Tag Archives: christmas

Happy Holidays!

Hey everyone! Just a really quick post to let you know that I’m going to be taking the remainder of the year off. I have a ton going on to prepare for Christmas and then we have family flying in mid-week. I want to be able to truly enjoy our time together, during the holidays!

Happy Holidays Image for Baby Doodah

With that said – in the New Year, you can expect some changes (good ones) to be happening.

Things like…

  • A more reliable post schedule
  • Better Content
  • Themes
  • A more cohesive site
  • Better ease of navigation
  • A better flow

All of these won’t happen at once, but you’ll definitely notice the changes as the year goes on. I cannot wait for the new year and everything that it will hold.

Please have a wonderful holiday season and be sure to enjoy every possible moment with your family and friends. For me, that’s what it is all about – forget the presents, bring the love and comfort!

Take care!



Gift Guide: Holiday Party Hosts – Under $30

It’s Holiday Gift Guide time! 

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! A time when the halls are decked and everyone is celebrating. The warmth of spending time with family and friends is everywhere! Which can only mean one thing… Holiday Parties! Did you know that when you attend those parties, you should be bringing a Host or Hostess gift? It doesn’t need to be anything extravagant, but something to let them know you are thankful for the invite and for them hosting.

However shopping for or coming up with ideas for a host can be difficult. That’s why I am here! I have a list of 8 great gifts that will please just about any host.

Gift Guide- The Host - Baby Doodah


  1. Fred Cool Shooters – Shot Glass Mold – How awesome would it be to make your own shot glasses out of ice? This could be a lot of fun if you knew your host liked to try out different mixed shots, or even if they just enjoy doing shots. A totally unique gift, one that your host is unlikely to have.
  2. Technicolor Salt and Pepper Shakers – Everywhere you go, people are likely to already have salt and pepper shakers, but most people ALSO typically just buy the basics, nothing fancy or fun. Enter these babies!! They’re cute, colorful and would look fantastic on just about any counter top.
  3. 2015 Paper Source Academic Paint Chip Calendar – Everyone needs a calendar in their home, and lots of people wait until after the holidays to go out and get one. Why not fill that gap? Get them this fun and funky calendar! Every month is a different color, so it’s sure to match any home.
  4. Grow Your Own Bonsai Trees – Okay, this one may require your host to have a bit of a green thumb, but think about how much fun they would have growing and nurturing their own bonsai from scratch.
  5. Betty Glass Teapot – This is a beautiful teapot! It would be lovely for someone to receive this and have it sit on top of their stove. Obviously, you’d want to get this for the host who enjoys tea, but it’s an affordable option that looks like it costs WAY more than it does.
  6. Record Coasters – Yup! Record coasters, which are REALLY made out of vinyl. These would be perfect for the host that has an affinity for records or music, or even someone who just loves to have an eclectic collection of items in their home.
  7.  Blockprint Charcoal Napkins – Any kind of cloth napkin would be a great gift for any host, but if you go with this set you’re sure to match the color scheme in your hosts house. Black, white and charcoal, match EVERYTHING!
  8. Bananagrams – If your host is a word lover, then this is THE perfect gift. It’s fun and easy to pull out whenever people are around. You’ll get the chance to see what funny words everyone comes up with.

Every single one of these gifts is under $30. I wanted to create a list that had beautiful, fun and unique gifts but DIDN’T break the bank. Check them all out!! I’m sure you’ll be quite pleased.

And don’t forget! It’s already December 2nd, don’t wait to start making your shopping list and buying your gifts. Do it now before it’s too late and you’re left scrambling to pull something together at the last minute. Shopping is so much MORE fun, when you take the time to savor and not rush!

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to fill your toddler’s stocking this year, check out my post with some great toddler stocking stuffer ideas.

Your turn!

What gifts have you given to hosts, or received as a host, in the past?

I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments below!


Looking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your news? Check-out theSkimm and sign-up for your daily email box delivery of the world’s news, plus if you share your birthday, you get it listed at the bottom of the newsletter on your day. It’s like celebrating with thousands of people!!!!

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, this does not change the cost for you, I simply receive a portion of the sale. Thank you for helping to support my family!

Celebrate the Holidays – NOT the Food

I was going to start this post by saying that the holidays are on their way, but let’s be real, they’re here. Thanksgiving is 3 days away, and Christmas is 30 or so days away – they’re definitely here!

