Tag Archives: Finish dishwasher cleaner

Best Dishwasher Detergent for Our Sparkling Dishes

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. Thank you for reading and helping to support my family. #CollectiveBias

Best Dishwasher Detergent3

Ever since I’ve known Seamus (7 years!!) he has been a very BIG fan of one specific dishwasher detergent. I never really had a problem with it but it just never seemed to get our glasses bright and sparkly clean.

Often, we’d run the dishwasher and pull out our glasses for either coffee or water/soda and they’d be lined with either water spots or grimy old food. It was SO disappointing! Considering the one HUGE benefit of having a dishwasher is not having to actually hand wash your dishes.

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So, when I was given the opportunity to try out Finish Dish Detergent, I was stoked! I knew this was a HUGE opportunity to convince Seamus that Finish does the job. That there would no longer be a need to scrub down my coffee mug because it is filled with dried bits of last nights dinner (Yuck!).

Best Dishwasher Detergent

Here’s what we did, we ran to Wal-mart to grab Finish’s new Quantum™ Power & Free™. I took some before photos of the glass after it had been washed with a competitor’s soap, the previous night. Then, we threw that same glass into last night’s dishwasher run with some of the new dishwasher detergent. I assure you, the dishwasher was VERY full and had tons of dirty dishes (we had Chicken Shawarma and a garlicky eggplant dish (can’t remember the exact name).

These are our results – Do you think I was impressed? How about Seamus? 😛

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Yeah, we were both pretty happy!! That glass was SO clean and when the sun hit it, it sparkled. Swoon! My camera even had a really difficult time focusing on anything, it kept wanting to capture the things behind the glass.

He agreed that we should stick with Finish, to help make both of our lives easier. Yay!! I’m so glad about that!

Right now, Wal-mart actually has the Finish Dishwasher Detergent on Rollback, which can then be paired with this coupon. Um… hello MAJOR savings!! #SparklySavings

**Please remember to supervise all children, when/if they are handling the product.

Your turn!

Have you ever tried Finish? What are your thoughts? Do you love it as much as I do?

Also, don’t you just HATE when you have yesterday’s food stuck on your mugs?


This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. Thank you for reading and helping to support my family. #CollectiveBias

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