Tag Archives: direct energy

Saving Energy when Living in an Apartment

Thank you to Direct Energy for sponsoring today’s post and helping to support my family.

When you live in an apartment, you might think that it’s difficult to save money on your energy bills. You don’t always have control over things that can save you money. By default, your apartment may come with older appliances, if you don’t own the place, it can be difficult to have those removed and replaced with your own newer Energy Star options. However, today I’m going to share some ways that you CAN save money, even when living in an apartment.

Saving Energy in an Apartment - Baby Doodah - Tips on how you can Save energy, even while living in an apartment.

Tips to Save Energy when you Live in an Apartment

  1. Turn the lights off when you leave a room. This one is kind of a given, and probably something you’ve heard for as long as you’ve been old enough to turn off lights, but it’s effective. Less lights that you leave on, the less electricity you’re using, thereby leading to more energy saved. If you’re leaving a room, just flick the switch.
  2. Change the type of light bulbs that you use. One thing you can change is the type of bulb you use in all of your lights. My advice is if you’re not currently using Energy Star light bulbs, you run out and grab some and switch all your lights out. It will save you money and even better, they last longer!
  3. Switch Out Your Thermostat – Obviously you need your landlord’s permission for this one, but if you don’t ask, you’ll never know – and it can be a pretty easy fix. If you have an old school thermostat, that you cannot program, you’re losing money. You can switch it out for any basic programmable model, or this beauty, a Nest Learning Thermostat. By getting setting a thermostat to adjust when you’re asleep or away, you can save money on your energy bill. Pretty simple, huh? (If you’re interested in the Nest Learning System, stay tuned till the end on how to enter a giveaway.)nest_cooling
  4. Unplug power cords. Here’s another easy one, but one that can lead to a pretty big chunk of power usage – all of those power cords and battery packs that you leave plugged in when not in use, burn about 15% of the energy that’s flowing into your house. After you’re done charging your phone, unplug the cord and put it to the side. Do yourself a favor and lower your electric bill!
  5. Skip the bath. Look, I love baths as much as the next guy, but they use a TON of water. Keep the baths to a minimum and just take quick showers instead of a daily bath.
  6. Cover your windows with plastic. Trust me, I know. I resisted this, too. It just doesn’t have the same lovely appeal that a fresh, clear window does BUT it will keep the heat in AND your energy bills down. This is especially useful when you live in an older home with really drafty windows. Remember, your whole goal is to keep saving energy.
  7. Use a draft stopper. I think if you were to stand by someone’s door in the winter time, the draftiest and coldest part would be down at the bottom. All that cold air is getting in and your precious warm air is going out, stop this from happening by using a draft stopper. You can find some cute ones all over the place.

There you have it, my top tips on saving energy. There are some really easy and practical fixes that you can put into effect TODAY!

In the meantime, if you’d like to win a Nest Learning Thermostat, Direct Energy is giving 5 systems away. Direct Energy is committed to helping their customers build a smarter home, and thus cut down on their energy usage – which can save you, the customer, time and make your lives easier. Currently they’re offering the opportunity for anyone to learn more about creating a smarter home by visiting their Facebook page, or exploring their Comfort and Control Plans.

Their Comfort and Control Plans, 24 or 36 month plans offer fixed rate price stability, and a Nest Learning Thermostat (a $249 value) at no cost to you. AND, they’re giving one of these away – all you need to do is CLICK HERE, fill out the information and then enter to win.

Your turn!

What ways do you try to save energy? Share in the comment below, whether you live in an apartment or in a home.


7 Tips for a Smart and Green Home

Thank you to Direct Energy for sponsoring today’s post (#DEsmarthome). As always, opinions expressed are 100% my own.

Today, I’m taking some time to share some ways that we’re planning on making our home a bit greener this Spring. My hope is to encourage you to make your home cleaner and greener.

tips for a smart and green home

Smart Home = Greener Home

  1. Turn the Thermostat Down – Our number one way to make our home greener, is by turning the thermostat down, and when chilly, just throwing on a sweatshirt. Not only is this a way to save energy, but also a way to save us money. We’ve also programmed our thermostat to go decrease and increase in temperatures at specific times, so that it isn’t accidentally left up high, while we’re at work.
  2. Turn the Water Off – We have a bad habit of leaving the water on for longer periods than necessary. When we’re washing Emmett’s bottles, or giving him a bath, we leave the water running. We’re going to make an effort to be more mindful of when the water is running, and it doesn’t have to be.
  3. Recycle – I’ll be honest, Seamus and I aren’t always the best when it comes to recycling. We’ll toss out more than we recycle, and end up creating way more waste than we need to. I want to make sure that we are recycling everything that can be recycled, it’s good for the earth and it will teach Emmett that recycling is important.
  4. Use Energy Efficient Lighting – Upon moving into our new apartment we replaced all of our light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs, which will save us money and will last 10 times longer.
  5. Low-Flow Plumbing Features – It just so happens that the toilets in our new place are low-flow, and we just replaced our shower head with a low-flow fixture. This way, we’re once again reducing the amount of water that we’re using on a daily basis.
  6. Purchase Energy Star Appliances – We recently bought a new washer and dryer, both of which are considered energy star. These appliances help us save water and energy by being Energy Star.
  7. Clean Greener – Finally, I plan on replacing all of our current cleaning products with items that are safe for the environment. I’m no neat freak, but I do like a clean kitchen. I’m now on the hunt for some greener products.

As mentioned earlier, this post is sponsored by Direct Energy – they want my readers to know about the Direct Energy Meridian Savings Plan. With this plan you get a competitively priced fixed energy charge, up to three Honeywell Smart Thermostats, plus a smartphone app that allows you to control your thermostat anytime, anywhere. The five-year dual fuel plan includes a fixed rate for electricity and a variable natural gas with a winter cap. This plan includes a Nest Learning Thermostat™ at no additional cost.

Stop on over and check out Direct Energy’s Facebook page and check out their five-year dual fuel plan.

Your turn!

What are your best tips for making a greener home?

What types of things have you done in the past that you are still benefiting from today, when it comes to a greener home?


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