Tag Archives: passionfruit ads

Odds and Ends

Just a few odds and ends that I want to catch you all up on.

Happy Saturday, all! I have a few odds and ends that I wanted to make sure I shared out on the blog, none of them are really long enough for their own post, so I’m just going to combine it into one big update.

  1. I’ve been live with the new blog design for about 2 weeks now and I am finally getting the hang of all the different pages, and widgets I now have. With the new blog design I’ve been able to set up a sponsorship program through Passionfruit Ads. What this means, is that if you like my blog and would like to have your ad placed on my sidebar, you can do so by clicking on the Sponsor Me! at the top of my blog (or click here). All of my monthly stats are listed there, so you know what you’re paying for, but if you have any additional questions, please feel free to email or comment.
  2. I also now have a blog button. Yay! You can find it on my right hand panel. If you love my blog and want to grab my button, please feel free to do so. This is MUCH appreciated!button250
  3. I was recently contacted by Mark of Kairos Life, they’ve created this fantastic website where you can save digital memories and heirlooms, and have them set to release on a specific date, essentially a digital time capsule. I’m really excited to share with you, that Kairos Life is currently in “Beta” testing and is offering my readers the ability to have a free membership, simply by signing-up to assist with some of the testing. Stop on over today and sign-up, who doesn’t love free stuff?
  4. A friend of mine recently opened Unforgettable Underdogs Dog Rescue, they are a volunteer run, foster-based, no-kill dog rescue serving the Wisconsin area. Since they are just newly opened, they are working hard to raise money for any medical costs or supplies that may come up. If you are able to, why not stop over and donate and help save a dog’s life. Also, be sure to visit their Facebook page and like Unforgettable Underdogs Dog Rescue.

Alright! That’s about it, I think I’m all caught up now – I hope you’re all enjoying your weekends.

Your turn!

Have you come across any new websites giving out free trials, or any new places to donate?


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