Tag Archives: first birthday

Picture Post – 2

This has been a tough week! My brain is mush and I don’t think I have the brainpower to write a full post, so instead I’ll share the pictures I mentioned last week. My father-in-law took these and I’m excited to share them with all of you!

Check out these beautiful pictures, my father-in-law has some amazing talent!

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I love these with the Buffalo Bisons‘ baseball hat!! My brother and his girlfriend got that for Emmett, he looks like such a stud!

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The dads and their babies.


Grandma and Emmett

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Is there a single face that he makes, that isn’t purely adorable!?picture-12 picture-13


And of course, a picture of my father-in-law’s baby, Seamus. 😉

In case you’ve forgotten, I still have a giveaway going on! Check it out, here.

Your turn!

How’s your week been going?

Picture Posts

We have been taking quite a few pictures of Emmett and I never seem to get to share them all, so in an effort to share his cuteness I’m going to randomly start doing picture posts. Enjoy! picture-post-1

The remnants of the cake Seamus made for Emmett.


Cousins! picture-post-3 picture-post-4 picture-post-5picture-post-8

New bath toy! Thanks Grandma!picture-post-9 picture-post-10

Fun new book! Thanks Aunt Ginny!picture-post-11 picture-post-12

Cards and Legos! What could be better?? Thank you Cousin Kevin, Becki and baby!


I love my new Fisher Price farm house! Thank you Aunt Katrina, Uncle Mike and baby!picture-post-14 picture-post-16 picture-post-17

Bubble blower from Grampa Mack. Yay!picture-post-21 picture-post-22 picture-post-23

Yummy! picture-post-24 picture-post-25 picture-post-26

I think I’ll do some finger painting with the peanut butter mousse.picture-post-27 picture-post-29

OMG! This is so yummy momma!picture-post-30 pictures-post-18

Oooh! Something to climb on…


Here we go…



pictures-post-21There we go! Thanks for the foam flooring Grandma and Grandpa!

Emmett is a very lucky boy and was so happy that day. He loved spending time with everyone and loved each and every gift he received.

If you missed his first birthday posts, you can read them here.

First Birthday Party Madness!

We celebrated Emmett’s first birthday party Saturday!

Let me start off by saying that I am not a party planner, never have been, never will be, but I think the party turned out pretty decent. If it weren’t for my mother asking my probing questions about whether I was buying this or that, or whether we’d be serving one food or another, the whole thing would have been a disaster… So, if you’re reading this, THANKS mom !

My parents live about an hour away from us and the party was scheduled to start around 1, because my parents were just hosting the party, not throwing it, Seamus and I needed to get down there early to put it all together. We got down there around 9 and spent a little time just hanging out and visiting with my mom and then we went right to work. My mom had rented a tent and some tables, which required us to set up the tables and chairs, and decorate.

We went with a monkey theme, our thought was that his entire first year of life has been monopolized by monkeys, why would his first birthday party not include them too. Thank goodness for Amazon Prime, seriously! Remember how in the first paragraph I said I wasn’t much of a party planner? I wasn’t kidding! I waited till pretty much the last minute to do everything, but we found these super cute monkey decorations (see below) that had a matching banner, plates, napkins, tablecloths, etc. We didn’t buy all of that, just the hanging decorations, the banner and some cake plates (of which I only bought a pack of 8, for a party of approximately 15). So, yeah, don’t hire me to plan your next party. Ha!

Monkey Decorations


Once the tables and chairs were set up, cleaned and then covered, I had a half hour to sit and chat with my sister. I hadn’t seen her since late May and we had so much to catch up on. I had missed her!


The whole day was a bit of a whirlwind for me because I feel like I was talking to Bridget and then, boom guests were arriving, then food was being served, then presents, cake and clean-up.

Emmett was especially adorable the entire day, thanks to a nap on the ride down and then one at grandma’s house. He was smiley and giggly and was okay with anyone holding him, I think he knew it was a special day.

first birthday 6Emmett also got to play with his cousin for the first time. This meant there were two adorable babies in one location, just take a look and you’ll see what I mean.

first birthday party 6


This my absolute favorite picture from the day! This was Emmett’s present from his Uncle John and Allison, a Buffalo Bisons hat.

first-birthday-party-7We have a tradition in my family where we put a half dollar, a rosary and a shot glass, in front of the baby turning a year old. The first one they choose is supposed to speak to their future and what direction they’ll head in (it’s all just superstition but it’s fun). The rosary is obviously for religion, shot glass is for drinking and the half dollar is for money. My boy chose the half dollar! Woohoo! He’ll be able to take care of momma and daddy in old age. 😉

first birthday party 7And then cake!

first-party-8 first-birthday-party-8We made him his own cake in hopes of a cake smash. No such luck, he just daintily picked at the peanut butter mousse, and then rubbed it all over himself and his hair. We took a splash in grandma’s baby pool after cake.

