Tag Archives: fueling my body

Sunday Meal Plan – Week 17

Here’s to another lovely Sunday Meal Plan!

It has been another great Sunday in Western New York, the sun has been shining, the breeze lightly blowing and the birds tweeting. I couldn’t ask for much more in the weather department.

So what did we do this weekend?

Not all that much, but we did do some serious lazing around. 🙂 Yesterday I finally went and got a hair cut, it’s been since before Thanksgiving, and I was in desperate need. I don’t know if anyone else has as good of a relationship with their hair dresser as I do, but I really enjoy seeing her and catching up. I see Alli at Chez Ann Salon, in case anyone is in need of a stylist. 🙂

In the afternoon we ran a couple errands and then headed out to a playground for some good ole fashion fun. I got this lovely picture…


It was just such a gorgeous evening!

And today, Sunday, started out rough. Emmett woke up around 1:30 and I wasn’t able to crawl back into my own bed until around 5:30 am. It’s been so bad lately, he’s woken up every single night since last Thursday. I know everyone says that it will all eventually pass, and that I’ll look back on this time fondly, but I have to be honest, I’m tired… How do I get him to sleep through the night again (help!)?

Once we were all up again, we went grocery shopping, got coffee, had lunch, took naps and then went out for a nice long walk. It was a beautiful night once again. I just love this weather! The time between it being cold and super hot, I just wish it lasted longer in Western NY. 🙂

And now, my Sunday meal plan.

Sunday: Pork with homemade tomatillo salsa

Monday: Grilled Chicken and Zucchini

Tuesday: Salmon with Israeli Couscous, with Peppers and Pistachios (this is a recipe I got off of one of my Paleo eMeals menu – it’s so good!)

Wednesday: Mexican Pizzas

Thursday: Hot Dogs and Fries

Friday: Meatloaf (following my recipe, find it here) and Baked Potatoes

Saturday: Seamus’ Birthday Dinner!!! I’m not sure where he wants to go yet, but I’m excited to celebrate with him.

That’s about it for food this week, once again, I’m pretty excited about our menu! I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com Check them out and link-up!

If you are feeling generous and want to support cancer research, donate to my ride. I’m riding for Roswell Park Cancer Institute and their Ride for Roswell. Anything will help me reach my goal, and further advance cancer research. Just click HERE to donate.

Your turn!

Please share your tips to get your toddler to sleep through the night again?

What fun meals do you have planned for this week?


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