Tag Archives: miss elaine ous

Old School Blogging – Valentine’s Day Edition

We’re throwin’ it waaaay back! We’re doing some Old School Valentine’s Blogging today, folks.

valentine's old school blogging

In celebration of the beautiful, love-filled day that is Valentine’s Day, I decided to connect with Miss Elaine-ous Life and  her Valentine’s blogging prompts.

First question on our Valentine’s journey back in time is…

How do you typically celebrate Valentine’s Day?
We keep it simple. When I was in high school I always thought I wanted something grand and majestic, but the few years I had that with my ex, it just didn’t feel right. Now with Seamus, we’ve always done dinner or lunch out and sometimes we exchange gifts. This year, we’ll be going out for lunch and then just spending the time together as a family. Nothing over the top or extravagant, just the way we like it.

Do you like to get A)chocolates B) flowers  C) a sweet card or D) ALL OF THE ABOVE?
Flowers and a sweet card work for me, but I don’t even need those. Extra kisses, hugs and love are good enough of a gift for me.

Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”?  If not, would you at least cuddle on Valentine’s Day?
Yes, yes YES – I am a cuddler through and though. I love laying in the crook of Seamus’ arm and I love when Emmett curls up on the couch to watch TV, or to read one of his books. Cuddling is an activity for the whole year through!

What is your favorite movie about love or with a love story?
Okay, so I’m going to get really cheesy on yah… The Notebook, 100%. I know that’s probably one of the most cheesy love movies of all time but I just love it.


Do you believe in “love at first sight”?  Did it happen to you?
I do believe in it, and I guess it kind of happened to me. I met Seamus online, at Match.com. I’ve told the story on my blog before, but I’ll tell it again. I had joined Match for 1 month, and told myself that if I hadn’t met someone after a month that I was okay being single for awhile longer. My subscription expired. The next day I received a notification that I had an email from a Seamus (which I thought was pronounced Sea-mis, but is actually pronounced Shay-mus). I logged into the site but in order to view the email, I had to rejoin for another month, something told me to go ahead and do it. I jumped, joined and fell pretty instantly “in-love” with him. We emailed back and forth a couple times, and chatted via phone so that when we finally met I felt that I knew him pretty well. The rest, as they say, is history! 😀

Do you believe love can conquer all things?
I believe that it can truly help you cope with so much in life. A very difficult time can be made easier by having someone, whom you deeply care about, to lean on.

Love this face!

Love this face!

What is one of the main things you love about your S.O.(significant other)?
Oh goodness, just one?! His intelligence. I swear that he knows something about everything. I could mention something that I’ve just learned about and Seamus will be able to tell me some deeper details about it. It amazes me frequently!

If you could have the perfect Valentine date what would you and your loved one do?
A night in Stowe, VT, at Stone Hill Inn, where we honeymooned. It was one of the most romantic and stress-free weeks of my life and I would go back there, even for just a night, in a heartbeat.

A pic of us on our honeymoon.

A pic of us on our honeymoon.

Tell me about your first crush!
Yikes! My first crush? This is so embarrassing. My first crush, that I can think of was for Buffalo of the children’s music group Buffalo and Brandy. If you don’t know who they are, I’ll help you out. Click on this link to go to their page. They came to my school, or a local school in the area and I was instantly smitten. LOL We got posters of them and I hung one on the door of my bedroom, every morning I’d get up and kiss my fingers and then put them up to Buffalo’s face. (Sidenote: I’m sitting here writing this and cracking myself up. Kids are so crazy!) There were others after that one, but I’m pretty sure he was my very first.

Do you have any embarrassing or horror dating stories?
Not entirely terrible. I mean the guy was nice and he did treat me to a meal, but it was kind of a disaster from the moment I met him. We didn’t hit it off and the whole meal was awkward because I wasn’t sure what to talk about. We ended the night with a hug, and didn’t really speak again. Oh well.

Favorite flower?
Calla Lilies. White ones are my favorite, but burnt orange ones are a close second.


What’s the first type of chocolate you hope for when you reach into a box of chocolates?
Chocolate stuffed with peanut butter. Mmmmm

Favorite love song?
Our wedding song, by far. I Will Follow You Into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie.

What is the best breakup song?
I Can’t Make You Love Me – Bonnie Raitt

Favorite celebrity couple?
Hmmm…I’m not really into big celebrities, but I would probably have to say Ellen and Portia, or Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. They seem like two really strong couples.

Overall, are you pro- or anti- Valentine’s Day?
Pro! I don’t care what anyone says, I love me some love and Valentine’s Day is a great day to show some extra love. I do agree that we should show the ones we care about love all the time, but it never hurts to put it out there more heavily once a year. Plus, Emmett’s hugs and kisses are pretty darn wonderful!

If someone did that “Say Anything” boombox thing outside your window, would you be into it, or call the police?
I’ve never seen the movie, but I just watched the clip. I would be totally into it. Why not? Anyone doing something to express their love for you, in any way, is a good thing in my book.

First thing you notice about the objects of your affection?
This is so strange, but teeth. I can’t explain it, but I always notice a person’s teeth before anything else. Second, would be whether they had any sense of humor. I could never have dated a fuddy duddy – I need someone who can laugh at pretty much everything, just like I do.

What’s the best thing you’ve ever gotten for Valentine’s Day?
I don’t even know. I’ve gotten some lovely flowers over the years, some delicious strawberries from Sharri’s Berries, and an adorable Vermont Teddy Bear that was a pregnant mommy bear (similar), when I was newly pregnant. Overall though, while I do like gifts, what’s more important is that we are kind and loving to each other, and we pretty much have this one in the bag, so I win!

Your turn!

I want to hear from you – Are you pro or anti Valentine’s day?
Do you do anything special on V-day?

Be sure to stop on over and link-up with Miss Elaine-ous and Tamara Camera.


PS: Check out my post on Valentine’s Activities for Toddlers! 

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