Tag Archives: target giftcard

My Finds Friday + A Giveaway

Happy Friday!

Oh man am I happy it’s Friday! I’ve missed being around here and am hoping to get some blogging done over the weekend. All week long, I’ve been reading some really great posts and wishing I had more than a moment to blog. Alas, I find time as I can and I have a few minutes now, so here I am.

It’s been a busy week, mostly because of packing and getting things done around the house. Work was busy, but it was good busy and made the week fly. Can you believe it – after this weekend, there is only 2 more weekends until we move!!! I cannot believe that!!!

Anyhow…. On with My Finds Friday.



Top Three Blog Articles I’m Lovin’

Top Video of the Week

I love Jimmy Fallon and I love Idina Menzel, so them singing the song from Frozen together made my heart go pitter patter.

Top Recipe of the Week

I’m pretty smitten with the idea of this Spinach & Kale Goat Cheese Pizza. The pictures of it look simply mouth water, but I know how much I love goat cheese, so there is no question on whether this would be yummy or not.

Top Workout of the Week

This week I’m sharing a post from one of my favorite bloggers, Janice from Fitness Cheerleader. Her post isn’t about a specific workout, but it is 5 REAL life tips for fitting fitness into your day. This is constantly one of my biggest challenges, her tips really gave me some insight, so I highly recommend you check them out.

And finally… That Giveaway!

Chelsea from the blog Sunny with a Chance of Sprinkles is turning 24 today! Yahoo! Happy birthday, chica! To help herself celebrate, she is giving away a $110 gift card to Target, and I’m one of the lucky ladies participating in the giveaway. You can enter using the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
So that about does it for this week’s link-up! I’d love for you to share your finds from your own blogs or from around the web, below. And hey, if you want to be really awesome – share my button below on your blog!

Baby Doodah



Your turn!


Do you love Idina Menzel as much as I do? I’ve loved her since she was in RENT.


Did you enter the giveaway?!?!

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