Tag Archives: new recipes

Saturday Eats

I love Saturdays because we are all home together as a family. We typically all get up about the same time (thanks to Emmett) and get to enjoy E’s happy playful time!

I had a breakfast that has become the norm for me lately.

2 Eggs over-hard but this time I actually just mushed up the yolk

2 slices sour dough bread with (delicious) Earth Balance spread


Muller Yogurt (not pictured)

That may seem like a lot but it holds me over for quite some time which often becomes necessary because I don’t get a chance to snack or make lunch if E and I are playing or he’s fussy.

I’d also like to state for the record that I have begun enjoying Muller Yogurt more than Chobani.

Shock! Awe!

Yep! It’s true! The texture and taste is just so smooth, I highly recommend it. I’ve had the kind with candied almonds and also blackberry/raspberry, both were delicious.

Lunch was some frozen chicken fingers and blue cheese, which I totally forgot to get a picture of but I’m sure you can use your imagination. 😉

Dinner was a recipe that the husband found during a web search, it’s called Grilled Mexican Naan Pizzas. We made some edits to the actual recipe but it came out tasting absolutely delicious!

Instead of grilling we just cooked it in the oven. Our grill is a little touchy so we didn’t want to take the risk of the meal being ruined and the oven worked just fine. I also am not a fan of chorizo sausage so I left that off my pizza and of course we forgot to buy fresh cilantro so that was skipped too. I had mine with some sour cream, not because it needed it but because I just love sour cream with Mexican food.

It was seriously so good! If you’re looking for a quick easy meal, I would give this a try.

Today was also an exciting day because I finally was able to go out and get a haircut and highlights… More on that tomorrow!

Any new recipes you’ve tried lately that you’d like to share?

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