Tag Archives: daddy

What Did We Do This Weekend?


We went to lunch, where Emmett tried his first falafel. He LOVE it!

weekend-6We tried on shoes, so that momma can buy a couple pairs. Which one do you like better?

weekend-5We napped and cuddled on momma.

weekend-4We hung out and wiggled around with daddy.

weekend-3We bought fresh local blueberries that were very tart and made Emmett pucker up.

weekend-2weekend-1 We prepped some food for the week.

WeekendAnd finally, we played and read some books as a family.

It was such a fantastic weekend! Hope yours was as great!!

What fun things did you do this weekend?

Dear Emmett,

Do you realize that there is only 3 more months until you are a year old? This blows my mind! At this time last year, your father and I were anxiously awaiting your birth and here we are a year later, having the time our lives.


We celebrated your first Easter this month. Your dad and I didn’t decorate, dye eggs or get you an Easter basket because we knew you’d probably be getting one from your Grammy, we weren’t wrong. You got the cutest basket from her, it is a monkey’s head and inside of it was a stuffed peep (since you can’t eat the marshmallow ones yet), a VERY cute barn with 4 different farm animals in it that make noise and a chicky bird sippy bottle. I think there might have been one more thing in there but I’m drawing a complete blank. It was really cute stuff and I really love the barn, I can’t wait until your a little bit older and can play with the animals with me.

You are so SO mobile! I remember when we used to be able to put you down on the floor to play and you would stay there, now, no way! The second you hit the floor you move, move, move. You continue to do your army crawl, where your right arm is straight out, pulling, your left is bent underneath your chest pushing you forward and your legs every once in awhile will give a good push but mainly it is your arms doing the work. You still get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth but you haven’t yet done any “formal” crawling, who cares, though!? You are able to get around perfectly well the way you do it now. You’ve become really really good at doing planks and downward dog, obviously you have no idea they’re called that but you have inspired me to start planking or doing downward dog when you are doing them. So thanks for the motivation! 🙂


Going along with your crawling, you’ve also become really good at standing. Your dad or I can stand you up, holding onto your crib or pack ‘n play and you stand there all on your own for long stretches of time. You actually love it quite a bit because now you can watch your daddy cook. At the start of the month, you were just standing there for a little bit and then falling down, now you like coasting along the side. So if I am in my bedroom and you want to see what I’m doing you’ll slowly inch your way around to the other side so you can see me. You’ve also pretty much mastered sitting down from standing. Initially you’d just let go and fall, sometimes you’d land on your back other times on your butt but at this point, most of the time you land your on your bottom in a sitting up position.


We’ve even experimented with your toy motorcycle that you can use as a walking prop. When we set it up so that you can hold on and walk behind it, you’re pretty good at taking 3 or 4 steps before you stop and sit down. You seem to get tired or bored of doing this because you’ll only do it once or twice but you’re getting better and better. Sooner or later, you will be walking and then, everybody better watch out!

In your classroom at school they have short plie bar attached to a mirror and then attached to the wall. You love that thing! The second your teacher puts you up on it and you start looking at yourself in the mirror you start talking. You yell and smile, babble and grunt, you just adore it. Your teacher also tells us that you are very talkative, that all day you are making some sort of noises. I have a feeling your dad and I are in for it. But I’m pretty sure I was a talkative toddler, so it only makes sense.

Midway through the month, your dad and I started to get a little nervous that maybe you weren’t getting enough solid foods down. You were definitely getting enough breast milk but at around 9 months you start needing the nutrients from whole foods. We considered starting to give you more pureed food and we even pureed some sweet potatoes for you, but in the end our worries were for nothing. You are a champion eater! You are now eating and swallowing pretty much everything without any trouble, this includes meats like chicken, pork or steak. Vegetables and fruit are no match for you, you grab them tight and chomp away. It has been quite the experience watching your eating abilities grow with each passing week.


You love to play with everything but mostly with items you shouldn’t be playing with. Your favorites tend to be the outlet that is strangely in the floor, that we’ve put an outlet cover over but you still want to crawl on over and take it out. You also love grabbing for the cable box and Blu-ray player, which gives your dad a heart attack nearly every time (understandably). I’m personally, not looking forward to when you can reach the TV because that is one expensive piece of equipment and it would be very sad if it got damaged. We’ll just need to be extra vigilant when we get to that point.


We continue to teach you the signs for different words so that it makes it easier for us all to communicate before you are able to speak. Last month you conquered milk and continue to do a great job with that, this month, we’re pretty sure that you’ve mastered “more.” We use it mostly to ask if you want more food, or for you to ask us for more food. We’re still working on “diaper” and “all done.” I have no doubt you will get both of those very soon.

You and I are doing swimming lessons and you are having a blast! When the other babies are bothered by the chilly water or even just being in the water, there you are, happy as a clam, splashing and smiling. I’m so happy we can experience this together. Since before you were born I knew I wanted to do a mommy and me class but couldn’t find one that was the right fit for us, swimming is perfect and something I’m good at. My hope is to continue doing these classes together until you’re 24 months, when you’ll have to start doing the classes on your own with a swim teacher.


Speaking of water, bath time is a blast! Getting you squeaky clean isn’t the easiest because you like to move and squirm but once that part is done, playing with your toys is the best. I’m not sure how it got started, but one day I started calling your toes vinegar toes, now every time I wash them I say that, it’s pretty funny. You have started moving around in the tub to reach your toys or the hose and sometimes you’ll turn your little self around and moon your daddy and I, thank goodness it is such a cute dupa. You like when I lay you back and let you float with my hand underneath your back, it seems like you find it so relaxing. I think if your dad and I let you, you’d stay in the tub forever.

