Tag Archives: first quarter

2014 Intentions – 3 Month Update

My New Year’s Intentions – Update

Can you believe that it’s April already? That the first quarter of the year has sped us by? Me either!

Since it is April, I should probably update my 2014 intentions, and share what I’ve done in regards to them (or not done). I want to be honest, though. I haven’t looked at my actual intentions since the beginning of February, so my guess is that I haven’t met or accomplished that much in regards to them. I slacked big time in early February, and then March was spent packing and then moving.


Without Further Ado – My 2014 Intentions Update:

Grow My Blog – My very first goal was to get myself a notebook, or find a new favorite app to keep track of blog ideas as they hit me. Because they literally come at the craziest of times and I was finding that I had nowhere to track them. Update: I went ahead and got myself a moleskine notebook that I keep tucked away in my purse at all times. I use on an almost daily basis, throwing down a have thought out idea, so that I don’t lose it when I have time to actually sit down and create. I love having it, and will forever be keeping a notebook in my purse until the end of time. J

I also wanted to dedicate 30 minutes a day to writing. Update:  I was doing really well with this for the first few weeks of the year, then I started getting lazy, then we moved and now I need to stop with the excuses and “Just Do It!” When I was consistently forcing myself to write for 30 minutes, I loved the content I was coming up with. The whole point of those 30 minutes was meant to truly just focus on the words flowing out of my head. No grammar checks, or other edits, and no searching for photos.

Stop being obsessed with my numbers – the number of unique views, pages views, clicks, etc. Update: Still obsessed. I just can’t help myself! Upon opening my personal laptop, the first site I go to is google analytics. I am constantly trying to increase my readership and I just don’t know how to do that without knowing my numbers. Maybe I should stop caring about my numbers?

Create time management – Update: I’ve been working diligently on this one. I now have a blog checklist that I use on an almost daily basis, which helps me stay on task with the blog. And I’ve managed to also ensure my other household responsibilities are maintained. It feels good to have a strong handle on life. I still need to squeeze in working out, though (see below).

Take My Health Seriously – I stated that I wanted to lose weight and be healthy for Emmett and any future children. Update:  I’m still really struggling with this; in fact I’ve blogged a lot about it. Sharing my admission to Binge Eating Disorder, and the struggles I face while having BED. Every attempt I make at getting healthy is thwarted by my obsession with greasy fast food. I joined Genetix, and then never followed-thru, which is most likely because I’m afraid of the effort that is needed to lose weight. The good thing is that my webpage, on their site still exists, maybe they’re willing to still work with me, despite three months passing without any contact.

Focus on ME – I decided that I wanted to focus more on what I think of myself, and shut-out the outside voices and opinions. Update: I’m slowly but surely doing better with this. I actually read a fantastic quote the other day, “It is none of your business what others think of you.” This hit me like a punch in the face. BAM! It is so true, and since I read that in February, I have been making every attempt at reminding myself of this when I start feeling insecure, or worrying about whether someone likes me or not. Sometimes the simplest of thoughts, hit the hardest. I am thrilled I came across this quote!

While the first quarter of the year has passed, there are still 3 quarters that remain. This leaves me with plenty of time to work on the goals that I’ve started but stalled out on.

Your turn!

Did you set intentions at the beginning of the year?

If so, how are you doing with accomplishing them? If not, are you thinking of setting some now?


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