Tag Archives: patience

New Year’s Resolutions for Moms

Even moms can make resolutions!

We all strive to be the best mom we can be, not all days are full of rainbows and glitter, but I’m sure that you put every effort in to make sure your child(ren) have everything they need to be happy and healthy. However, since it IS January, and I’m a very goal oriented person, I thought it would be fun to make some resolutions that will make me an even better mom in 2014.

new year's resolutions for moms

New Year’s Resolutions for Moms

  1. Embrace Good Enough – This may not be the number 1 for all people, but for me, it is THE most important goal this year. I am constantly striving for perfection from myself, my husband, at work, etc, but perfection is just not doable, and pushing so hard to get there is making me miserable. I need to embrace good enough, and realize how wonderful the life I am currently living is.
  2. Disconnect – Like many adults these days, I am attached to my phone like it is a third arm, or an eleventh finger. When I am at home, playing with Emmett or talking to Seamus, the phone needs to be put down. Nothing earth shattering will occur if I don’t look at my phone for a couple of hours.
  3. Meal Plan – Seamus and I already do a pretty good job of planning our weekly meals, but if I’m honest with myself (and you), the meals we choose aren’t all healthy, I’d say we have a 60/40 split, that’s not terrible but I’d like to shift that to 80/20. If we take the time to find new recipes and plan meals for the week on Saturday night, instead of Sunday before we shop, we’re more likely to choose healthier foods.
  4. Stop Worrying About Others – I cannot even tell you how frequently I say things like, “I wish I had so and so’s life,” having no idea what  so and so’s life is really like. I need to keep my eyes on my own life and truly embrace what I have, only then will I be truly happy.
  5. Mother AND Wife – Sure, I want to be the number 1 mommy on the planet, but I need adult time too. I want to ensure that Seamus and I have plenty of time to spend together, keeping our relationship fresh.
  6. Be Patient – Days are long, and we experience so many stresses throughout the day, but that shouldn’t be a reason that you start snapping at your child. If Emmett makes a mistake, or touches something he shouldn’t be, it is important that I take several deep breaths before reacting. I don’t want his youngest memories to be of his mother snapping at him because she had a tough day at work.
  7. The House can Stay Messy – I resolve to spend much less time worrying about the cleanliness of my house, and more time playing with my guys. Dishes will still get done, and the toilet scrubbed, but if Emmett’s toys aren’t put away every night, who cares!?
  8. Picture Perfect – Go through some of the thousands (literally) of pictures of Emmett and get them printed, in frames, and on our walls. You can never have too many pictures of your loved ones, is what I say, I’m sure my mom would agree (Hi mom!).
  9. More Crafts or Family Outings – Right before the holidays, we spent time as a family painting and it was so much fun. I want to do more of this and other crafts, as well as take more trips to different museums in the area.
  10. Get Enough Sleep – I am finding that as I become more and more involved with this blog, I am choosing to blog over choosing to sleep. While I do find complete and utter happiness in blogging, I still need sleep. Now I just need to find a healthy balance.

Alright those are my 2014 mom resolutions, I can’t wait to get started! 🙂


Your turn!

I’d love to hear your resolutions as moms/parents, share in the comments below.


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