There are so many more pictures! I’ll try share some periodically throughout the next few posts I make and also on the Baby Doodah! Facebook page.

Question of the day:

How did you celebrate your child’s first birthday?




Birthday Party Teaser

Birthday Party Teaser

Whew! I am exhausted!

Here’s a birthday party teaser for you…

Oh yes, today was Emmett’s first birthday party and I’m pretty sure a good time was had by all. I will share the whole experience with you tomorrow, but tonight (because I’m pooped) I’ll share just a few of my favorite pics from the day. Enjoy!

Birthday-Tease birthday-teaser-1


Dear Emmett (12 months),

12 months! You have been alive for 12 months, this amazes and thrills me to no end.

This has been a busy month for you, but truthfully you’re busy every month, you just accomplish something knew. Emmett, I cannot believe that you have turned a year, that 365 days have passed since the very moment that I gave birth to you. We have had our ups and downs, but I’ve learned so much and grown even more, I wouldn’t change a moment of the past 12 months.

Birthday-12 months

They made him a birthday crown at day care.

Last month, you were pulling yourself up, cruising along the edges of things, this month you’ve begun to take your first steps. We were actually doing FaceTime with your paternal grandparents when you decided there was something across the room that you wanted to check out. You pulled yourself up on your crib, wobbled a bit and then decided to take 4 stiff-legged steps to the toy you were looking for. I squealed (as I almost always do for your accomplishments), I was just so excited! Your grandparents thought you had fallen or gotten hurt because at the moment, your daddy had the camera facing him. Whoops! We were able to get you to do it again but only for 2 steps, you just know that crawling is so much faster.

As the month has progressed you’ve taken more and more unassisted steps, but crawling remains your main mode of transportation. I don’t blame you, you move so SO fast when crawling. You’ll get there before we know it and then the real trouble begins! 🙂


Another major physical development has been that you can now stand up from sitting without any assistance. You more frequently use the couch, but you are able to sit, then move into a squatting position and finally stand up, sometimes you’ll take a step or two but most of the time you’ll plop back down to play.

You also, sadly, had your first real fever this month, it happened so quick too. The day after the fourth of July your dad and I had taken off and were going to have a ‘date day,’ so we got up early and took you to day care. When I dropped you off, you were fine, happy and sweet but by the time I had gotten nearly home, your day care had called me to let me know you had a fever of 102.1. I turned around and went back and got you. Your fever got pretty high (104.1), so we went to the doctors but other than that, we spent the next 3 days just cuddling you and making you comfortable. Poor guy, just wanted to be held.


You’re a pro mimicker! It started with kissy noises. I had been nursing you and sat you up and blew you a kiss, you stared at me for a few seconds and then kind of puckered up your lips and made the kiss sound. It was adorable! I kept kissing your sweet little cheeks and you kept making the sound in response, but it has since developed into more. Now any time your father or I do anything, you try and do the exact same thing. The other morning, we were all in bed cuddling and your dad touched my nose, he knows I hate having my nosed touched but he did it so you would see and repeat it. Guess what? You did. Your dad was thrilled. Me? Not so much! Either way, it’s really cute having you try and repeat the things we do whether it be a sound or an action, you will try anything.

Most babies around your age start waving hello when someone walks into a room and waves at them. You are no exception, only thing is that you do it a bit differently and it’s THE cutest thing. You throw your arm and hand in the air, like you’re about to present someone and just hold it there. There’s no, flapping or waving of the hand, just a straight, stiff arm. So cute! Toward the end of the month you’ve changed how you hold your hand and now, sometimes you will actually wave. It’s amazing how just (less than) 30 days can change you.


You continue to be fearless when it comes to food, you will try just about anything we give to you. Some days you might not eat much or may not like the way something tastes but if we give it to you again, you’ll love the way it tastes the second time. Case in point, blueberries… you hated them the first time I gave them to you. However, I kept sending them for lunch and putting them on your tray for dinner. After about a week of doing that, you started devouring them, now we are forced (not that we mind) to buy the 2 pound container of blueberries so that there’s enough for the week. You almost always eat what we do, things like salmon couscous, grilled chicken, asparagus, ravioli, Naan, etc. etc. The only time we have to come up with an alternate meal for you, is when we’re eating something spicy and that’s mainly because we figure something hot (in spice) like that may hurt you and you wouldn’t understand why.

