Tag Archives: momma

Things to Remember About Toddler Emmett

I’ve always wanted to be a mom!

Ever since I can remember, I loved playing house, and pretending I had all the babies. I loved holding them, and nuturing them. It was one of my favorite activities as a child (my other, was playing school, in case you were wondering). So when I found out I was pregnant with Emmett, I was more then excited, my life felt like it would finally have a purpose.

However, when Emmett was first born, things didn’t start out as I had envisioned. I went through some serious Postpartum Depression. 🙁 (More details on this linked at the bottom of the post) Looking back, I wish I had asked for help… I knew I was struggling, I just did nothing to fix myself. So, he and I didn’t get off to the best of starts – I cared for him, breastfed him, did everything I could to keep him safe, but it took a few weeks for the deep love I feel for him now to bloom and blossom.

Anyway, the reason that I mention all of this is because I have now realized how fleeting time with him, this little, is. So, I decided to write a post, with 35 things I never want to forget about Emmett.

Things to Remember About Toddler Emmett - Baby Doodah

35 Things I Never Want to Forget About Toddler Emmett

  1. The way you will stop what you’re doing, to look up at me and say, “I love you SOOO much, momma!” It makes my heart melt every single time.
  2. The way you and I can just look at each other, and start giggling over nothing at all.
  3. The way you curl up close when you’re watching TV.
  4. The way you will lay down with your head on my lap, when you’re tired after school.
  5. The way you look in your winter hats.
  6. The way you look back at me from the back seat of the car. You have a half smile on your face, and a half, “stop looking at me mommy” face.
  7. The way you run to me when I pick you up from day care.
  8. The way you get so sad when I leave the room for even just a few minutes. (Going potty alone? No way!)
  9. The way you hug. You give the tightest, strongest hugs, and they feel so good.
  10. The way just seeing you can wipe a full stressful day right out of my mind.
  11. The way you need to bring a hot wheels car with you almost everywhere we go.
  12. The way you suck on your binkie. I know we’ll need to get you to give it up soon, but you look so sweet when you have it.
  13. The way you always need to have “green nigh-nigh” with you at all times.
  14. The way you want to help and truly interested in everything that I’m doing.
  15. The way you just *need* to wiggle your dupa (butt) before you get into the tubby each night.
  16. The way you forgive. If I snap at you because I’m stressed, and you’re getting into things – a simple apology from me and a hug, makes it all go away.
  17. The way you explore with all of your food. It makes a mess, and can be frustrating, but I never want to forget what it’s like.
  18. The way you mimic me in movements, and sometimes in words (though, I hope you leave the swear words out of it). lol
  19. The way you love your day care teachers. You hug them each morning, I love that you are so happy there!
  20. The way you run to me when you get scared and need comfort.
  21. The way you’ll reach for my hand when you’re walking or going downstairs. I love how fully you trust me!
  22. The way you love your daddy. As much as you love me, you love your father, too. You always want to do things with him, build lego buildings, or help him cook. It warms my heart to see the bond you two have.
  23. The way you look when you’re sleeping – All curled up in your blankets.
  24. The way you love building a “house” out of your blankets and your crib.
  25. The way you are curious about everything.
  26. The way we have to read 4 bed time stories each night.
  27. The way you love stickers. Every time you get new ones, you have to use them all, and stick them all to yourself (or mommy). 🙂
  28. The way you were fearful of the snow at the beginning of winter 2014.
  29. The way you NEVER give-up. You will keep trying over and over again, even if it isn’t working or you can’t figure something out.
  30. The way you need to lay your “green nigh night” on everything – your stool, the table, your little desk, everything.
  31. The way you count. You can get to 20 pretty well, and only stumble if you’re not really paying attention.
  32. The way you know that green means go and read means stop with a traffic light, and will direct me when to go or stop.
  33. The way you were so in love with our Christmas tree, and when we took it to the street, watched for it everyday, until the garbage men took it away.
  34. The way you always want a bite of what I’m eating (doesn’t matter what it is).
  35. The way when you get in trouble at dinner, for playing with your food, or spitting out milk, you start singing this, Mommy and Daddy and Emmett song you made up. It’s adorable, and you have a dance!

He’s the best! Every single thing he does, even when he’s getting into trouble amazes me. I had NO idea how much I could love someone, until I had Emmett. I’m sad that he won’t stay little forever (he’s so much fun right now), but I am so excited to experience life with him.

