Tag Archives: parent’s choice diapers

How to Choose the Best Diapers for Your Tot

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. Thank you for supporting my family!! #CollectiveBias

How to Choose the Best Diapers for your Tot4

If you’re pregnant, you know that diapers are a given. There are a bunch of different options out there, you can go the cloth route, or any one of the disposable options that are available. I knew, when Emmett was born, that we would go with disposable, I commend those that use cloth diapers, but it just wasn’t for me.

We started with a name brand, but found it to be very pricey and no more effective that Wal-mart’s brand Parent’s Choice diapers. When we decided to give the Parent’s Choice diapers a try, I’ll admit to being skeptical. I had heard horror stories of how some store brand diapers didn’t work very well. However, I was pleasantly surprised! They fit Emmett’s little tush as well as any other diaper we tried, and they were (and continue to be) SUPER absorbent.

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The true test for me was when we would take his diaper off after a nap and it would be full of pee, but his bottom would still feel dry. No one wants their baby or toddler sitting in a damp diaper, that’s what causes a diaper rash. There’s none of that with Parent’s Choice diapers.

Let me also let you in on a little secret – these diapers are so SO affordable!! Depending on the size of diaper your child wears, will determine how much you’re paying per diaper. But, as a for instance, Emmett currently wears a size 6, if you look at the graphic below, you will see that each diaper in a size 6 costs $0.26!! That’s kind of insane! Considering a competitor brand can cost $0.44 a piece. That’s almost double!! By switching to Parent’s Choice, we’re saving about $240 annually. That’s well worth the switch!!

And if you’re looking for the new and improved Parent’s Choice diapers, here are the Walmarts that carry them!!

Parent's Choice diaper Size Chart

How to Choose the Best Diapers for Your Tot

  1.  Determine What Will Fit into Your Budget – Realistically, you’re going to be paying for diapers until your tot is at least two. Some toddlers will potty train early, but others will not. So, don’t get your heart set on a brand that is out of your price range, and you won’t want to pay ~$50 a month for 2 or 3 years.
  2. Try Several Different Brands – Once you’ve determined what you can afford, try different brands that fit in your budget. This will give you the opportunity to see what will fit around your cutie’s legs and waist. My advice is to get very small bags of each brand you try, you don’t want to waste money by buying too many and having none of them fit.
  3. Look for a Gap – Sure, when your baby is brand new, diapers may seem a little giant on them, but be sure to check around the legs, ESPECIALLY, to ensure little to no gapping. Blowouts are common in tiny babies, and I’m sure you’d rather avoid the mess coming out of the leg holes. 🙂
  4. Pay Attention to the Weight Guidelines – If you look at the packages of all Parent’s Choice diapers, they have the weight guidelines for each size of diaper. Remember, it is a guide, so your tot may not be ready to move up when they hit a specific weight, but in the same token, they may need to jump ahead early. Just make a mental note.
  5. Baby’s Comfort – If you’re noticing any red indentations around your baby or toddler’s waist or legs, it may mean that the current diaper you’re using is too tight or just doesn’t fit your child well. Don’t leave them to be uncomfortable, make the switch to a different brand.

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I highly recommend you use these 5 tips when trying to ensure a diaper is a good fit for you child. However, before you go out and splurge on expensive diapers, I highly recommend you give Parent’s Choice a try.

Right now, you can use this coupon and get a discount on your next purchase of Parent’s Choice diapers. #BabyDiapersSavings

 Your turn!

Have you ever tried Parent’s Choice diapers? If so, what are you thoughts?

How did you determine which brand of disposable diapers to go with, or if you use cloth, how did you choose that route?

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. Thank you for supporting my family!


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