For Christmas, you received these Fisher Price Snap Lock Beads and you love them. You get so excited when we connect them all together and then you’re able to break them apart and look in the hole that is on one end. You also love putting them on your fingers, you’ll put one on your index finger and one on your pinky finger and shake your hand around, it pretty adorable and very silly. But anything that has a hole or indentation you love.


Your dad and I haven’t really baby-proofed anything up until the last week of the month. You were mobile, but we were able to wrangle, you in one way or another, so we avoided getting rid of or moving things that weren’t safe for you to play with. However, during the last week, you started pulling down daddy’s DVDs almost daily and getting into things that were completely unsafe, so we immediately started reorganizing and getting the house ready for a baby that is very active.

Has it truly been 12 months? Have I really written 11 different “Dear Emmett’s”? Holy cow! I find that so hard to believe but it’s very obviously true. You’ve come so SO far from that bitty baby that was born and would only eat, sleep and pee/poop. Now you play, hug, cuddle and love. You’re amazing and I have no doubt that you will continue to be this way for the rest of your life.

Happy 1 year birthday, sweet sweet Emmett! Mommy loves you to the moon and back!


First Birthday Video

Happy Friday everyone!

I’m so glad the weekend is here and I get to spend time with my guys, but tonight I am tired and just going to make a quick post before relaxing on the couch with some TV.

We took this video on Emmett’s actual first birthday, when we were at Friendly’s.

Don’t worry, he wasn’t hurt by the straw, it had just tickled him.

I’ll share more this weekend, but today was such an AMAZING day!

Question of the day:

How did you spend your Friday?

Happy First Birthday, Emmett!

I think if I were a one year old, I would have been really happy with how Emmett spent his first birthday.


When my niece celebrated her first birthday back in May, my sister had commented how she wished she had taken the day off just to spend it with her. I made a mental note of this comment. I know me and I know how much it means to me to be with the ones I love on their special days, so I took off July 23rd, as did Seamus. We made no real concrete plans, we didn’t want to, we wanted to go with the flow of the day and in the end it was simply perfect.


Emmett woke up at his normal weekend time, around 6 am and we spent a little time cuddling in bed (our normal weekend routine, described here). After awhile, Seamus was still tired and I wanted to go get breakfast, so Emmett and I headed out to get bagels at Bagel Jay’s an awesome local bagel restaurant, while Seamus tried to nap longer. Emmett and I ate there, I wanted to just be alone with my baby boy before our day really got going. He was wonderful, just smiley and loving, I was so happy.


We got home and while daddy ate his breakfast, I got Emmett dressed in his birthday shirt. It had his name, a train and a 1 on it. It was a hand-me-down but it was perfect for his special day. Don’t worry, we’ll be getting him his own for his birthday party in August.


Not that a one year old can make their own decisions, but I wanted Emmett to dictate how the day went to the best of his abilities, meaning that he’d nap when he wanted to and we’d go out for lunch when he woke up, we’d play with the toys he chose, read if he decided he wanted to be curled up in our laps, I didn’t care. I wanted the day to be about him (and our memories of his birth).


We played and he practiced walking all morning long. By the time nap time had rolled around he’d been so active that he was pooped, he nursed and fell fast a sleep for a nice long nap. He woke up with a squeal (of delight) on the monitor. I went in to find him sitting up in the corner of his crib, playing with his pacifier and blanket, just smiling away. I know that he’s only one and likely had no idea that it was his birthday, but he sure acted like it was a special day, maybe it was just being home with Seamus and I.


Before we headed out for lunch, Seamus gave Emmett his first present from us (he’ll get more at his party in August), a set of Duplo Legos. Oh my goodness, this child is in love with them! We spent so much time just opening the package and examining every block. We’d then stack them up and Emmett would knock them down, it was a blast.


At lunch, we had a happy, silly boy. I got a ton of great pictures, as you can see below. He always seems to really enjoy himself when we go out, I think it’s because he has new scenery to look at. We don’t give Emmett a lot of sweets, typically the sweetest thing he eats is fruit but we let him splurge, since it was his birthday. He had his very first Cone Head sundae at Friendly’s and he loved it SO much!


Seamus and I decided that for as long as Emmett will tolerate it, we will take him to Friendly’s for his birthday. I think it might be the first tradition we’ll be making as a family, you have NO idea how excited this makes me. Along with my love of reminiscing, comes my love of traditions, I’m sure you can understand why.


The rest of the evening was spent playing with his new Legos and going outside for a bit.

See! Doesn’t it sound like THE perfect first birthday?

Question of the day:

How did you spend your children’s first birthdays?

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