Tag Archives: join friends and link up

Fitness Fridays – #3

Welcome to this week’s Fitness Friday!

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I’d liked to give a quick shout-out to Rebecca from Flex and Shout Fitness for linking up last week! We loved having you, and we’d love if everyone made a stop over to give her a visit. 🙂

Fitness Fridays - Baby Doodah

Every week, Kathy and I decide on a topic that we’re going to discuss on our Fitness Friday blog post. So without further ado, this week’s post…

Fitness Apps that Keep Me Motivated

1. Pact

Without any doubt in my mind, my number 1 favorite fitness app is Pact. Never heard of it?! Well, now you have! It’s an app that PAYS YOU to workout. Yep, you read that correctly, you earn money simply for setting a weekly goal, and then meeting that goal. I’ve been a member of pact almost since it’s inception, and I adore it! I have made about $150, simply by working out. Currently, I have a goal of working out 5 days a week, and if I miss a workout I’ve pledged to pay $50. I don’t know about you, but $50 isn’t chump change to me, so that means I workout at least 5 days a week. It’s available for iPhone and Android devices… I highly recommend you check it out and download, today!


2. Fitbit

The Fitbit app is another big favorite of mine. I love tracking things! So being able to keep track of the steps that I take with an app, and then produces a weekly report of my highest step days really motivates me to take that extra lap around the building. You do need to have a FitBit device in order for the FitBit app to work, which makes sense. A FitBit is like a hyper-powered pedometer, I adore mine (I have the FitBit zip). Plus you can connect with friends and compete to see who get the most steps each week, it keeps a running total for the past 7 days. I’m not super competitive but I will admit to trying to get just a few more steps than my friends have on occasion.


One of the easiest GPS tracking apps I’ve ever used. There are ton of apps out there that can track your location and mileage and I’ve given a lot of them a try, out of them all RunKeeper is my favorite. It is very easy to use, you can connect with friends and it sends you fun little reminders when it’s time to workout, especially if you’ve been missing for a few days.

Fitness-Fridays,-a-blog-link-up-Baby-Doodah-and-The-Panda-PostOnto the Goals

Amount of Weight Lost

1.6 lbs!! Woohoo!! Feeling so awesome about this! I was focused most of the week and it paid off.

Exercise Goals

My goal last week was: “I am going onto my 3rd week of 21 Day Fix. I’d like to continue with that and get 7 days worth of workouts! On the side, I’d like to take some more walks with Emmett and get to the outdoor pool with him a few more times.”

I did 5 days of workouts, went to the pool twice with Emmett and took a nice long walk with him last night. I’d say we had a pretty successful week.

Next week, I would like to continue with my 21 Day Fix and in 2 days of double workouts (so one in the morning and one in the evening).

Food Goals

Last week: “ I want to continue following the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan, and drinking my Shakeology. I look forward to reporting a loss next week.”

I did really REALLY good sticking to my meal plan. The only day I didn’t was for a luncheon that my work team had on Wednesday, but I still avoid most gluten and was able to enjoy some yummy food! Another success!

This coming week, I would like to keep up with the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan and Shakeology. I figure, I’m feeling great… Why mess with a good thing!?

Fitness Friday - Joint Pic

Kathy at The Panda Post|Bloglovin’|Facebook|Twitter|Instagram

Jillian at Baby Doodah!|Bloglovin’|Facebook|Twitter|Instagram|Google+

 That about does it for this week! Be sure to join us and link-up your posts below and be sure to give Kathy and I some love. 😉

Your turn!

What are your go-to fitness motivation apps?

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