Tag Archives: orange juice

Happy Monday!

I am still off on maternity leave so it being Monday is no different than it being Saturday or Sunday — so it is indeed happy! 🙂

Over the weekend I decided to make Zucchini Quiche Cornbread. I found the recipe on one of my absolute favorite blogs, Healthy Tipping Point. If you don’t read Caitlin’s blog, I sincerely recommend you start! She is highly inspirational, motivating and very down to earth, I look forward to every post she makes.

Anyhow, back to the quiche!

I found the recipe on her blog, here. I was excited because I love quiches and having just had a baby myself, I have been looking for something quick and easy to make for breakfasts, especially for those mornings when Baby Doodah refuses to let me put him down. This was perfect and tastes absolutely amazing!

The only change I made to her recipe was that I made mine in a square 8x8x8 cooking pan because I don’t have a cast iron skillet and it worked out just fine. It took about 10 minutes longer to cook but it really is delicious! To reheat, I just threw it in the microwave for a minute and it was just warm enough, I added a nectarine and some OJ for a perfectly filling meal!

Not sure what the rest of the day will hold for BD and I but I’m hoping it will include a walk because we’ve been having outstanding weather here in Buffalo and I want to take full advantage.

What are your plans for this beautiful end of Summer day?

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