Tag Archives: pinterest

5 Quick Tips to Organize the Playroom

It is common for playrooms to have lots of toys. Toys on the floors, toys on the table, toys everywhere. However, just because it is a playroom doesn’t mean toys have to be all over the place. On the contrary, organized and tidy playrooms are much more fun to be in. If you want your kids’ playroom to feel that way too, you need to find a way to keep it tidy and neat. For the sake of happy kids and a happy mum, here are some quick and easy tips for organizing your playroom. Enjoy!

Quick Tips for Organizing the Playroom  Baby DoodahContinue Reading

Social Media Saturday – Share and Get Noticed

social media saturdays

Welcome to Social Media Saturdays, the one and only linkup sponsored by the International Bloggers Association, where bloggers grow together. Have you joined yet? If not, go there now!


We’re all about making new friends and finding each other in the places we hang out online. This is the place to mingle, make new friends and form real relationships– not the place to drop links and leave!


If that sounds good to you, then by all means, share the links to your social media accounts here!


Here are the rules:

1. You don’t have to, but if you want to be classy please follow your hosts in each category that you join. We are:

Brittany at brittanybullen.com, Giada at giada100.com, Katy at chaosandkiddos.com,

Keitha at bajantexan.blogspot.com, Tina at gringoslocos6.com, Marg at margsworld.com

Paula at paulabuenosaires.com, Shana at Technotini.com, Anni at Grapefruitprincess.com, Cathy at APeekIntoMyParadise.com, Jillian at babydoodah.com and Kaitlyn at threesistersandus.com!


2. Tweet about the party and spread the word so that we can all connect with new friends! The more people who join us, the better experience we all have!

Click the button below or write your own tweet with the hashtag #ilovesocialsaturday so your new friends know where you came from and so that we can chat all day!


3. Follow the person before you in each category that you join and at least 2 more so that we make sure everybody gets some love!


4. If you’d like to put our badge on your site, grab the HTML here. Let us know if you did because we sure do love people who love us!


Social Media Saturdays


Let’s get started!!! Happy Saturday!!


P.S. If you want to make sure you don’t miss the party (or just say hi!) head over and like our facebook page, Social Media Saturdays. And, if you want to see some SERIOUS growth on your blog, don’t forget to come and join the International Bloggers Association!


Fill out my online form.




Browse IBA blog directory!

There, you can find great new friends in your niche to subscribe to and visit regularly. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to build a network of support!


We’re so excited to introduce the newest addition to our weekly linkup– the first-ever official IBA Blog Hop! This hop is just for members of the IBA (badge required) to visit each other’s latest posts in any category and share the love. If you submit a link here, make sure to visit and comment on and/or share three more.

Each week, we’ll be featuring the three posts that got the most clicks in the previous week, so make sure to come back to see if you’ve been featured! Happy Blog-Hopping!


Here are the featured posts from last week’s Social Media Saturday


Is Mexico Dangerous?

Tina at Los Gringos Locos


The Under $50 Guide for Unique Holiday Gifts

Holly at The Coconut Head’s Survival Guide


Think beyond Black Friday to #GivingTuesday

Linda at My WAHM Plan


Social Media Saturdays Blog Hop

If you get featured, grab the badge!


Social Media Saturdays Blog Hop



And now linkup your social accounts!

Social Media Saturdays

Social Media Saturdays Social Media Saturdays

Social Media Saturdays Social Media Saturdays

Social Media Saturdays

Social Media Mixer – #17

Welcome to the 17th week of the Social Media Mixer!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 16 – we had 150 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!

Social Media Mixer-2

The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your blog posts and social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Wednesday nights at 11:59pm. A blog post will be chosen each week by each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd! One blogger will be chosen for 2 weeks of free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures!

Welcome your hosts!



Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Julia from Minivan Dreams | | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Shana from Technotini | Anni from Grapefruit Princess | Tiffany from Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter | Ce Ce from A Chicago Mom | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Holly from Southern Mom Loves

 And welcome your guest hosts for September!

