Tag Archives: confession

A Meal Plan & A Confession

Sunday Meal Plan and a Confession

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Confession Time

Hi guys! I have a confession to make – I’ve been super lazy with my posting lately, I’m not saying that I don’t enjoy posting or that I don’t want to post, just that I’ve been lazy. Lately, every time I’ve sat down to type, I’ve gotten distracted by one thing or another, time passes, and nothing has been written. For whatever reason, I haven’t been able to keep my head in the game.

Last month, I thought the reason was because I hadn’t made my usual monthly editorial planner. When that happens I tend to get overwhelmed with ideas (not a problem for some), and when I get overwhelmed and have no plan, I end up essentially throwing in the towel and wandering Facebook (feel free to like me on my Baby Doodah! FB page) or going through my email. Both pretty easy tasks, but nothing that helps get me closer to accomplishing my goals.

So,if you’ve been wondering why you haven’t seen a lot of new, fresh content, this is why. I’m sorry about that! I haven’t been absent, I login to Baby Doodah! several times a day, adjusting things behind the scenes, just haven’t been as great about sharing new posts. I’m hoping that by coming here, confessing to all of you, that I will get my head on straight and WORK.

I hope you’ll all be coming along for the ride!! I have some new and fresh ideas brewing and I want to get more professional and focused with my writing. It feels really good to come clean to all of you! Thanks for listening (reading)!

Now for that Meal Plan

We’re traveling out to Syracuse on Friday to go see The Tenderloins (yay! CANNOT wait! We love their show, Impractical Jokers and are stoked to see them live) and spending the night. We likely won’t return until late Saturday, so we won’t need meals for those two days. Hopefully, this will lend itself to a cheaper grocery week.

Sunday: Chicken Shawarma (this is a carry-over)

Monday: Mexican Beef Bowl (crock-pot meal)

Tuesday: Burgers on Romaine & Corn on the Cobb

Wednesday: Spaghetti Squash Bake

Thursday: Chicken Spanakopita Meatballs (this is a new one, and we’re so excited to try it)

Friday: Traveling

Saturday: Traveling

If you struggle to make a meal plan, you should check out my post from last week, with my tips to making a meal plan.

Alrighty, so that right there is my confession and my meal plan. 🙂 As usual, I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com. Join us and link it up!

Your turn!

Do you have any confessions you’d like to make, or get off your chest? Share in the comments below!

What’s on your menu for the week?

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