Tag Archives: mom blogger

A Couple Things

Hey everybody! It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of my “couple things” posts. I thought I’d take this opportunity to do just that.

1. Fitness Fridays – They’re going to be a little different around here. Kathy, my co-host has decided to take a break from writing on her blog for a “to be determined length of time.” If you were an avid reader or visitor of her blog, be sure to stop on over and wish her well!!

In the meantime, I am planning on continuing with Fitness Fridays, with a break today because I wanted to cover a couple things. 🙂 I also will be doing some brainstorming on how to make it bigger. I don’t want anything huge, but I’d like to reach more blogs, get more people to link-up or get involved. If you’re interested in teaming-up, feel free to comment below or email me at jillianokeefe1022@gmail.com

2. TheSkimm – I am deeply in love with TheSkimm. Every morning, Monday-Friday, I get an email in my inbox, BRIGHT AND EARLY, with a rundown on the day’s news. Now, you’re probably wondering why you would want to sign-up for something new when you have the internet at your disposal. Well here’s the answer, #1 TheSkimm is free to sign-up for and #2, the news descriptions they provide are brief, to the point and explained in a manner that anyone can understand. I have felt tremendously more educated about the world’s events since joining them. Below is a snapshot of what their daily email looks like.


3. Beachbody – I am slowly but surely working and learning the ropes of the Beachbody community. It’s a lot of fun and I’m learning SO much. I actually just ordered the 3 Day Refresh and PiYO. I can’t wait to receive them!! I also have a 13 day clean eating challenge beginning on August 4th. If you’re interested in learning more about it, please comment below or email me. I’d be happy to send along the information, I just need commitment by July 28th.

4. A GIVEAWAY! Yay! My final update for today is that I’m joining Logan from Logan Can… in celebrating her 2 year blogaversary! She’s hosting a really great giveaway that you NEED to be a part of. Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below and be sure to stop over to her blog and say HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY, Logan!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Your turn!

What are a couple things from your world?

What was the best part of your week?


Sunday Meal Plan – Week #21

Hey everyone!! I hope you all had a really great weekend!

It was an awesome weekend here, super active and a smidge lazy. It felt great! Yesterday, I rode 33 miles for The Ride for Roswell, which I’ll be writing about and sharing my story, tomorrow (be sure to stop by). When we got home, I showered and napped while Emmett napped and then we all went out to a yummy dinner at Friendly’s. Most definitely not the healthiest of food (by ANY means), but I feel like I deserved it after working so hard that morning and afternoon. It was delicious, and I don’t regret a bite!

Today, Emmett had us all up EARLY! We cuddled in bed for awhile and then made our meal plan for the week, showered and headed out the door for groceries. I love shopping early because there are few people in the store and you get through everything quicker. We got home, put the groceries away, watched a little Thomas the Tank Engine (Emmett’s newest obsession), had lunch and then Emmett went down for a nap.

While he was sleeping, Seamus pulled out his pool and the hose and we filled it up so it could warm-up for some play time in the evening. While it was filling I read and relaxed, and then went back to doing laundry. womp. womp.

I wrote a little bit, did some professional development courses online, cleaned (a wee tiny bit), and then Emmett was up. We went to Carter’s, then Target to get things for Emmett. Then back home to change and go play in the pool. He LOVED it! I was worried because last summer he was nervous and didn’t like it, but not this summer. This summer he nearly jumped right in! He was psyched!

Now, I’m here writing and getting things ready for the week ahead. I’m excited because it’s a four day week! WOOHOO!


This Week’s Meal Plan

Sunday: cheeseburgers & baked chips (we’re avoiding the oven, the humidity is insane)

Monday: Grilled chicken & Zucchini Salad

Tuesday: Teriyaki Pork Loin & Corn on the Cobb

Wednesday: Mexican Pizzas (I hope it’s a cooler day, because these require the oven)

Thursday: Steak, Chick Pea & Tomato Salad (YUM!)

Friday: Orange Chicken & Rice (carry-over & I hope it’s cool)

Saturday: Mom’s house for a cookout

We’re trying so SO hard to keep things out of the oven. We were stumped this week, probably because Emmett had us up so early and we were tired, but we ended up with a couple oven meals. We’ll just need to watch the forecast slowly.

I am super excited for the cookout next weekend, at my mom’s. It’s always laid back when we’re there, which I appreciate! Plus, Emmett will love seeing his grandma. <3

Here’s the video of Emmett sliding down the slide this evening.

Your turn!

What are you cooking (or not cooking) up this week?

