Tag Archives: diapers

A Visit With Santa

This past weekend Emmett and I went down to visit my parents and go to a local club’s children’s Christmas party. I remember going to these parties as a child and always getting really awesome toys so I was excited to take Emmett and see what sort of surprises he’d get. Plus I wanted the opportunity to take some adorable pics of him and Santa and not have to go to a mall to do it.


Emmett was in a fantastic mood which was quite a relief because with the trouble sleeping he’d been having I was concerned that he’d have a meltdown but he was an absolutely perfect little boy! I think he knew that Santa was there and was checking his list. 😉

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This photo makes me giggle. I love my mom's eyes above Emmett's head.

This photo makes me giggle. I love my mom’s eyes above Emmett’s head.

When I have the camera, I get kind of carried away and take all sorts of pictures. I never want to miss anything so I get a lot of goofy faces but as you can see, in the end, I get some great shots too and I also end up deleting a bunch too. Ah, the beauty of a digital camera!

How the luncheon works is you go in find a seat and help yourself to some “orange drink” (that’s what it’s called) which is just some super sugary drink colored orange, that I suppose has a taste that resembles oranges, either way, I avoided the orange drink and just had water, then you’re served lunch which was chicken fingers and french fries. Then FINALLY it’s time for Santa!!!!

They call each child from a family all at the same time so that all of the siblings get their gifts together and so that the parents can have their photo op. There weren’t a ton of kids there but enough where some had to wait for awhile, thankfully we didn’t have to worry about that this year, Emmett was content to just sit and play, or have a blow out, as the case may be.

While Emmett waited for his turn, he fell asleep on my shoulder. I love when that little guys falls asleep on me because his teeny tiny baby snores are just the perfect sound ever. Once he woke up he went back to my mom and sat on her lap, that’s when he decided that it was a good time to poop and blow out his adorable (new) outfit. What a kid! Ha! So off to the bathroom we went to change it quickly because his name hadn’t yet been called for his gift and we weren’t sure when it would be, though we did have his Aunt Bridget out there to let Santa know what happened and that we’d be back. I’m glad we did because we weren’t finished cleaning Baby Doodah up, when they called his name. Once he was all set, we took him on out to meet Santa for the first time and get his very first wrapped present.


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Finally Meeting Santa!

Finally Meeting Santa!


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I think he ended up liking the paper on the gift better than he liked the gift but it was a really awesome gift for a 4 1/2 month old boy.

The Wonderment on His Face Warms My Heart

The Wonderment on His Face Warms My Heart


Posing With His First Christmas Present

Posing With His First Christmas Present

It was a really lovely weekend that lead into a really crappy early week (post to follow).

Does anyone have any great Santa stories to share?

Amazon Prime

Oh my god, I’m obsessed!

I joined Amazon Mom a few weeks back. What that is for anyone who isn’t familiar, Amazon allows anyone who is a mom, a caregiver, knows a mom, grandparent (pretty much anyone), to join their program for free. The program offers a 3 month FREE membership to Amazon Prime which provides FREE 2 day shipping, this right here is a huge selling point for me but you also get 20% off all diapers and wipes, as a plethora of other discounts. After 3 months, you can choose to pay for Amazon Prime for a year or not, either way, you still get those 3 months free.

Anyhow, that’s not why I’m writing this post, I’m writing this post because I cannot stop searching for items that are Amazon Prime available. I’m not even planning on buying all of the items, I just keep putting some term or another in the search box and seeing if anything there is available for 2 day shipping. And really, SO MUCH IS!

Here a few of the items I found…

and then something for mom…

But I need to wait to buy this until my hair gets quite a bit longer!

I didn’t buy any of these items today (just added them to my wishlist) but I did buy some diapers and a Halloween costume for Emmett (pics will come after Halloween). The best parts for me are 1- diapers and wipes are cheaper online than they are in a store (we use Pampers Swaddlers) and 2- I can wait until pretty much the last minute to buy diapers and they’ll still get here quickly enough because of the 2 day shipping. Love that!

I know, I probably lived in the dark ages but I’ve finally seen the light.

Have you experienced Amazon Prime? Any great items you’ve found through Amazon?

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