Tag Archives: meals

Sunday Meal Plan – Week 18

It’s Sunday at 10 pm, do you know where your children are?

Hopefully soundly sleeping. 🙂 We had an awesome weekend, and once again I am sad to see it end. However, I am channeling my positivity and using my Tips for a Killer Monday to stay happy!

Saturday was Seamus’ birthday so we did whatever he wanted to do! He didn’t have any big requests, just wanted to relax and enjoy time with his family as well get a delicious steak at Outback. He was fortunate to do both. 🙂 As for birthday gifts, he’s difficult to buy for, but I know he’s been wanting to rebuild his computer that hasn’t worked in quite some time, so I just gave him cash. I did do it in a cute way, though.

If you put something in Emmett’s pocket he tries so hard to get it out, but typically will need help. I put the money in E’s pocket so that he could go ask daddy for help. He did and Seamus was really excited! I think I did well, now I just need to impress him with Father’s Day next week. Ha!

Sunday, we grocery shopped, Emmett napped, I blogged and then my sister came up for a visit. We spent the afternoon with her, but unfortunately we couldn’t go outside, the weather didn’t cooperate. We watched a movie and then went out for some frozen yogurt. Emmett was being so silly, he’d fill his spoon up and then dump it all back out and then lick the spoon. Such a goober!

I am loving our weekends this summer! We’re not even officially at summer and I’m enjoying every second.


This is my adorable son, and my gorgeous sister (who still happens to be single), follow here on Instagram.

This Week’s Meals

Sunday: Hot Dogs & Corn on the Cobb

Monday: Steak, Chick pea & Tomato Salad

Tuesday: Marinated Chicken and Zucchini

Wednesday: Pork Chops & Cauliflower

Thursday: Hamburgers & Fries

Friday: GF Pasta & Garlic Bread

Saturday: Cheddar Garlic Oven Fried Chicken (a new recipe, that I’m really excited to try)

Sunday Meal PlanLunch: Ham & Cheedar Lettuce Wraps, baby carrots, red sweet pepper & watermelon

Workouts this Week: I’ll be doing the 21 day FIX, you can read more about it by clicking here.

Alrighty, folks – that about does it for this week!

I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com.

Your turn!

Please share your meal plans / workouts in the comments below! I love reading your comments and responding back.


If you want to start your Monday off on a generous foot and want to support cancer research, donate to my ride. I’m riding for Roswell Park Cancer Institute and their Ride for Roswell. Anything will help me reach my goal, and further advance cancer research. Just click HERE to donate.

Munchkin Meals – #8

Boy, have I got some great Munchkin Meals for you!

I think it’s been about two months since I last joined in with Munchkin Meals, but that is primarily because of the move and just not having the time or energy to sit down and talk “baby food.” However, Emmett continues to be a phenomenal eater. He definitely goes in spurts of wanting nothing but carby foods, to eating whatever we put in front of him, but either way he tries almost anything once. This works out nicely because we’re not making two separate meals.

The past month has been a good one as far as Munchkin Meals are concerned, we had a wide variety of foods. Check out all the pictures below.

munchkin-meals-4314-10Emmett is a sucker for berries! We can fill his plate with strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or blackberries and he’ll go to town on them. Though, as I’m writing this, he’s refusing to eat his blueberries… Could he be over them!? It’s been over a year that they’ve been an Emmett favorite.


It took Emmett awhile to warm up to eggs, but now he loves them, especially because he only gets them on weekend mornings.

Weekday mornings usually consist of yogurt, a bagel and a banana.


This is also Emmett’s first breakfast in the new apartment.

Emmett typically eats lunch at school, but on weekends we tend to keep things simple, opting for sunflower butter and jelly sandwiches, some string cheese and some fruit (that’s what’s in the first picture). But check out this face, covered in sunflower butter – adorable, right!?


And then we have a wide variety of dinners that Emmett has eaten and loved.


kale and mushroom soup (that he loved), garlic stuffed green olives and blueberries

My son is totally mine! He loves green olives stuffed with garlic, he’ll just keep eating them if we let him. And he knows when we go to Wegmans, if I’m filling up at the Olive Bar, that he gets to have one as we walk the aisles.