Your 9 month doctor’s appointment is on May first, so I don’t have any of your weight or height information to share this month, but I’ll make sure I include them next month. I am anxious to see what you weigh and how tall you are because you just seem so ginormous.


Well Emmett, my happy beautiful boy, I love every precious moment I get to spend with you and can’t wait to see what is on the horizon this go round.


Baby Book – Part 2

If you missed it, I’ve started a series of blog entries where I will be answering the prompts in Emmett’s baby book so that at some point I can print them all out and glue them into the book. You can read my first entry here.

The next prompt in the book is:

Things you parents liked to do before you were born…

s and j

Well, Emmett, to an outsider your dad and I might seem like boring people but we are often quite content being in the same room while we do our own things. For instance, I’ll be reading or messing around on the internet and your dad will be reading or playing a video game.

When we would go out to do things we would go to dinner or go to see a movie. Actually, we used to watch a lot of movies before you came around. Now it’s tough because you need our attention and that doesn’t leave a lot of room to watch a 3 hour movie. That’s okay, I’d choose you over a long movie any day.

In our early days together, your dad lived in Buffalo and I lived with my parents about an hour away but we still made it work. I’d go over to visit him after work or drive up on the weekends and we’d do all sorts of things. We went to different museums, music concerts or would get into TV shows together but it was (and continues to be) so easy to be around your dad, we got on so well and we enjoy being together.

I hope that one day you find a partner that makes you as happy as your dad makes me!

Emmett’s Dad, My Husband

If you’re not in the mood to read a mushy, sappy post then you should probably stop reading but I’d much prefer you continue to read because I want the world to know how thankful and in love I am with my husband.

Seamus and I met online through match.com. I had actually cancelled my membership the day that he contacted me, but Match was still sending me notification emails, so I was alerted that he had sent me an email. Going off his picture and his profile, I figured it would be worth it to rejoin for one month, what could it hurt? It was one of the best decisions I ever made.

He has always been a constant source of support in my life but never more so than throughout my pregnancy and the past 6 months of motherhood.

WeddingIt has been no secret that I have been suffering on and off with depression since Emmett was born and there has not been one single moment where Seamus has made me feel guilty or like less of a mother or wife. Quite the opposite. When I was continually putting myself down and saying I was a terrible mother because I was still struggling so much with just being a mom, he was the one who was there telling me I was being too hard on myself, that I needed to stop adding more pressure to myself and just experience life.

wedding 2He is kind and loving to me but even more so to Emmett. Every time he holds our son and they play, laugh or cuddle together it warms my heart knowing that I chose the right man, a man who is able to love me and our child through even the most difficult of times. He has handled Emmett so well from the very beginning, which is amazing because he had no experience with babies before E was born.

Spending some quality time with daddy.

Spending some quality time with daddy.


It is because of Seamus that our son is still breastfed. Our second night in, Emmett started to cluster feed and would not stop crying. I was ready to give up, in fact, I probably already had. I was ready to give him formula but Seamus reassured me, telling me we’d get through the night together, that he was willing to do whatever I needed him to do and he was absolutely right. He hugged me and helped care for Emmett, while I took some time to compose myself. If he hadn’t given me gentle nudges towards continuing to breastfeed, Emmett would most certainly be formula fed today.

Feeling safe and secure in his daddy's arms.

Feeling safe and secure in his daddy’s arms.

jan-20-2There is no way to ever express everything I truly feel for him, but Seamus is the most amazing man I have ever met. I am grateful that he is my partner in this crazy world because without him, his love and his guidance, I’m not sure I would survive.

Emmett and I are so lucky to have him as a part of our lives.

I love you!




The Week in Pictures

I’m a few weeks behind on my pictures posts so this will one will have more than normal. Enjoy! 🙂


Emmett had a blow out and my sister got him dressed. It was neither Thanksgiving nor Christmas. lol

11513 11513-2 11513-3 11513-4 11513-5 11513-6 11513-7 11513-8 jan-15 jan-15-2 jan-15-4 jan-15-5 jan-15-7 jan-15-9 jan-15-10

Mmmm! A steaming cup of mother in law.

Mmmm! A steaming cup of mother in law.

I looove Panera's tomato soup and grilled cheese.

I looove Panera’s tomato soup and grilled cheese.

Go buy this yogurt, now!

Go buy this yogurt, now!

Delicious Blasdell Pizza from lunch over the weekend.

Delicious Blasdell Pizza from lunch over the weekend.





Weekend Recap

What an amazing weekend we had here!

Saturday was a little rainy but that didn’t stop us from going out and running some errands. Since it’s been so chilly around here we wanted to get Emmett some warmer clothes and possibly a jacket. He has plenty of long sleeve shirts but no real sweatshirts and of course being a first time mama, I wanted to find some warm cozy fleeces for him. So the husband and I headed to Carter’s first. We found loads of warm clothes and spent way too much money, as we always do there. And of course, I think we’re done and the cashier tells me that if I spend $8 more then I would be receiving two $10 off coupons, so of course I had to oblige.  I got him some more socks, you always need socks

We didn’t find a jacket though, so we decided we’d peek in Target to see what they had. Nothing! Neither place had jackets for babies. Where in the world do people buy jackets for their infants?

Sunday we took Emmett to his first ever pumpkin patch! Since he’s almost just 3 months old, he didn’t show a lot of emotion toward the adventure but mommy and daddy sure had fun! 🙂 It was such a beautiful day and Emmett was just being so darn cute. We had a lot of fun walking around and taking pics of him in the different pumpkin patches.

And one with mommy…

And daddy…

Hope you all had great weekends and if anyone has any tips on where to find a baby jacket, please share!?

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