What fun things did you do to keep cool?

I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com – please join me and link-up your best meal planning posts.

Dear Emmett – 23 Months


23 Months!? Seriously!?

I find it really hard to believe, but you’re officially 23 months old! We’re nearing the 2 year mark, and I just don’t know how that is possible.

The very first thing I want to say is that you can count to 10!!!! Yes, seriously! You are not even 2 years old and you can count to 10. And I don’t mean, I say the number and you repeat after me, I mean I say one, you say two, I say three, you say four, ALL the way up to 10. This may be totally normal abilities for a 23 month old, but I’m pretty darn impressed. You went from an adorable little lump to a baby who doesn’t need his momma quite as much any more.


You’re also pretty awesome with your colors. For the most part, when I hold up a crayon, you’re able to name it accurately. There are a few times when you aren’t entirely focused on what we’re doing, that you’ll say the incorrect name, but it’s obvious that you know what you’re doing. Impressive my son!

We’ve had an exciting month, so much going on!  We’ve spent a good majority of the month, both on weeknights and weekends, outdoors. No couch potato here! You love being in your own backyard or at the playground. Most recently, you’ve gotten a huge affinity for swinging, so we’ve been making loads of stops to the park down the street so we can oblige you. 🙂

You’re a huge fan of your Aunt Bridget and you got to spend some time with her before she goes off to work at camp for the summer. We all went out for frozen yogurt, you wanted nothing to do with the dish I bought for you and I to share, you only wanted Aunt B’s. I ended up going to get you your OWN bowl, which you still just picked at and wanted Bridget’s. It was pretty funny!


Aunt Bridget also took you out for your first experience splashing in the big puddles on a warm day. When she came out to visit, she took you out and you guys walked around look for puddles to jump in. For the next couple of days after that, all you could talk about is “PUDDLES!” Little Cutie!

Since your birthday is towards the end of July, and we asked your grandma to get you a sandbox as a gift. She sent it to you early so that you could enjoy it before the summer ended. Your daddy filled it up with sand, and I took you in the backyard to see it for the first time. Your reaction was priceless!!

However, the downfall is that you are not a huge fan of touching the sand. It was getting in your shoes, so I figured the solution would be to just take your sandals off, but you refused to touch the sand with your feet, cringing at the feeling. You’re the same way with grass, so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. We’ll work on it! In the meantime, you do like dumping water into it, and shoveling it around… You just don’t like touching it. 😉

We also went to our gym’s outdoor pool for the first time. It. Was. AWESOME! The water was so warm, and you were so happy to “jump in” and play with me. You’re still clinging tightly to me, not quite ready to do it on your own, but you’ll get no complaints from me. I get to enjoy holding you and smooching your chubby baby (toddler) cheeks. I’m looking forward to a summer in the pool with you.


We also, in all that we have going on, find a small amount of time for TV. Your show of choice nowadays is this creepy bunny called Harry the Bunny. Each episode is about 5 to 8 minutes long and it’s very simple. But I think that simplicity is why you like it so much, because if I turn it on when we first get home, so that I can change out of work clothes, you are sucked in within moments. Wonder what kind of subliminal messaging is involved… JUST kidding!


Having you as a child continues to be amazing! Watching you grow more and more aware of the world around you, and become more independent is just mind-blowing. I had no idea that having a child could be this moving, I’m so glad I get to experience it all with you!

I love you, my little 23 month old toddler!!



If you’d like to read any of the past Dear Emmett’s, just click here. 🙂

Sunday Meal Plan – Week 10

Hey everyone! Happy Sunday! It’s time to share my Sunday Meal Plan with you.


I wish I was in better spirits, because I really do enjoy linking up my meal plan, but we’ve had a rough week, and an especially rough weekend. You’re probably wondering what’s going on, or maybe you’re not, either way I’m going to share.

Over the last week, the tenants below us have had the volume on their TV / stereo up very high. The bass is completely audible through the floors and is quite disturbing when we’re trying to watch TV, or focus on something else. We tried to work with them, asking them on 2 separate occasions if they minded turning down the bass. We have absolutely no issue with talking, or other ambient noise that is caused by living above someone. After dealing with the noise for an additional few days, we reached out to our landlord, who was absolutely no help, and quite honestly made us feel much worse about the situation.