I love you, Emmett!!

Emmett’s First Days


Looking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your news? Check-out theSkimm and sign-up for your daily email box delivery of the world’s news, plus if you share your birthday, you get it listed at the bottom of the newsletter on your day. It’s like celebrating with thousands of people!!!!

Let’s Talk – Some Changes & a Meal Plan

Life is full of changes, and I don’t always cope so well with them – but if I want to become a successful solopreneur certain things need to evolve.

Changes in How I Do Business with my Blog.

I have always enjoyed blogging, I’ve had 3 or 4 different blogs in my lifetime, and I’ve enjoyed writing for each one, but I always seemed to run out of post ideas. I never looked at the full picture, or the different angles that a topic can come from. Even with Baby Doodah! I haven’t fully grasped how many readers I could reach if I just buckle down and really look at this like a business. Yes, it is a hobby and I enjoy every single minute that I get to be at the keyboard, writing (90% of the time), but I do want to gain audience members, too.

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reading, learning and personal development. I’ve been reading blog upon blog about how important it is to have a business plan for your blog. That is literally something I NEVER considered for my blog, in fact – even right now – I have NO Idea how to go about doing that. I have an idea, but I am one of those people who needs specific instructions before I can move forward.

I’ve managed to find a couple of fantastic resources (here are a few for your viewing pleasure, How to Build a Blog Business Plan and How to Create a Successful Business Plan for Your Blog) that will help guide me in the right direction, and I can’t wait to get started. It’s essentially grown-up homework for something that I really enjoy doing, that can only lead to success. Right!?

Things around the blog won’t be TOO different from the outside. I’m thinking I will change the days that I regularly post, right now I aim for Sun-M-W-F, and then my weekend link-up post. I am thinking it will be a good idea to switch to Sun-Tues-Thurs and my weekend link-up. I will be posting less, but my content will be more in-depth, I won’t feel rushed to pump out a blog post so that I can meet my own expectations and those of my readers. I’ll be able to spend time gathering information, thinking through and actually writing multiple drafts of posts. It all sounds really exciting to me! I can be such a nerd. HA HA

Anyway, I wanted to come clean to you, my loyal and valued readers. I love keeping you up to date on everything I have planned, because it is you that I write for. I really hope you stick around!!

Kind of random to put these two together, but that’s how I roll…

My Meal Plan

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs & bacon

Lunch: salad with ham and sliced chicken, sunflower seeds, bleu cheese, purple cabbage and honey mustard & baby carrots

Saturday: (we’ve started meal planning and shopping on Saturday evenings) Spaghetti Squash Fettuccine Alfredo

Sunday: Pork Fried Rice (we’ll be having cauliflower rice)

Monday: Rotisserie Chicken & Baked Potatoes

Tuesday: Homemade Steak Sandwiches

Wednesday: Greek Meatballs & Spinach

Thursday: Scrounge Night

Friday: Homemade Pizza

There you have it!! My confession on changes coming and my yummy weekly menu. We do have a lot of repeats this week, but why mess with what’s broken, right!?

I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com. And, also linking up with the Motivate Me link-up hosted by Janice from Fitness Cheerleader and Rachel from RunningRachel.com.

Your turn!

How do changes of any kind make you feel?

If you are making a meal plan this week, what’s on it?

signatureLooking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your news? Check-out theSkimm and sign-up for your daily email box delivery of the world’s news, plus if you share your birthday, you get it listed at the bottom of the newsletter on your day. It’s like celebrating with thousands of people!!!!

Social Media Mixer – #15

Welcome to the 15th week of the Social Media Mixer!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for Week 14 – we had 120 blogs and numerous social media link-ups!

In the nature of mixing things up here at the Social Media Mixer, we will now be selecting our favorite posts each week – those posts will be featured and the social media links for that blogger will also be featured! So make sure to share as many posts as you’d like to be featured!!! One blogger will be chosen for 2 weeks of free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures!

Social Media Mixer-2

The Social Media Mixer is all about networking and making connections. Also, you can gain exposure and increase your social media following! Link up your social media accounts and mix it up with some of the other linkers. Each week, the Weekday Mixer will start on Saturday nights at 8:00pm and go on until Thursday night at 11:59pm. One linker will be chosen each week each of the hosts and guest hosts and featured in the following week’s link-up! If chosen, a brief summary about yourself and your blog/website and all of your social media accounts will be featured. It’s a great way to stand out among the crowd!

