Tag Archives: coffee

What I Ate Wednesday – #20

It’s definitely What I Ate Wednesday time, again!

Hey there! It’s 5 am and I’m feeling energetic, positive and ready to tackle today. It’s likely to be a busy one at work, so I’m glad that I have this energy now.

Guess how I started my morning? With a cup of coffee, on the porch! For those of you that live in Buffalo (or the surrounding areas), know that we got a decent amount of snow last night and are probably wondering what the heck is wrong with this crazy woman. 🙂 Well, I only spent about 10 minutes outside, took some really pretty pics and then came back in. It’s just too lovely outside to even think of missing it. It is early, so very little of the snow on the ground has been touched (though, our plow guy has already come and gone, whoop whoop), and I just love the look of untouched snow. Plus, it is really light snow and is sitting prettily on the tree branches.
When that happens, I always feel like I’m walking in a winter wonderland. So, yes, I did take a sip of coffee while on the porch, but the rest of it was enjoyed with my butt firmly planted on the couch, under my warm blanket.

I’ve already mentioned it, but here’s my yummy morning coffee.

what-i-ate-wednesday-1127Okay, so I have to admit that I haven’t taken a picture of one single other item of food from today. It’s been a busy day and I didn’t even think to take any photos of my food. I can tell you what I ate, though. Breakfast was my usual hard boiled eggs and avocado, lunch was a chicken sandwich that I grabbed from BK on my way back from getting my oil changed and dinner was pizza with family.

My sister and her family arrived this evening! They flew in around 5:30 and everyone came over for dinner. It was Seamus, Emmett and I, my mom and dad, my brother, and baby sister, and of course, my other sister, her husband and daughter. It was so much fun to have our house full to the brim with people. We ordered pizza from Zetti’s, and spent a wonderful couple hours visiting and watching the babies play. They were really cute with one another, not quite playing together but playing in the same area. So much fun! I can’t wait till Saturday to see them again.

Alright, that’s it for today, folks! Be sure to stop on over to Peas and Crayons and link-up with What I Ate Wednesday.

Your turn!

Do you get snow? Do you love it, like I do?

What I Ate Wednesday – #19

Woohoo – It’s What I Ate Wednesday time!

Hi everyone! I’m feeling super duper peppy tonight! That might be because I had a cup of coffee at 7, after we finished dinner. You might think I’m crazy but I like being able to write at night and the only way to stay conscious is by having a cup. I’m sure by 10:30 I’ll be ready to hit the hay.

Today was another fantastic day! Busy, with lots going on at work but all good stuff and I’m trying to keep a positive attitude, it makes everything so much better. I also had a doctor’s appointment this morning and my blood pressure was perfect, I was very pleased. Granted, I am taking BP meds, but either way at least it is in a healthy zone.

Alright, time for my eats.

I started my day off the way I usually do, with a cup of coffee. Yum!

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120That beauty right there is what gets me pumping right from the get go. I know some people may say I drink too much, but I never feel jittery and I don’t load it with sugar or milk (just a splash), and my doctor isn’t concerned, so I’ll keep on, keepin’ on.

And just because I want to prove how much I love coffee, I had a second cup when I got to work. 😉

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120-2After I finished my second cup, I had my breakfast. As I mentioned in my Weekly Wishes post on Monday, I wanted to cut all gluten out of my breakfasts, so far so good. I’ve been having an organic avocado, cubed up with 2 hard boiled eggs and then topped with Frank’s Red Hot. A good friend of mine eats this frequently for breakfast and it sounded right up my alley, so I gave it a try. I love it! And so far, I’m 3 days in with no gluten at breakfast! Go me!

All morning, I kept reminding myself to get a picture of my breakfast but I ended up forgetting until it was all gone. Here’s a pic of the empty container, for the fun of it.

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120-3Lunch was my typical salad; romaine lettuce, sunflower seeds, blue cheese, ham, turkey and some Ken’s Honey Mustard.

what-i-ate-wednesday-1113Dinner was something simple and thrown together at the last minute, Seamus worked out tonight and Emmett and I got home late. We ended up having chicken fingers and french fries, straight out of the oven. Not the top most healthy meal ever, but at least it’s better than a Big Mac and fries, right?

what-i-ate-wednesday-1120-1And that’s about it, folks. No dessert for me tonight, I just wasn’t in the mood. Be sure to stop on over to Peas and Crayons and link up with What I Ate Wednesday. Thanks for hosting, Jenn!

My Finds Friday – Sleep

Sorry this is a day late… The Doodah Household has been trying to fight the stomach virus. 

This week’s My Finds Friday is brought to you by sleep.

I’m tired, really really tired this week. I don’t really have a reason for why I am so sleepy, but it has been a tough week working to keep myself awake. My sleep hasn’t changed, I’m still going to bed around 10 or 10:30 and getting up at 4:45, but getting myself up and keeping myself awake has been a constant struggle. Just one of those weeks, I suppose.


 This week’s finds:

  •  I’m always trying to find ways of fitting more into my day and always remark to myself that if I didn’t have to sleep I’d have 7 more hours each day. Unfortunately, that is not a possibility but it does seem like there are ways to get less sleep and still feel energized. This article on Daily Mail about sleeping better by sleeping less, is really interesting and  has given me some food for thought. It is an older article, came out in January of this year, but I’m still thinking of trying some of what they’ve suggested.
  • Monica from Run Eat Repeat has a great giveaway going on for a Moving Comfort Sprint Tee and Sprint Tech Skort. New workout clothes are always so motivating, check out her giveaway and enter to win.
  • HelpGuide.org offers some really great tips on getting a better nights sleep.
  • I found a couple new blogs this week, one of them is called The Happy Type, and I’m seriously in love with it! So many positive and uplifting articles, which is just what I need right now. Crystal recently posted a receipt for an Orange Banana Smoothie, it sounds amazing! I cannot wait to give it a try.
  • Another new, AWESOME, positive find is The Nectar Collective. I was doing a Google search and Melyssa’s blog came up as a top result in that search, sadly I cannot remember what I was specifically looking for, I just know that her blog is fantastic. It is beautiful to look at, her posts are always upbeat and positive and she seems to have this amazing sense of community and helping others. I’m so thrilled that I found her and that I get to share her blog with you. Please stop on over and give her some love!

I hope that you’ll visit one or all of the sites above. I take great care in choosing who I feature each week and find each article, blog or post very valuable and motivational.

Your turn!

What great websites or finds have you found this week?

What advice do you have to make the most out of sleep?

The Week in Pictures

wkip6 wkip10wkip4WkIP-1wkip5 wkip9wkip7

Trying to get into the Christmas Spirit.

Trying to get into the Christmas Spirit.

Listening to a very special story with mommy.

Listening to a very special story with mommy.


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