We texted back and forth with her on Thursday evening (she requested that we text). She said she’d contact them, and I’m certain she did. However, the music continued to be loud all night, and then again Friday night it was bad. I went to bed at 8:30 because I just couldn’t handle the noise. Seamus texted the landlord again, asking that she contact us at her earliest convenience. She called the next morning (Saturday), and upon our complaints of the noise, said that she was not their mother and had no control over the volume of their music or what they did. Also, going on to say that they deserve to have people over and live. I agree. We’re not asking them to not live or not have people over, we’re asking for them to turn their bass down.

We explained all this to her, but she didn’t want to hear it and began repeating the same things over and over again, about their right to live. Her only suggestion was to call the police, which we really didn’t want to do. We really would rather just handle things peacefully, so we’re thinking that we may write them a letter explaining that we don’t want a feud and that we have no issue with the actual music or their gatherings, simply their bass. Our hope is that by putting it all out there, they will want to be respectful of us, as we want to be of them. I’ll keep you posted, but this has really put our whole exciting move in a really crudy spot.

Now for our meal plan

Sunday: Crock-pot Salsa Chicken

Monday: Leftover Pulled pork

Tuesday: Hot Dogs and fries

Wednesday: Marinated Chicken and Veggies

Thursday: Homemade Chicken Fried Rice

Friday: Cheeseburgers and veggies

Saturday: Scrounge around the house

Oh! And I did manage to find my menu planners, so I’m back to writing everything out, and it was so much easier to make our meal plan and shopping list this week. Woohoo!!

As usual, I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy Run Fast and Jill from jillconyers.com.

Your turn!

Have you ever had a difficult landlord, that was unwilling to help?

What are you eats for the week?


Wine’d Down Wednesday {28}

Welcome to the 28th Week of Wine’d Down Wednesday!!

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has been linking with us so far, we are beyond thrilled to have you coming back week after week and just love reading all of your posts! We were all so excited and overjoyed that so many of you want to come and share your awesomeness with us. Keep on sharing and spreading the Wine’d Down love 🙂

Are you interested in joining our fun? Why not co-host with us! We are looking for co-hosts to help spread our wine’d down love! Join us, it’s free! 🙂 If you are interested, email Michelle at Michelle@ourthreepeas.com.

Without further a-do, on to the party!

Our Three Peas


We are so excited you have joined us for a girl’s night out, blog style! So…why Wine’d Down Wednesday? Well, what’s the best kind of party? The kind where wine is served of course! Since we can’t meet our fellow blog friends in person we thought we’d throw a party every week. So grab your wine, link up a recent post, and mingle. Your post doesn’t need to include wine, linking up while drinking wine is completely acceptable and encouraged! We want any of your funniest, heartfelt, absurd, crafty, or delicious posts. As an added bonus, we will also be rotating a different social media outlet each week so you’ll get minglers at all your hangouts.


Our Wine’d Down Wednesday Pinterest board is brimming with all of your amazing posts. Each week we look at all the link ups and each choose the one we like the best! It’s always difficult to each choose just one, but we did and here are our 3 top Wine’d Down favorites for this week:


WDW_featured picks

WDW features #27

1.Mango Pineapple Cocktail by Krystal’s Kitch


2. Green Pizza with Pesto and Feta by Hello Little Home


3. Raunchy or Remarkable? by It’s the New Twenties


Congrats to all that were chosen! We have pinned these in our Wine’d Down Wednesday Pinterest Board.

Follow The Best of Wine’d Down Wednesday Link Party Board by Kristin (Dizzy Busy and Hungry!) on Pinterest


If you were featured, don’t forget to grab our “I’ve been featured on WDW” button!

Our Three Peas


Now come meet and follow your hostesses with the mostestesses!!

Michelle from Our Three Peas


Bloglovin, twitter, Facebook, google+, Instagram, pinterest

Chastity from My Rays of Sunshine


Bloglovin’, twitter, Facebook, google+, Pinterest, Instagram

Kristin from Dizzy Busy and Hungry

kristin at dizzy busy and hungry 200px

Bloglovin, twitter, Facebook, google+, instagram, pinterest

Please welcome our amazing co-host this week!

baby doodah

This week we are super excited to have Jillian from Baby Doodah as our co-host! Jillian has a wonderful blog centered around her love for her family and cooking. Go and check her out now and make sure to follow her to stay up to date with all the fun!

Come give her some wine’d down love and visit her on Facebook, Google+, twitter, and Bloglovin’!

Now for the rules!

