Tag Archives: home improvement

Porch – Your Home Improvement Network

Readers, I have something really REALLY exciting to share with all of you. It’s called Porch, a website designed for you to share home projects and professionals you love with your neighbors and friends.

The social media phenomena is everywhere, we can’t escape it but for me this is heaven. I am a social media junkie! I’m always more than willing to give a new project or site a try and was thrilled when one of the creators of Porch contacted me to be a founding member, so I could get the inside scoop to share with my readers.


So, what IS Porch?

Just like my tagline states, it is a site where you can share your home improvement projects and professionals with your friends and family, as well as get ideas for your own future projects. On porch you will find reviews of professionals in your area as well as great inspiration from people like you. Porch is free and always will be, so why not join and give it a try?

“Until now, a roof repair, kitchen remodel, or backyard landscaping project has been frustrating and painful because there is no single source to evaluate projects, understand costs, and find professionals based on trusted word of mouth recommendations,” said Matt Ehrlichman, Porch Chairman and CEO. “Porch is changing this by organizing home project information and providing transparency for everyone across the country to know which professionals have done specific types of projects, at precise costs, for neighbors and similar homes. This is just the start for Porch — we are committed to adding tools and information to make it easy for everyone to improve and maintain their homes based on their priorities.” –This from Porch’s press release

I’ve used porch and I love it! Currently there aren’t any professionals listed for my area, but Porch did JUST launch on September 17th. I suspect that it will grow and grow and soon have plenty of pros in Buffalo and the surrounding areas. However, looking for new ideas for changes around the house is a blast. The pictures are just beautiful and there are SO many to see, check out the screenshot below and you’ll understand what I’m talking about.



Porch is for the homeowner or the renter

Initially, when I was contacted by Porch to share their site, I was skeptical because we rent and don’t have any plans to buy in the immediate future. I figured why would I care about home improvement when I’m simply just a renter but seriously, they have tons of ideas for those of us who rent.

On Porch, people can:

  •  Hire the right professionals for their home: Find professionals that have worked in their neighborhoods, on similar homes, and that their neighbors and friends endorse.
  • See past projects completed nearby: Be better informed about home investments by exploring all types of projects neighbors have completed from remodeling to home cleaning and the precise amount they spent.
  •  Browse photos and create scrapbooks: Get inspired with beautiful home design photos and create scrapbooks to share ideas with professionals and friends.

And if you’re a professional and want to get involved with porch, you can do that as well.

More than 1.5 million professionals are on Porch across 250 repair, maintenance, and improvement categories.  Porch professionals experience more business, better exposure, and higher revenue. It’s free to join and create a business profile to showcase unlimited work experience and photos, gain exposure to neighbors and friends of past clients, and solicit endorsements. Professionals who want to maximize their exposure on the platform and get competitive insights on pricing can turn on Marketing and Analytics tools for just $35 per month.

Finally, and probably the most exciting for me, Porch is offering all of my readers $50 off your next home improvement project purchase from hayneedle.com.



So, that’s it! I’m so excited to share this with all of you and I’ll hope you’ll take some time to check out Porch and sign-up.

Your turn!

Did you check out Porch, what do you think?

**This is a sponsored post, Porch is providing me with $50 of my first home improvement purchase. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

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