Binge Eating Disorder is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating without subsequent purging episodes.
Hi all, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve participated in What I Ate Wednesday, but finally getting back to it. This week’s post is a bit different than previous week’s because I want to come clean in an effort to get my eating in check.
I want to be successful with my resolutions this year, in order to do that I need to grow as a person. One area where I truly suffer is my eating, I have binge eating disorder (or BED). Many of you may have never heard of BED, neither had I until I discovered Kristin Gerstley’s blog End Binge Eating Now.
I’ve always known that I have an unhealthy relationship with food, that I prefer to eat alone because then I can eat an unheard of amount of food without anyone knowing (or judging), but I was unaware that it had a name. I randomly came across the term Binge Eating Disorder while on Instagram. An individual that I follow has overcome the disease, she was sharing a photo and a story from her journey, and it hit me, her story was describing what I deal with on a near daily basis. As I googled it, and read through Kristin’s blog reality slapped me hard in the face. Now, the question is how do I overcome Binge Eating Disorder?
This isn’t something new, I’ve dealt with this for a large majority of my adult life, but I’ve reached my breaking point. The thing is that I don’t just want to cope with BED, but actually overcome it. BED is like many other addictions, the only difference is that I can’t cut food completely out of my life, I can’t just stop eating. Instead I need to wrangle it in, and I have no idea how to do that, this is where the research begins.
I’m tired of dealing with this on my own, there are many online support groups, classes and blogs that have helped thousands overcome BED, allowing them to live a happy and full life. I want to be one of those people, and my journey starts here, today. I’m sharing this with you, readers, because I would love if you’d be willing to help hold me accountable.
Thanks to Jenn for hosting! Please be sure that you stop over and visit all of the wonderful What I Ate Wednesdays.