-up with Melyssa’s Weekly Wishes.

The Nectar Collective


Your turn!

What are you exciting plans for this holiday week?


Weekly Wishes – Love

Who doesn’t love Weekly Wishes?

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

Happy Monday, friends!

Did anyone else have difficulty getting out of their nice warm toasty bed this morning? Yeah, I thought so! My alarm went off and I literally got mad at it, I wanted to throw it against the wall. Haha I didn’t, since my alarm is my phone, I’d be lost if I had broken it. Even though it was extremely difficult to wake up, I managed it and ended up relaxing on the couch and reading, instead of blogging. My brain just wasn’t ready to think, so instead I read. It was lovely.

Weekly-Wishes---LoveThis week’s Weekly Wishes theme is Love. Considering I talk about both of these guys constantly, it’s obvious that I love them. Never in my life have I ever had love as pure and complete as I do with these two.

Last Week’s Wishes –

My first wish last week was to do some hardcore Christmas shopping. Done! Well, I’m not done with all of my shopping, but I did do a ton of it this week.

Next up was to read some self-help books. I’ll be honest, I wasn’t into reading much this week, so I did not complete this goal.

Finally, I said I wanted to work on an editorial calendar for Baby Doodah. I found the plug-in I want to use, I just didn’t fill it out… Can I get half credit? 😉

And now, this Week’s Wishes

  • Fill in that editorial calendar. It will make my blog writing life so much easier, I’ll know which post is coming when, and when I have a few minutes here and there, I’ll be able to sit down and write a paragraph or two of a post.
  • Really and thoroughly enjoy this holiday season with Emmett. He’s growing so quickly, and I don’t want to miss a single moment with him, they’re all so special.
  • Finish my Christmas shopping, and start wrapping those bad boys. 

Alright that’s it, my loves! Be sure to stop on over to The Nectar Collective and link-up with Melyssa’s Weekly Wishes.

The Nectar Collective


Your turn!

What are your goals for the week ahead?


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