Tag Archives: family fun weekend

Wonderful Weekend – Fun as a Toddler

That title says it all, it was an absolutely wonderful weekend!

We didn’t have any major plans this wonderful weekend, but I did knew that I wanted to get Emmett out of the house as much as possible. The warm weekend summers are slowly but surely coming to an end and I want to do as much as possible before the first flakes flies.

Emmett woke up very early on Saturday morning (5 am) and I decided to take full advantage of that. We ate a quick breakfast and then decided to hitch up the bike trailer that my in-laws (THANK YOU!) got Emmett for his birthday. It was so awesome! The trailer is the inStep brand and is just perfect, it has room for 2 kids and little pockets on the side that Emmett can put little toys or snacks in. We put on his little helmet, got him all buckled in and away we went. I think we were riding for about 15 minutes, before I turned around and saw that he was fast asleep. So when people ask me whether I think Emmett had a good time or not, I say, heck yes he had a good time, he was comfortable enough to fall asleep. We ended up riding for 6.5 miles and then heading back home because I wanted to get to the farmer’s market before it got too busy.

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We stopped home, used the bathroom and then pulled the jogging stroller out to head to the market. I was concerned that Emmett wouldn’t be very pleased with going from one enclosed buckled in seat to another, but he was just fine, in fact, he seemed really happy. Once we’re at the market, he’s always happy because he has so much to look at. He’s totally like his momma, a people watcher!

The colors of fruit and vegetables at the market were just beautiful. Check out this spread I picked up, tomatoes (so many tomatoes), cucumbers, red onion, zucchini, red potatoes and some Chevre from First Light Farm and Creamery. I barely bought any produce at the actual super market, just some lettuce because they didn’t have much at Bidwell.  That makes me happy because I love supporting local and things that are fresh, never shipped, ALWAYS taste better.

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After all that early morning activity, Emmett was really sleepy and I needed a shower so we headed home for both. While he slept I worked on my blog post, 5 tips for New Moms and got that nearly completed so we could have some family fun after Emmett woke up.

We headed out for some ice cream at Anderson’s and then some playground time. We always get Emmett a baby sized dish of vanilla frozen custard and he eats about a quarter of it and then daddy finishes the rest. 🙂 It really hit the spot. We headed over to a nearby playground next and we swung and swung. He loves it! He giggles and smiles the whole time and it just makes me so happy. After awhile there was another baby waiting to get on the swing so we decided to try the slide. Check out this picture, is it not the cutest thing you’ve ever seen?!

Finally, we ended up in a ginormous sandbox, which Emmett loved. We didn’t stay long because we had forgotten sunblock and didn’t want Emmett’s skin to be damaged, but he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He even whined a little bit when we forced him to go, he’s turning into such a little boy, no longer our tiny baby, in fact he turned 13 months on Friday. (OMG!)


Sunday was another early wake-up for Emmett, 5 am again. I normally don’t mind getting up that early but I was really feeling sluggish Sunday morning. Didn’t matter though, we sat down to some breakfast, ate, then I showered and we headed out to the grocery store. I really like taking Emmett to the store, it gets him out of the house and able to experience something new and different each week. Since it wasn’t even 9 am yet, it was pretty quiet at Wegmans and our trip went quickly.


We unloaded and put away the groceries and then it was time to head to Grammy and Grandpy’s house! We were heading down there to celebrate a belated birthday with my dad (it was back on 8/13/13). Nothing special, just some playing, a light lunch and cuddles with Grandpa. We did have some cake but Emmett wasn’t interested, he was having more fun playing with all the new and different toys that live at Grammy’s house.


We headed back to Buffalo around 3:30 and were home in time for dinner as a family. We were all feeling lazy, after a busy weekend so we decided on some pizza… I think that Emmett thoroughly enjoyed himself!

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Shortly after that, came bath time and bed. Emmett was going between super cuddly to meltdown mode, when that happens we know it’s nearing bedtime.

We had such an amazing weekend, I didn’t want it to end!

And an announcement!

