Tag Archives: pumpkins

Weekend Recap

What an amazing weekend we had here!

Saturday was a little rainy but that didn’t stop us from going out and running some errands. Since it’s been so chilly around here we wanted to get Emmett some warmer clothes and possibly a jacket. He has plenty of long sleeve shirts but no real sweatshirts and of course being a first time mama, I wanted to find some warm cozy fleeces for him. So the husband and I headed to Carter’s first. We found loads of warm clothes and spent way too much money, as we always do there. And of course, I think we’re done and the cashier tells me that if I spend $8 more then I would be receiving two $10 off coupons, so of course I had to oblige.  I got him some more socks, you always need socks

We didn’t find a jacket though, so we decided we’d peek in Target to see what they had. Nothing! Neither place had jackets for babies. Where in the world do people buy jackets for their infants?

Sunday we took Emmett to his first ever pumpkin patch! Since he’s almost just 3 months old, he didn’t show a lot of emotion toward the adventure but mommy and daddy sure had fun! 🙂 It was such a beautiful day and Emmett was just being so darn cute. We had a lot of fun walking around and taking pics of him in the different pumpkin patches.

And one with mommy…

And daddy…

Hope you all had great weekends and if anyone has any tips on where to find a baby jacket, please share!?

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