It’s Sunday at 10 pm, do you know where your children are?
Hopefully soundly sleeping. 🙂 We had an awesome weekend, and once again I am sad to see it end. However, I am channeling my positivity and using my Tips for a Killer Monday to stay happy!
Saturday was Seamus’ birthday so we did whatever he wanted to do! He didn’t have any big requests, just wanted to relax and enjoy time with his family as well get a delicious steak at Outback. He was fortunate to do both. 🙂 As for birthday gifts, he’s difficult to buy for, but I know he’s been wanting to rebuild his computer that hasn’t worked in quite some time, so I just gave him cash. I did do it in a cute way, though.
If you put something in Emmett’s pocket he tries so hard to get it out, but typically will need help. I put the money in E’s pocket so that he could go ask daddy for help. He did and Seamus was really excited! I think I did well, now I just need to impress him with Father’s Day next week. Ha!
Sunday, we grocery shopped, Emmett napped, I blogged and then my sister came up for a visit. We spent the afternoon with her, but unfortunately we couldn’t go outside, the weather didn’t cooperate. We watched a movie and then went out for some frozen yogurt. Emmett was being so silly, he’d fill his spoon up and then dump it all back out and then lick the spoon. Such a goober!
I am loving our weekends this summer! We’re not even officially at summer and I’m enjoying every second.

This is my adorable son, and my gorgeous sister (who still happens to be single), follow here on Instagram.
This Week’s Meals
Sunday: Hot Dogs & Corn on the Cobb
Monday: Steak, Chick pea & Tomato Salad
Tuesday: Marinated Chicken and Zucchini
Wednesday: Pork Chops & Cauliflower
Thursday: Hamburgers & Fries
Friday: GF Pasta & Garlic Bread
Saturday: Cheddar Garlic Oven Fried Chicken (a new recipe, that I’m really excited to try)
Lunch: Ham & Cheedar Lettuce Wraps, baby carrots, red sweet pepper & watermelon
Workouts this Week: I’ll be doing the 21 day FIX, you can read more about it by clicking here.
Alrighty, folks – that about does it for this week!
I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from
Your turn!
Please share your meal plans / workouts in the comments below! I love reading your comments and responding back.
If you want to start your Monday off on a generous foot and want to support cancer research, donate to my ride. I’m riding for Roswell Park Cancer Institute and their Ride for Roswell. Anything will help me reach my goal, and further advance cancer research. Just click HERE to donate.