The winner of the The Magic Path of Yoga Giveaway is:

Random Generator


Commenter number 12, Betsy G! Congratulations! Please use the Contact Me link above and send me the address you’d like the game shipped to.


Your turn!

What fun things did you fill your weekend with?

Day at the Park

This was first weekend in a long time that we were free and had time to do some family bonding. We tossed around the idea of going to the zoo but changed our minds because yesterday’s weather was kind of iffy and we didn’t want to risk getting caught in the rain, so the idea of going to a playground came up but we weren’t sure where a good one (for babies) was. Seamus did some quick googling and actually found a list of the top 5 local playgrounds.


I don’t recall where this particular playground fell on the list but it was really really nice! I look forward to Emmett being older, so we can take him and he can run around. This time we put him on the swing for awhile and he really loved that, then we walked around to see what else was there. It had so many different “obstacles” that I can’t even remember them all. Seriously, can’t WAIT until Emmett is walking (running) around.

Here’s his first swing…

The baby swings at this playground were a little different than what I had seen at others but we were careful not to swing him too high or too fast and he ended up having a blast. Like I mention in the video he really just wanted to stare down at the wood chips, I’m sure that’s because it looked so neat going fast underneath him.

We took turns pushing him so that the other person could be in front and get to see his adorable smile as he flew back and forth. Everyday there are new things that warm my heart, this was definitely one of them. He was so happy!

park-1Once we were all swung out, we went to check out the slides to see if any of them were dry enough or short enough to send Emmett down. We found one and sent him down with me there ready to catch him but he didn’t seem to enjoy it too much so the next one we tried (there were literally 6 or 7 slides on this playground) Seamus went down with him. Emmett seemed to enjoy that SO much more!

park-2Our final stop was at this bouncy circular thing. Seamus and I both remarked how when we were kids the circular toy at the playground spun around and around, until you got sick. This did not spin, it just had some giant springs underneath it and bobbled around. We sat on it, with Emmett, for awhile before we decided to call it an afternoon.

I’m definitely not rushing Emmett to grow up, I love his age right now but the park will be even more fun when we go back, once he’s walking.


How did you spend your weekend?



Weekend Recap

It was a really great weekend in the Baby Doodah household, lots of family fun was had!

Fisher Price is located about 20 miles from where we live and they have a toy store on premises. We’ve been trying to get out there for a couple weeks but it kept getting pushed back for one reason or another but we FINALLY made it out there this weekend.

You’re not allowed to take pictures in the store so the above picture is the only one we have but this is good enough!

The store itself was no more special or unique than going into a Toys ‘R’ Us or even the toy section of Target. Obviously the toys are all Fisher-Price or Mattel Brand (FP’s parent company) but it wasn’t exactly like I expected. I’ll be honest, I was hoping to walk into this wonderland of toys, kind of like when I walked into F.A.O. Schwartz in NYC. But that’s alright, we had a purpose for going, we wanted to get Emmett a jumperoo/exerc-saucer and they had the exact one we wanted!

Emmett’s New Toy! “Fisher-Price Luv U Zoo Jumperoo”

A baby shouldn’t use the toy unless their feet touch the floor (as per their instructions), since Emmett’s didn’t quite reach, we improvised and now it’s perfect! Right now he loves it in small doses but just like with his Fisher Price Swing, I believe he’ll work his way up to LOVING everything about it for longer and longer.

Just an FYI – we did not find the prices at the actual Fisher-Price store to be any cheaper than any other department store or even online but like I said earlier, we went more for the experience.

After we wandered around the toy store for awhile we headed to Five Guys in Hamburg. They just opened up a new location there and Seamus and I wanted to give it a try. It was pretty busy but (as always) their burgers were delicious!

Sunday was a super relaxing, lay around in your jammies, kind of day. Neither Seamus nor Emmett left the house at all yesterday and I only left for about 30 minutes while I made a bagel, orange juice and coffee run. It was a very restorative day!

Here’s to everyone having a fantastic Thanksgiving week!

How was your weekend?

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