Welcome your hosts!



Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Angel from Sew Crafty Angel | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Julia from Minivan Dreams | | Liz from Look by Liz Lewis | Kaitlyn from Three Sisters and Us | Shana from Technotini | Anni from Grapefruit Princess | Tiffany from Mrs Tee Love Life Laughter | Ce Ce from A Chicago Mom | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Holly from Southern Mom Loves

And welcome your guest hosts for September!

Social Media Mixer - Guest Hosts

Avie from All Things Avie | Cyndi from The Decorating Chica | Danielle from Dancing with my Daughter | Emily from The Unextreme | Jennifer from Mommy Life After Ph.D. | Lauren from Life in the Wilde | Lori from Lori’s Culinary Creations | Mila from Mila’s Little Things | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Soro from Mom Swaddles All | Tara from Anything & Everything | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles

And here are the Featured bloggers from last week’s Social Media Mixer…

Tiffany chose…

Things Women With Tattoos Know All Too Well…. from Sincerely Alaska


If you’re like me, then you have a special place in your heart for the art that is tattoos. It took me about a year to convince my parents to let me get one for my 18th birthday but once they agreed I was on a mini-roadtrip with one of my best friends. It was a scary moment for me to have my first one done…especially since I started off with a big calf piece.

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Mila chose…

Learning to Love my Post Baby Body from Life with Peanut


From the moment I found out I was pregnant, I was worried about how I would look. Don’t get me wrong, I was so excited about becoming a mom, but I was two months into a weight loss journey that was finally bringing me happiness.

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Jillian and Lori chose…

sixteen Pantry organizational ideas from A Fresh Start on a Budget


Unfortunately we have a small kitchen and not much of a pantry area. Only one large cupboard. That doesn’t keep me from wanting it to be organized and planning for the day of a bigger kitchen with an amazing pantry. These are 16 amazing pantries that will give you some ideas for your own pantry no matter the size.

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Angel chose…

A Frozen Birthday Morning Surprise from The Organized Dream


If you read my Tour Through Blogland post, then you know that I wanted to create a Frozen themed winter birthday breakfast for my daughter. It is the first year her birthday falls on a school day and I wanted her to feel super special from the moment she woke up. I went with the Frozen theme because she has loved the movie since she had seen it in theaters. I thought it would be a great theme since it was a sweltering 90 degrees that day! Warm hugs are fine, but a Winter’s touch was better at this point!

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Holly chose…

How to Create a Photo Travel Map from My Big Fat Happy Life


I have several items on my bucket list. One that I decided on after S was born was to take her to visit all 50 states before she graduates from high school. That does not mean driving through a state. It means actually exploring the state…visiting museums, state parks, tourist attractions, etc. I believe that exposing S to different experiences, activities and travel is very important.

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Shana and Silvie chose…

Letter of the Week A-Z Series: A is for Apple (Click & Chat Social Media Link Up) from A Little Pinch of Perfect

2014-8_logo_Letter A activities-0056a is for title 2

WELCOME WELCOME!!! Thanks so much for joining us I am so excited to get school started and share our first post in the Perfect Tot School & Preschool A-Z series.

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Avie chose…

Skinny Banana Oatmeal Smoothie from Natural Chow


On Monday, Mother Nature decided to be all like “Hey, I know it was 100 degrees yesterday, but I think I’ll make it 53 degrees this morning.” Of course, I went outside Monday morning wearing shorts and a T-shirt thinking I was going to be sweating like crazy, but in reality, I had to go back inside and throw on a big ‘ol sweater just to keep my tiny little arms warm. Yep.

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Jillian chose…

Sous Chef Sunday: Fast & Easy Refrigerator Pickles from 4 Sons ‘R’ Us


The sons have a love hate relationship with pickles. They either love them, or hate them. They’re firmly, and equally, entrenched on their sides with two for and two against. The hubs and I bolster each side with him against their salty, briny taste and me all for it! I’ve always got a family size jar in the fridge just for when one of us needs a pickled fix. Then I got a deal this summer from our local farmers market that resulted in us getting several pounds of free cucumbers. I couldn’t let those beauties go to waste, but wasn’t looking for anything in-depth that involved pectin and canning.