Social Media Mixer - Guest Hosts

Avie from All Things Avie | Cyndi from The Decorating Chica | Danielle from Dancing with my Daughter | Emily from The Unextreme | Jennifer from Mommy Life After Ph.D. | Lauren from Life in the Wilde | Lori from Lori’s Culinary Creations | Mila from Mila’s Little Things | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Soro from Mom Swaddles All | Tara from Anything & Everything | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles

And here are the Featured bloggers from last week’s Social Media Mixer…

Lori chose…

DIY chalkboard wine glasses from the Dollar Store {step by step guide} from The Wedding by Jen


A couple weeks ago, I gave you all a look into a little black dress bridal shower that was thrown for my best friend. I showed that for the shower game, we had a wine tasting. It seemed to be very well received by all of the guests! For me, I had a blast getting the game ready and that included making these really cute {and inexpensive} chalkboard wine glasses. Not only did they serve purpose during the wine tasting game, but they doubled as party favors for each guest to take home. As promised earlier, here is my step-by-step guide at how I created them!

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Silvie chose…

Top 5 Previous Fall Posts from Melanie Gets Married


Fall is finally here, and I am loving it! In honor of my favorite season (don’t I say that about all seasons?) I would like to share with you some of my previous fall inspired posts.

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Mila chose…

DIY Ruler Growth from Shambray Live A Happy Life


You guys! This has been on my to-do list for like…EVER. Ok really not that long, but really since Hannelore was born. I know these are all over Pinterest, but I still love it. I love how simple it is.

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Tiffany chose…

Frumpy is a state of mind from Confessions of a Frumpy Mom

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A few of my friends and/or readers have told me they don’t consider me frumpy. Thank YOU! I truly appreciate that and then I thought about it. First, anyone who is friends with me on Facebook has a somewhat biased view of my “frumpiness” because I typically wouldn’t post a pic of me in all my frumpy glory (though I have unluckily been tagged in a few – thank you “friends”). The other thing is that while I may not always appear frumpy, sometimes it’s more about how I feel about how I look.

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Holly chose…

Chalkboard “Autumn” Banner {How to Decorate For Fall on a Budget} from The Domestic Heart

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This year money is pretty tight. Paying for all of our expenses, including grad school loans for two people, on one income does not leave a lot of room in the budget for seasonal decorating. Can you relate? Well I’m going to be sharing a series of projects and posts dedicated to decorating on a budget, namely for fall.

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Jillian chose…

How a Mom Enjoys Her Coffee in 97 Steps from Three Boys and a Mom

wpid-0911141124 I’ve never been a, “I have to have my coffee or I can’t function” type person. Thank God. I do enjoy coffee though, and have learned it certainly helps as a sleep deprived mom of 3. It’s a rare day I get to actually drink the coffee though, and I usually have about 4 half empty, or half full if you want to be an optimist, cups of coffee spread throughout the house. Here’s how drinking coffee typically goes in this house. (Mind you, MANY steps of the day are missing. This is just a generalized run down of the coffee drinking process.)

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Cathy and Avie chose…

Brown Butter Pumpkin Bread with Vanilla Bean Icing from Cooking with K

pumpkin bread

Have you ever browned butter? I have just recently been introduced to brown butter from a friend who is well-versed in it. She came over for a lesson in pie crust making, and I got a lesson in how to make my first brown butter. I don’t know why for so long I have been intimidated with this magical secret ingredient! Not anymore!

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Anni chose…

Homemade Garden Salsa from Melanie Gets Married


As I mentioned in my recent garden update, I have vegetables coming out my ears! When I planted the garden, my plan was to make homemade salsa with all the fresh vegetables from our garden. I had no idea how many batches of salsa I would be making, but the count is currently up to eight. Eight batches of salsa, folks!

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Jennifer chose…

Top Ten Honeycrisp Apple Recipes from Pins & Procrastination


It’s beginning to feel a lot like fall… and I’m excited. It’s not about the pumpkins, or sweaters, or not sweating the second you step outside. For me, fall is all about the honeycrisp apple. If you’ve never eaten a honeycrisp, you are missing out on life. I pretty much don’t want to eat anything else. They are so perfectly crispy and sweet. When honeycrisps aren’t in season, I have a hard time eating apples. They have ruined all other apples for me. They are everything an apple should be.

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Ce Ce chose…

Blueberry Banana Bread Muffins from My Big Fat Happy Life


We went blueberry picking in July at a local U Pick Farm. We had fun picking blueberries and even ran into old neighbors, but boy was it hot out. S did a great job picking and trying to fill up her own container. However, after about 5 pounds of blueberries S was done.

