Tag Archives: runner

How to Run – When You *Think* You Hate Running

Running is one of the best forms of cardio activity around. But, many people struggle to succeed, or even find the motivation to get moving. Running’s no joke! It’s hard work, but even if you desipise the beginning stages of running, using some of these tips will help get you started on the right foot.

I have always loved runners. My uncle and sister were runners, and I was always so envious of the smooth and easy way their bodies moved when they ran. Running to me always seemed like such a chore, one that I dreaded ever having to do. That is, until I started training for a half marathon, around the time that I was getting ready to get married. It was definitely tough, in the beginning, but after training for a few weeks, I found my groove and never looked back!

Obviously, I’m not currently running, and I’m struggling to get the motivation to get moving again, so I want to share with you my tips on how to enjoy running even if you think you hate it!

How to Run - When You Think You Hate RunningContinue Reading

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