This week’s Weekly Wishes theme is animals.
Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!
Is it really the start of a brand new week, again? I swear we were just here yesterday. Ah well, the days are just flying by, which reminds me to make sure I try and slow down some, and take in as much as I can about this time of year. It just zooms by and I really want to enjoy every moment with Seamus and Emmett.
Despite the last few days flying by, it has been an amazing weekend full of so much love, fun and a lot of great food. We had an amazing time with our in-laws on Thanksgiving and the day after, and then a lot of fun with my family on Saturday and Sunday morning. I’ll be sharing more about it, and all of the details in a future post, but it is no surprise that time flew by so quickly.
As I mentioned above, this week’s theme is animals. We currently do not have any animals in our house, so instead I used a picture of my animal from this weekend. Emmett was so hyper and all over the place at both my in-laws and mom’s house and this was just one of the many pictures we got of him being a cute little crazy person. Goodness I love him!
So how did I do with last week’s wishes?
My first goal was to get an oil change. Bam! I did it! Wednesday on lunch, I ran to Valvoline and got a quick oil change, I was in and out. I’m sure my car was happy.
Then, I made a goal to not eat like a glutton on Thanksgiving. Once again, a total win! I had one serving at both of my Thanksgiving celebrations and I am super proud. I only ate what I liked and took just enough until I was full, it felt good to not be disgustingly stuffed.
And now for this week’s, Weekly Wishes…
- Do a couple loads of laundry throughout the week. Since we’re back into the swing of a normal week, I want to get back into the routine of doing a couple loads of laundry here and there, rather than all at once on Sunday.
- Move 3 times. It’s no secret that I have gotten so terribly out of shape, I want to change that. Right now my back is in really bad shape, every time I stand up, it feels like someone is stabbing me on the right hip/pelvis area and I can feel it pressing on my sciatic nerve. This likely means I have a disc that is starting to bulge, because this is what I went through 3 or 4 years ago. I need to be very careful with my back, until I can strengthen it, because of that I would like to perform yoga 3 times throughout this week.
- Check at least 2 more people off of my Christmas list. I’m done shopping for about a handful of people, but still have a bunch to go. I really don’t want to wait until the last minute to find gifts for people, so I’d like to check off at least 2 more this week.
And that’s it, those are my wishes for the week ahead.
Be sure to stop on over and visit Melyssa, from The Nectar Collective and link-up.