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Cyndi chose…

Low Cost Laundry Room Makeover from Shambray

Whole pic

Our laundry room was kind of dark and dreary. This was the first thing we remodeled when we moved into our home. We started by taking out the old and slanted cabinets. Then we took off the old and gross paneling.

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Natasha chose…

What Would Mommie Do: To Land a Job While Pregnant from Mommie and Wee


This week, I want to share with you my tips for landing a job, even while you’re pregnant! I actually applied to and interviewed for jobs while I was pregnant, because I wanted to have a better job lined up for when I eventually decided to return.

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And the winner is…

Brown Butter Pumpkin Bread with Vanilla Bean Icing from Cooking with K

pumpkin bread

Congratulations!! You have won 2 weeks of free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures! Please e-mail Natasha at 1EpicMommy@gmail.com for more information on your free ad space.

Stop by and follow our featured bloggers! We’re sure you’ll love them as much as we do!

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

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Are you ready to start mixing it up?? Then, let’s go!

Make sure to add the button below to your sidebar to invite even more people to join the fun!

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My Finds Friday

TGIFF! Yes, two Fs for, Finds Friday. 🙂

Oh what a week it has been! Work life is beyond busy, which makes home life fly by. We get home, after 6 and then it’s dinner, bath and bed. I wish there was some magic secret to gain more time in the day, other than giving up sleep, I just can’t do that. Regardless of how busy life is, life is good and my family is amazing. I make sure to spend every single minute that I have with my guys, present and completely involved with them. They make my world!

my-finds-friday-1220And now this week’s finds!

And that’s it for this week!

Feel free to grab my button and link on up below.

Baby Doodah

 Your turn!

What are your plans for the weekend?

What are some of your favorite finds from this past week?


My Finds Friday – Random

Happy My Finds Friday, Random edition!

I don’t have a theme for this week because everything I want to share is all over the place. Plus, Emmett’s been pretty sick with a fever so there hasn’t been much time for surfing the net (as they say). lol

Over the last week, we’ve been to the Pediatrician twice and each time we leave there not knowing what could be causing Emmett’s fever. They armed us with loads of information on how to control his temperature and what could be the potential causes and some things to look out for, but nothing definite. Today when we went, the doctor looked Emmett over from top to bottom, even looking between his toes for blisters (Hand, Foot and Mouth disease) and saw nothing. The one place she did not look was his bottom. I changed him and didn’t notice anything either, so I can’t really blame her but Seamus was peeking to see if E had a poopy butt and noticed tiny spots, we looked closer and it is almost definitely Roseola. During his bath, I noticed his belly is starting to get the spots now too. Ugh!

How Roseola works is, the child gets a fever for a couple days, then the fever breaks and the rash starts up. I wasn’t really clued into his fever breaking because I kept him on a cycle of Tylenol and Ibuprofen all day to keep his temp down (it was 103.2 when he woke up), so it was always in the normal range. However, at some point, it must have gone away on its own because the rash is most definitely there. Everything I’ve read indicates that it is not an itchy rash, so it shouldn’t effect Emmett too much, other than being spotted, which is a good thing. I’ll just give the doctors a call tomorrow, to find out if they need to see him again, I doubt it since it’s a viral infection, and to find out how long it is contagious so that we know when he can go back to day care. Either way, I’m hoping this doesn’t last long, a sick baby is NO fun!


Now, on to My Finds Friday – Random

  •  Holiday time is coming and everyone loves creating those great pictures for their holiday cards. I found this via Pinterest and I’m in love! Christmas Lights Photo Tutorial – Can’t you just picture Baby Doodah being so adorable lit up with some white lights?
  • Most of us are really busy and even the most healthy of people need some convenience food items to snack on. This post by Fed and Fit, shares some Paleo snack items to help get you through the week.
  • If I happen to find some time, I’d love to make these snowman gift tags for my gifts this season.
  • As I get older, savings becomes more and more important, but it’s seems so hard to save and not feel like you’re broke. This is a great post from Money Saving Mom, about how to save and not feel broke.
  • Balsamic Glazed Steak Rolls – Holy smokes these look amazing!

Alright folks, those are my “random” finds for the week!

Your turn!

What random finds have you come across this week?

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