Tag Archives: thankful

The Thankful Project – Day 5 – Talent

Today’s Thankful Project Prompt is Talent.


I am linking up with Chasing Happy and her Thankful Project. I’m really excited to be joining in on this link-up because I so often forget all of the things that I have to be thankful for, and there are tons.

Happy Tuesday, friends!

Time for another installment of The Thankful Project! Since I am a bit behind, today’s post will include two days of thankfulness.

First up, is an “experience” that I am most thankful for. Wow! This is a good one because there have been so many times in my life that have been wonderful and the memories from those experiences are so filled with emotion and love and make me endlessly happy. But there is one day that stands out above all else, my wedding day. I had been dreaming of my wedding day since I was a little girl; ask my mom, she’ll tell you the same thing, so the actual day had big dreams to fill.

From the moment Seamus asked me to marry him, to the moment I walked down the aisle, there were so many memorable moments. Sure there were ups and downs with wedding planning and it wasn’t all fun and games, but I definitely wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. So much of life is about the experiences, our opinions and thoughts are shaped by these moments so when asked if I regretted anything, I always hesitate because there were times when things could have been easier but would I trade it in? No, I absolutely would not. My memories would not be complete without even those moments.

I felt like a princess from the very minute I woke up. I had my hair done professionally, I had to be assisted in getting dressed and then I got to spend the entire night with the love of my life and our beautiful families. We got to dance, sing and be in love. Every single moment, was living up to the dreams I’d had since I was 5 years old, I was so happy! It was an absolutely perfect day, one that I look back on very frequently.

Feeling Like a Princess

Feeling Like a Princess

Today’s prompt is for a “talent” I am thankful for. This is a tough one, probably the first one where I feel stumped. When I think of talents, I think of hidden talents, like a double jointed thumb or being able to swallow fire, and I don’t have any of those (to my knowledge). What I do have is a big heart; when I meet someone that I care about, I feel as though I would do anything for that person. I don’t trust easily but once I do, I will be loyal to you till the end of time.

This is both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good because it feels great to have people in my life that I am close to and that I can share experiences with, but at the same time it’s a bad thing because you could get burnt. If you put yourself out there and trust in someone and they use you or use it against you, you’ll end up hurt or bitter. My advice is to really get to know a person before jumping in and trusting them 100%.

Alright, that’s it for tonight! I hope you all have a wonderful evening.

Your turn!

What are you thankful for?

What is a secret (or not so secret) talent of yours?

The Thankful Project – Day 2 – A Role I’ve Played

Today’s thankful prompt is “A Role I’ve Played.”

Yesterday I mentioned that I was linking up with Chasing Happy and her Thankful Project. I’m really excited to be joining in on this link-up because I so often forget all of the things that I have to be thankful for, and there are tons.


As I mentioned above, today’s prompt is “a role I’ve played” that I am most thankful for. What a fantastic prompt! How often do you think of the different roles you play in others lives, or how often are you grateful that you’ve been given the opportunity to have those roles? For me it’s hardly ever, I can’t remember the last time I looked at it from that perspective.

I’m so thankful, for so many roles; daughter, sister, aunt, friend, wife and of course, mother. How can I possibly choose between any of those? They are such incremental parts of my life! I am so happy that I have been a part of all.

I think the one that has changed me the most, and the one I am most thankful for is becoming a mother. I love Emmett, I love holding him, and I love teaching him. Every moment I get to spend with him is another moment that I am thankful to be his mother. He gives me so much, without even knowing that he does. The beginning months were rough, but that was all because of postpartum depression. Today I am a completely different person, I love my husband, child and the life we’ve made together.

It is the most amazing thing watching Emmett grow and change as he ages and as he learns new things from Seamus and I. He is picking up on everything and it is literally teaching me how to be a better person. I am becoming more conscious of the things I say and how I say them. I am becoming more patient because I know Emmett deserves that. All of these things are (ever so slowly) spilling into my regular life. A child gives you so many gifts and I am just touching the tip of the iceberg on what Emmett will give me simply by being born.


I am most thankful for the role I’ve played as mother.

Your turn!

What role in your life are you most thankful for?

Be sure to join in and link-up with Kenzie at Chasing Happy!

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, blog readers!!

I wish you, your families and your friends nothing but the best in the coming year.

It was a really low key night in our household but we did make it until midnight, well Seamus and I did, Emmett did not, he just decided to wake up AT midnight to celebrate. 😉 Seamus and I spent the end of 2012 cuddled up in bed watching the ball drop on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve. There was even a kiss at midnight for baby and hubby!

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2012 was a really great year with some ups and downs but overall I have so much to be thankful for. I am so very thankful for all of you who take the time to read my blog and take an interest in what I have to say, I look forward to all that 2013 has to offer me.

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With that being said I have decided to start posting on ‘sort of’ a schedule. I’ve realized that I am taking a lot of time to write and post here and while I absolutely enjoy it, it is taking away from some of my free time where I could also be reading a book or watching some TV (or any other guilty pleasure). I need to do some other things (besides blogging) that make me happy. In an effort to do that, I will start posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and one weekend day. I may not post on all of these days every week but I promise that I will do my best.

Once again, thank you for reading and taking an interest!

Happy HAPPY new year to you!





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