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Natasha chose…

the gift of family time from Confessions of a Frumpy Mommy

family day collage

I mentioned yesterday that this year I asked Mr. B for a different kind of birthday present. I requested that he take a day off work (while I’m off work, of course) and that we spend the day together as a family.

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And the winner is…

Learning to Love my Post Baby Body from Life with Peanut


Congratulations!! You have won 2 weeks of free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures! Please e-mail Natasha at 1EpicMommy@gmail.com for more information on your free ad space.

Stop by and follow our featured bloggers! We’re sure you’ll love them as much as we do!

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

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Are you ready to start mixing it up?? Then, let’s go!

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Dear Emmett – 23 Months


23 Months!? Seriously!?

I find it really hard to believe, but you’re officially 23 months old! We’re nearing the 2 year mark, and I just don’t know how that is possible.

The very first thing I want to say is that you can count to 10!!!! Yes, seriously! You are not even 2 years old and you can count to 10. And I don’t mean, I say the number and you repeat after me, I mean I say one, you say two, I say three, you say four, ALL the way up to 10. This may be totally normal abilities for a 23 month old, but I’m pretty darn impressed. You went from an adorable little lump to a baby who doesn’t need his momma quite as much any more.


You’re also pretty awesome with your colors. For the most part, when I hold up a crayon, you’re able to name it accurately. There are a few times when you aren’t entirely focused on what we’re doing, that you’ll say the incorrect name, but it’s obvious that you know what you’re doing. Impressive my son!

We’ve had an exciting month, so much going on!  We’ve spent a good majority of the month, both on weeknights and weekends, outdoors. No couch potato here! You love being in your own backyard or at the playground. Most recently, you’ve gotten a huge affinity for swinging, so we’ve been making loads of stops to the park down the street so we can oblige you. 🙂

You’re a huge fan of your Aunt Bridget and you got to spend some time with her before she goes off to work at camp for the summer. We all went out for frozen yogurt, you wanted nothing to do with the dish I bought for you and I to share, you only wanted Aunt B’s. I ended up going to get you your OWN bowl, which you still just picked at and wanted Bridget’s. It was pretty funny!


Aunt Bridget also took you out for your first experience splashing in the big puddles on a warm day. When she came out to visit, she took you out and you guys walked around look for puddles to jump in. For the next couple of days after that, all you could talk about is “PUDDLES!” Little Cutie!

Since your birthday is towards the end of July, and we asked your grandma to get you a sandbox as a gift. She sent it to you early so that you could enjoy it before the summer ended. Your daddy filled it up with sand, and I took you in the backyard to see it for the first time. Your reaction was priceless!!

However, the downfall is that you are not a huge fan of touching the sand. It was getting in your shoes, so I figured the solution would be to just take your sandals off, but you refused to touch the sand with your feet, cringing at the feeling. You’re the same way with grass, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. We’ll work on it! In the meantime, you do like dumping water into it, and shoveling it around… You just don’t like touching it. 😉

We also went to our gym’s outdoor pool for the first time. It. Was. AWESOME! The water was so warm, and you were so happy to “jump in” and play with me. You’re still clinging tightly to me, not quite ready to do it on your own, but you’ll get no complaints from me. I get to enjoy holding you and smooching your chubby baby (toddler) cheeks. I’m looking forward to a summer in the pool with you.


We also, in all that we have going on, find a small amount of time for TV. Your show of choice nowadays is this creepy bunny called Harry the Bunny. Each episode is about 5 to 8 minutes long and it’s very simple. But I think that simplicity is why you like it so much, because if I turn it on when we first get home, so that I can change out of work clothes, you are sucked in within moments. Wonder what kind of subliminal messaging is involved… JUST kidding!


Having you as a child continues to be amazing! Watching you grow more and more aware of the world around you, and become more independent is just mind-blowing. I had no idea that having a child could be this moving, I’m so glad I get to experience it all with you!

I love you, my little 23 month old toddler!!



If you’d like to read any of the past Dear Emmett’s, just click here. 🙂

My Finds Friday – The Year in Review

Today I’m sharing Baby Doodah’s Year in Review.

Happy Friday everyone!

Is anyone else kind of, sort of glad that the holidays are over, or is that just me? I do enjoy the holidays, the warm fuzzy feelings and the wonderful traditions we’re making with Emmett, but I am a creature of habit and I’m missing my routine. I’m looking forward to getting some extra down time and I’m sure my bank account could use a holiday break too. HAHA I really don’t mean this to be negative, we had a nice holiday season, but I do enjoy not having anything to worry about in the evenings, other then spending time with my family and blogging (my current two favorite things).