This is a time of the year where people tend to let their bad habits come back into play and claim that they’ll start anew after the first of the year. I was typically one of those people, but I’m not this year. Nope! No way, no how! I thought since I’ve shared my journey with you, I’d take some time to explain how I plan on staying focused on my health this year.

I would say, nearly every year since I can remember has been spent telling myself that it’s okay to OVER indulge and gain a little weight, because the first of the year is right around the corner, and what better time to restart the weightloss journey than January one? Am I right?

Celebrate the Holidays - Not the Food - Baby Doodah!

This year, I decided to do something a little differently, technically A LOT differently for me. I plan on treating this time of the year the same way I do every other part of the year, when it comes to food. I’m not going to eat like it’s my last meal, or like I’ll never have the food again – I’m going to enjoy what I want, but in moderation.

Easier said than done, right?

Usually I would agree, but something is different for me, this time around. The other day, while celebrating early Thanksgiving with my family, I didn’t feel the normal pull of 2nd and 3rd helpings. And, I was even asked if I wanted more squash/potatoes/cranberry sauce/turkey, but I said no to all of it. I was full, I knew it, and my belly knew it. Instead, I spent the precious time with my family all together, laughing and not focusing on the food on the table or going in my mouth.

I imagine the experience was similar to how a naturally thin person would eat. I knew there was food in front of me, I knew I wanted to eat some of it, but I wasn’t concerned about the amount I’d eat. It was an amazing feeling!!

I can’t really pinpoint exactly what has caused this change in mindset, but what I can share are the many different things I am doing to better myself, and have a healthier relationship with food.

So far, in the last couple months I’ve…

  • Read a couple different self-help books
  • Started drinking Shakeology daily – I truly believe that this is a huge part of why my cravings are manageable.
  • Stopped hating on myself constantly – I used to be so mean to myself, now, about 80% (I’m working on the other 20) of the time, I am kind and loving and am more accepting of my flaws.
  • Started working out regularly – Any workout will really get you feeling better, but doing it regularly will change your entire mind.
  • Actually listening to the complements that my husband gives me – Probably seems like an easy one, but it was actually pretty difficult. I just never saw what he did, I shut that part of me up and now listen to Seamus.
  • Stopped worrying about whether I’ll ever have another Big Mac, slice of pizza, chicken fingers, etc., again – I tell myself that there will be another opportunity for these foods, but I have to really want them (except for the pizza, that I will splurge on, or make at home).

See… I’ve made a lot of changes! But, let me make one thing very clear, I am not 100% perfect with any of these areas. I still struggle with food, but since admitting and becoming more aware of my triggers, my bingeing and bad relationship with food has gotten much much better.

So yeah, I’m excited about this holiday season because it means lots of time with family, who I only see a few times a year. The food? Well, that’s just an added bonus!!

Curious to know more about my poor relationship with food? You can read all about my struggles with Binge Eating Disorder by clicking here.

Your turn!

Have you made any changes in regards to your eating or relationship with food? Or are you waiting until the new year to get started?

What’s your tried and true trick to help stave off the cravings? 

Please share in the comments below!


Looking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your news? Check-out theSkimm and sign-up for your daily email box delivery of the world’s news, plus if you share your birthday, you get it listed at the bottom of the newsletter on your day. It’s like celebrating with thousands of people!!!!

I’m linking up with Fitness Cheerleader and Running Rachel – YOU should join me at the #MotivateMeMonday link-up!

Santa PayPal Cash Giveaway

What would you do with an extra $500 to spend this holiday season?

How about I make the answer to that question a little easier with your chance to win $500 Paypal Cash in the

Santa $1,000* Paypal Cash Giveaway!

Thanks to some amazing friends and supporters of A Peek Into My Paradise we were able to come together collectively with a CASH PRIZE of $1000; which will be awarded to two very lucky winners of $500 each through Paypal Cash!

Santa $1000 Paypal Cash Giveaway | APeekIntoMyParadise.com #giveaway #christmas #money #win #prize #blogger

YOU could be one of the recipients of $500 Paypal Cash!

Who’s excited?

Santa Paypal Cash Giveaway | APeekIntoMyParadise.com

And who do we have to thank for this amazing cash prize?

Meet your phenomenal co-hosts!

