Tag Archives: lbl

Meet Sam – The New Poise Microliner

This post is sponsored by Poise, but my love for their Microliners is all my own!

Meet SAM – The New Poise Microliner

Poise Microliner - Sample Kit - Baby Doodah

A lot of my readers are moms, some of them are not, but the majority of them are female and it is because of this that I took the plunge and gave SAM a try.

What is SAM?

SAM is a microliner designed with Super Absorbent Material, that is shockingly thin and will allow you to experience your day (even with LBL) with confidence.SAM was created to absorb wetness, neautralize odor and stay three times drier than period liners.

Even prior to getting pregnant I had occasional LBL (light bladder leakage) when I would sneeze or laugh really hard. It’s a something that a lot of women deal with (1/3 of women, to be exact), and it can be really uncomfortable. It’s something most people don’t want to openly discuss, which is why you might be wondering why I am even covering something so personal on my blog. Well, I have an answer for that… When have I ever shied away from personal stuff on Baby Doodah, so why would I start now!?

Everyone wants to feel confident and not have to worry whether they’ll sneeze and be forced to feel uncomfortable throughout the day. Poise has created these microliners that are so incredibly thin that you can discreetly carry them in your purse and when you’re wearing one, it won’t feel like you are wearing a diaper.

If you’re big into exercise, especially sports where you bounce up and down (like running, cross-fit, jumping rope, etc), you may frequently feel some LBL. Instead of worrying that you may experience some leakage, throw on a Poise Microliner and go through your workout feeling strong and ambitious.

If you’re interested in giving the Poise Mircroliners a try for FREE, click this link and you’ll be taken directly to the form to request your free sample. Or, if there is another type of Poise product that you wanted to try out, they have a few different sample options. I recommend you click the link and give SAM a try.

Your turn!

What ways do you keep yourself dry and confident? 

Thanks again to Poise for sponsoring this campaign! I just adore the Poise SAM Microliners.


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