1. Follow your hosts and co-host in any way you can.

2. Visit 2-3 other blogs. It’s not a party if you’re not mingling!!

3. Link up ONE recent post. No posts to other linkups, reviews, or giveaways please. {pretty please!}

4. Help us spread the word about this party by displaying our button on your post or sidebar.

5. Tweet and spread the word, if you feel so inclined :)

6. Use the hash tag #wineddown when sharing about us!

Got your wine ready??? Not yet? Ok, we’ll wait…….Got it now? Great! Let’s get our links on!

wdw email graphic 3

Sunday Meal Plan Link-Up

It’s Sunday and it’s Meal Plan Link-Up time!

Hi everyone! I’ve been absent, and I’m so sorry. Life has been so busy with packing and regular responsibilities and then Thursday evening I could barely move because I completely herniated a disc. I woke up at 3 am and had to have Seamus help me get out bed to use the bathroom because I couldn’t move without severe pain. Because of the back problems, we didn’t get as much packing done as I would have liked.

On a side note, If you’ve never herniated a disc, then let me explain that it is a pain so intense that I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. When a disc in the lumbar region herniates and presses on the sciatic nerve, it is called sciatica, which is what I am suffering with. Sciatica is when you have severe pain or numbness running down through your butt and down your leg. About 5 years ago, I had a herniated disc on my left side. I went through surgery, and while it did help take the pain away, I still have numbness. This time it is on my right side, and instead of having surgery, I would like to heal my back naturally. I’ve been doing some serious research, and will share my finds in a future posts.


But for now, it’s time to share my weekly menu…

Breakfast for the Week: Udi’s bagel, egg & cheese

Snack: Blueberries, Strawberries & unsweetened coconut

Lunch: Chicken Sausage, Saurkraut, hard boiled egg, spinach and tomato salad with balsamic vinegar and oil

Snack: apple & laughing cow cheese

Dinners for the Week

Sunday: Corned Beef, Cabbage & Potato (to celebrate my Irish husband and child)

Monday: Scrounge around house

Tuesday: Honey Teriyaki Chicken

Wednesday: Steak, Chick Peas and Tomatoes (a new recipe, that I’m really excited about)

Thursday: Marinated Chicken & Brussel Sprouts

Friday: Tilapia and Cauliflower

Saturday: Chili

If you noticed, my menu for the week is free of gluten. In my research for naturally healing my back, I found that many doctors recommend eating gluten-free when a disc is herniated to help with any inflammation that wheat gluten can cause. So, in an effort to never be in this much pain again, I’m going gluten-free.

Your turn!

What’s on your menu for the week? Share in the comments below!

Join me in linking up with Laura from Mommy Run Fast and Jill from Fitness, Health & Happiness. Check out their blogs and be sure to link-up!


Weekly Wishes – My Goals for the Week Ahead

Happy Weekly Wishes – my place to share my goals for the week ahead.

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

We had an fantabulous weekend! It was relaxing, refreshing and giant hugs and cuddles were had by all. I absolutely love weekends with my guys. We didn’t do a whole lot of anything, other than hanging around the house, but it was just what we needed. I hope every weekend is just like this one. 🙂

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Now for Weekly Wishes

Last week I said I wanted to do some batch blogging (you can read about where I got this idea from, here), and batch blogging I did. I didn’t get a full week’s worth of posts written, but I did manage to get a couple written, putting me ahead for the week.

Next, I wanted to add some more posts to my editorial calendar. I did come up with a bunch of new post ideas, but haven’t yet added them to my calendar. I struggle with scheduling posts, because I never really know what I’m going to feel like writing. I need to set that aside and “Just Do It!”

I wanted to complete the book I am reading, A Story Unfinished (that’s an affiliate link), I haven’t finished it yet, but I am quite close to being done. I’ll definitely get it completed this week.

Finally, I wanted to get all my chores done ahead of time so that I could enjoy the weekend more – pure success here! I did laundry throughout the week, and kept up with the cleaning around the house. I was able to fully relax this weekend, and not stress too much about everything needing to be cleaned.

This Week’s Wishes / Goals

  •  Stick to my workout and meal plan for the weekyou can read about it here.
  • Keep up with my chores throughout the week. This has left me feeling awesome and relaxed over the weekends, that I want to keep it up. I seem to do best when it is one of my goals, so it’s on the list!
  • Finish my book, A Story Unfinished, and start a new one, just haven’t decided which one it will be yet.
  • Make time to start the class I signed up for almost a month ago. It’s an online course, one you work at your own pace, but I’m already 3 weeks behind, I need to get on it.

Alright, that will about do it. Be sure to stop on over and visit Melyssa, and The Nectar Collective.

The Nectar Collective

Your turn!

I’d love to hear some of your goals for the week. Share in the comments below!

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