Chicken Tacos, Rice, blueberries and yogurt (because he didn’t really like the chicken)


Deconstructed hamburgers, french fries, bananas and strawberries


corned beef, potatoes and cabbage

This Irish boy LOVED his daddy’s corned beef and cabbage. He went to town on everything, including the cabbage.


chili, banana and baby carrots

And I just thought I’d share a couple adorable pictures of Emmett. He adores taking photos and saying “CHEESE!”

munchkin-meals-4314-1 munchkin-meals-4314

That about does it for this month’s Munchkin Meals. I love sharing Emmett’s favorites with you, it’s fun to let you into our little world.

Be sure to stop by and visit Brittany and link-up with Munchkin Meals.

Your turn!

Do you find that your child goes in spurts with food? Or do they usually eat pretty well-rounded all of the time? Share in the comments below!

What I Ate Wednesday – #19

Woohoo – It’s What I Ate Wednesday time!

Hi everyone! I’m feeling super duper peppy tonight! That might be because I had a cup of coffee at 7, after we finished dinner. You might think I’m crazy but I like being able to write at night and the only way to stay conscious is by having a cup. I’m sure by 10:30 I’ll be ready to hit the hay.

Today was another fantastic day! Busy, with lots going on at work but all good stuff and I’m trying to keep a positive attitude, it makes everything so much better. I also had a doctor’s appointment this morning and my blood pressure was perfect, I was very pleased. Granted, I am taking BP meds, but either way at least it is in a healthy zone.

Alright, time for my eats.

I started my day off the way I usually do, with a cup of coffee. Yum!

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120That beauty right there is what gets me pumping right from the get go. I know some people may say I drink too much, but I never feel jittery and I don’t load it with sugar or milk (just a splash), and my doctor isn’t concerned, so I’ll keep on, keepin’ on.

And just because I want to prove how much I love coffee, I had a second cup when I got to work. 😉

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120-2After I finished my second cup, I had my breakfast. As I mentioned in my Weekly Wishes post on Monday, I wanted to cut all gluten out of my breakfasts, so far so good. I’ve been having an organic avocado, cubed up with 2 hard boiled eggs and then topped with Frank’s Red Hot. A good friend of mine eats this frequently for breakfast and it sounded right up my alley, so I gave it a try. I love it! And so far, I’m 3 days in with no gluten at breakfast! Go me!

All morning, I kept reminding myself to get a picture of my breakfast but I ended up forgetting until it was all gone. Here’s a pic of the empty container, for the fun of it.

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120-3Lunch was my typical salad; romaine lettuce, sunflower seeds, blue cheese, ham, turkey and some Ken’s Honey Mustard.

what-i-ate-wednesday-1113Dinner was something simple and thrown together at the last minute, Seamus worked out tonight and Emmett and I got home late. We ended up having chicken fingers and french fries, straight out of the oven. Not the top most healthy meal ever, but at least it’s better than a Big Mac and fries, right?

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120-1And that’s about it, folks. No dessert for me tonight, I just wasn’t in the mood. Be sure to stop on over to Peas and Crayons and link up with What I Ate Wednesday. Thanks for hosting, Jenn!

What I Ate Wednesday – #6

I think I say this every Wednesday, but what a busy day it was! It seemed like I was moving non-stop from the moment I awoke and I have the headache and tense neck/shoulders to prove it.

I actually don’t have a lot of pictures, because I didn’t eat a whole lot. I never thought I’d say this but I was literally too busy to eat at times. Crazy, right!?

Breakfast was the same as last week’s:

2 slices of toast
tomatoes (fresh from the farmer’s market, still)
2 plums
a banana


what-i-ate-wednesday-54 what-i-ate-wednesday-51I absolutely love this breakfast, hence why I had it again. It is very filling and just hits all the taste buds!wednesday-2

I skipped a snack today, I honestly just didn’t feel hungry and since my mind was busy, I didn’t really think about food.

Huge win!

Lunch was just kind of thrown together at the last minute because I didn’t want to spend a lot of time cooking or making anything. I just had some Keebler Townhouse Flatbread Sea Salt and Olive Oil crackers and a couple hard boiled eggs.



Dinner was out, at Salsaritas. We had an appointment to view a new day care for Emmett and stopped on the way home. It was absolutely delicious, but it always is when we go there.


All in all it was a really good day, busy, but good! I am amazed at how much less food I eat when I keep myself busy. I’m not just allowing myself to sit around thinking about what I can binge on in the kitchen. It feels good to being working on gaining control of my eating.

Your turn!

What foods did you eat this Wednesday?

Thank you to Peas and Crayons for hosting!
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