Tag Archives: picky eater

Munchkin Meals – #8

Boy, have I got some great Munchkin Meals for you!

I think it’s been about two months since I last joined in with Munchkin Meals, but that is primarily because of the move and just not having the time or energy to sit down and talk “baby food.” However, Emmett continues to be a phenomenal eater. He definitely goes in spurts of wanting nothing but carby foods, to eating whatever we put in front of him, but either way he tries almost anything once. This works out nicely because we’re not making two separate meals.

The past month has been a good one as far as Munchkin Meals are concerned, we had a wide variety of foods. Check out all the pictures below.

munchkin-meals-4314-10Emmett is a sucker for berries! We can fill his plate with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries and he’ll go to town on them. Though, as I’m writing this, he’s refusing to eat his blueberries… Could he be over them!? It’s been over a year that they’ve been an Emmett favorite.


It took Emmett awhile to warm up to eggs, but now he loves them, especially because he only gets them on weekend mornings.

Weekday mornings usually consist of yogurt, a bagel and a banana.


This is also Emmett’s first breakfast in the new apartment.

Emmett typically eats lunch at school, but on weekends we tend to keep things simple, opting for sunflower butter and jelly sandwiches, some string cheese and some fruit (that’s what’s in the first picture). But check out this face, covered in sunflower butter – adorable, right!?


And then we have a wide variety of dinners that Emmett has eaten and loved.


kale and mushroom soup (that he loved), garlic stuffed green olives and blueberries

My son is totally mine! He loves green olives stuffed with garlic, he’ll just keep eating them if we let him. And he knows when we go to Wegmans, if I’m filling up at the Olive Bar, that he gets to have one as we walk the aisles.


Chicken Tacos, Rice, blueberries and yogurt (because he didn’t really like the chicken)


Deconstructed hamburgers, french fries, bananas and strawberries


corned beef, potatoes and cabbage

This Irish boy LOVED his daddy’s corned beef and cabbage. He went to town on everything, including the cabbage.


chili, banana and baby carrots

And I just thought I’d share a couple adorable pictures of Emmett. He adores taking photos and saying “CHEESE!”

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That about does it for this month’s Munchkin Meals. I love sharing Emmett’s favorites with you, it’s fun to let you into our little world.

Be sure to stop by and visit Brittany and link-up with Munchkin Meals.

Your turn!

Do you find that your child goes in spurts with food? Or do they usually eat pretty well-rounded all of the time? Share in the comments below!

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