Tag Archives: fat mum slim

A Day in the Life – Photo Journal

A Photo Journal is such a fun way to document your life.

I read a lot, on the internet, books, manuals, etc, and I find a lot of stuff that I can either use here, on Baby Doodah! or in my own personal life. Recently, I was reading through the archives of a favorite blog of mine, Fat Mum Slim. She has a blog post full of ideas for blog topics, 50 to be exact. There are several that I’ll probably use and write about in the future, but today I am doing a post in pictures.

I took a picture every hour from the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep. It was really tough deciding what in that hour was worthy of a photo, but I somehow managed. 😛 So without further adieu…

A Day in the Life – Photo Journal

photo-journal-14I wake up at 4:45 am. When I first wake up I don’t give a crap what my hair or anything else looks like. Since I cut my hair short, this is how I wake up. HAHA


The majority of the time, I spend the 5 o’clock hour either blogging, responding to emails or scheduling Tweets for throughout the day.

photo-journal-11Throughout the 6AM hour, I’m busy drying my hair, doing my make-up and getting dressed. I just got this new vanity mirror last week, and I am totally in love! I had previously been using a small compact mirror, but at Christmas my brother’s girlfriend and my sister were talking about how they love their large mirrors, so I went ahead and splurged on a nice lighted one. It’s awesome!


I was not driving when I took this picture, I was parked.

The majority of the 7 o’clock hour is spent driving around. Typically Emmett and I leave the house for day care and work around quarter after 7, and I am just rolling into the work parking lot around 8 am. I remember when my commute was 20 minutes! 😉


8 AM, I’m getting my computer booted up, and settling in for a day at work.

photo journal 21

After settling in, answering any pressing emails and getting into my groove, at 9 AM I have a delicious cup of Joe.

I don’t think I’ve shared one of my Christmas presents yet, Emmett (Seamus) got me this adorable mug! I had asked for a mug that said mom, or something like that, but Seamus really outdid himself with this beauty from Shutterfly. Under the center photo it says, “My Momma is the BEST Momma.” I look forward to drinking out of it every morning.

photo-journal-4Around 10 AM I am more than ready for a snack. I had some yummy hard boiled eggs and hot sauce, I love hot sauce!!


11 AM almost came and went without a picture, I was banging out some work.


Noon brought my yummy lunch! And yes, it is my same old delicious salad. 🙂


I had back to back meetings at 1 and then at 2 PM.


At 3, I treated myself to some delicious Trader Joe’s Chocolate Hazelnut cookies, and coffee. Yum!

I didn’t snap a picture during the 4 o’clock hour. 🙁 It completely slipped my mind.


I took this as I was leaving work. It was a long, busy day!


6 o’clock was playtime!


7 PM brings bath and goof around time.

photo-journal-15Food prep! As soon as Emmett’s in bed and all tucked in, I’m off to the kitchen (around 8:30) to pack my food for the next day.


I spent the 9 o’clock hour watching the Season 2 finale of Dexter, and editing pictures.

And then finally, it was bedtime at 10:30. I was completely exhausted and didn’t even think to take a picture. You’ll just have to imagine what I look like sleeping. HAHA

Your turn!

I’d love to see your day in photos! Feel free to share your posts in the comments below.


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