Anyhow, this is my first My Finds Friday of the new year, and I’m going to do things a bit differently today. I’m going to share Baby Doodah’s year in review, and highlight some of my most popular or most favorite posts of the past year. So buckle up, it’s going to be a bumpy ride BACK IN TIME! (Not really, just being really goofy.)

year in review

Baby Doodah’s Year in Review


1. My number one most popular post from 2013, was my a post that is very dear to my heart, because of what is included in that post. My post, titled 5 Tips I Wish I’d Know as a New Mom, is my most popular AND my personal favorite!


2. Next up, you have my post about perfect Toddler Stocking Stuffer ideas. We got Emmett almost everything on the list and he loved it all!

pizza dip 3

3.Then we had my Ooey Gooey Pizza Dip recipe. I love making this dip for a quick lunch on the weekends, but it is also phenomenal party dip.

Baked-Potato-Soup4. I love this soup! My number 4 most popular post is my Baked Potato Soup recipe.

life hacks Lettuce-and-Papertowel-

5. And finally, my fifth most popular post of the year was my Life Hacks post, I use every single one of these almost weekly.

Alright folks, those are my top 5 most popular posts from the past year – I’d love to hear your top posts, or any of your other finds from the past week. Link-up below!

Baby Doodah


What I Ate Wednesday – #3

Has it really already been 3 weeks!? Time is moving WAY too quickly, it can slow down any moment now. Thanks.

Anyway, back to the regularly scheduled What I Ate Wednesday!

Emmett and I got up and started eating early today, well earlier than we usually do on a Wednesday. Since I don’t need to shower before I start working, I’ll typically get our breakfasts ready and sit down to my work computer and get some stuff done while we eat. Today’s breakfast for me, was rolled oats, with First Light Farm and Creamery (I swear I have no affiliation with them, I just seriously love their stuff) plain yogurt, strawberries, blueberries and cinnamon.

what-i-ate-wednesday-3 what-i-ate-wednesday-4It was just alright. I love oatmeal and I love this yogurt but together they didn’t go so well. Maybe if I had added some honey or cinnamon directly to the oatmeal, instead of just sprinkled on top, it would have made a difference. Either way, it was so filling!

For the remainder of the day, until dinner, I just did snacks. I wasn’t in the mood for a big, heavy or warm meals. My first snack was the rest of my Wegmans guacamole and some Trader Joe’s cut organic carrots.

what-i-ate-wednesday-2That stuff is seriously good! I’ve been eating it on top of my salad in place of salad dressing and it’s been hitting the spot. If you live near a Wegmans and haven’t tried their guac, I highly recommend that you do!

Oh and with that, I also had a cup of coffee. I know that sounds disgusting but I didn’t have them together, it was one right after the other, so completely NOT disgusting

what-I-ate-wednesday-1 what-i-ate-wednesday

My next snack happened to occur right around lunch time, so I got Emmett’s meal together and then mine and we sat down with the grub. I had blueberry and cinnamon goats cheese with some Wasa crackers and a delicious locally grown peach. Mmmm

what-i-ate-wednesday-6The picture doesn’t do the goat cheese justice, it is really really delicious but I think you’ll just have to trust me on this one. Remember, looks can be deceiving!

And here’s that lovely peach I mentioned earlier…


Dinner was nothing fancy, typically week night dinners aren’t. Evenings are just such a whirlwind of spending time with Emmett, making dinner, doing laundry, eating dinner, bath and finally bed, so we try and keep it on the easy side. Tonight’s meal consisted of a Trader Joe’s chicken burger on a mini-Kaiser bun, french fries and some blueberries (not pictured).


Now your turn!

What were your eats on this beautiful hump day?

What Did We Do This Weekend?


We went to lunch, where Emmett tried his first falafel. He LOVE it!

weekend-6We tried on shoes, so that momma can buy a couple pairs. Which one do you like better?

weekend-5We napped and cuddled on momma.

weekend-4We hung out and wiggled around with daddy.

weekend-3We bought fresh local blueberries that were very tart and made Emmett pucker up.

weekend-2weekend-1 We prepped some food for the week.

WeekendAnd finally, we played and read some books as a family.

It was such a fantastic weekend! Hope yours was as great!!

What fun things did you do this weekend?

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