Santa Paypal Cash Giveaway CoHosts | APeekIntoMyParadise.com Santa $1000 Paypal Cash Giveaway | APeekIntoMyParadise.comFrom top left clockwise: Cathy | A Peek Into My Paradise ♥ Natasha | Epic Mommy Adventures ♥ Elena | Cropped Stories ♥ Angie | God’s Growing Garden ♥ Angie | Juggling Act Mama ♥ Ellie | Creative Geekery ♥ Carrie | Curly Crafty Mom ♥ Linda | Crafts a la Mode ♥ Jillian | Baby Doodah ♥ Barb | Second Chance to Dream ♥ Laura | Not A Trophy Wife ♥ Katie | He Calls Me Grace ♥ Ady | Just Add Glitter ♥ Amy | Love Amy Becca ♥ Maria | Simple Nature Decor ♥ Debra | MsMoozy Open House ♥ Hilary | Domestic Bliss Squared ♥ Sofia | Something On Everything ♥ Evelyn | My Turn For Us ♥ Shea | Dixie Chik Cooks ♥ Angela | Shake Bake and Party ♥ Ruthie | Cooking With Ruthie ♥ Nicole | Nibbles by Nic ♥ Kathleen | FC Mammas ♥ Wanda Ann | Memories By The Mile ♥ Christina | Mama’s High Strung ♥ Laura | Pies & Plots ♥ Laura | Michigan Saving & More ♥ Lisa | Bloghetti ♥ Ashlynn | A Beauty Moment ♥ Stephanie | Year-Round GivingBarb | Barbara’s Beat

Please be sure and thank the amazing women who helped me put together this phenomenal cash prize for you to win!

These fantastic bloggers are truly wonderful and there is an amazing assortment of blog types represented. From personal to family blogs, fashion to having fun in the kitchen, there is a blogger for everyone to love!

And a huge thank you to our sponsors!

Lisa | Chronically Content ♥ Emily | Naptime Creations ♥ Amy | One Artsy-Mama ♥ Kat | I Want CrazyBlog ♥ Jodi | The Noise of Boys ♥ Jaime | Coupons and Freebies Mom ♥ David | David’s DIY ♥ Joy | Yesterfoods ♥ April | House by Hoff ♥ Becky | This Is Happiness ♥ Mindy | Creative Juice ♥ Shannah | Just Us Four ♥ Anyonita | Anyonita Nibbles ♥ Sarah | Earning and Saving with Sarah ♥ Jaren | Diary of a Recipe Collector ♥ Lisa | Condo Blues ♥ Melissa | Deliciously Savvy ♥ Nancy Jo | A Cookie Before Dinner

Now, what are you waiting for?

Go enter and then cross your fingers,

toes and anything else you can think of to win $500!

Tell us…..What will Santa put under your christmas tree if you win?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway is open worldwide to participants with a verified PayPal account.
All entries will be verified. In the event an entry can not be verified participant chooses to forfeit that entry and another winner will be chosen.
Winner has 48 hours to respond to the winning email.
Giveaway will run from October 31st, 12 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time to November 21st, 12 AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time.
Any taxes or fees associated with the winnings of this contest are the sole responsibility of the winner according to their county, state and/or country laws.
CASH prize is in US Dollars and will not be converted to any foreign currency.
Void where prohibited by law.
Looking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your news? Check-out theSkimm and sign-up for your daily email box delivery of the world’s news, plus if you share your birthday, you get it listed at the bottom of the newsletter on your day. It’s like celebrating with thousands of people!!!!

Picture Post – Holidays

The holidays flew by in what seemed like a blink of the eye, but we did our best to celebrate to the fullest.

**Warning: This will be a picture heavy post.**

Back in my Thanksgiving post, I mentioned that the holidays would be a bit different for us then they have been in the past. Typically we celebrate Christmas Eve at my parent’s house and do this huge Wigilia celebration. Actually, up until about 4 or 5 years ago, the celebration was at my grandmother’s house, and I looked forward to that more than any other day of the year. The traditions just abounded and it felt so good being around my family. This year, we unfortunately could not celebrate with a Wigilia meal because I had to work Christmas Eve, and traveling with Emmett that evening just wouldn’t have been feasible. Instead, we attempted to have our own meal, but it just wasn’t the same. Maybe we’ll be able to make it down to my parent’s house next year to celebrate, but only time will tell.


Christmas morning was wonderful! We woke up, and spent time in bed, cuddling with Emmett. He drank his milk and then it was almost as if he knew something was different, he started whining to get down. Once down, he ran into the living and started whining to open gifts, smart little boy, I tell yah!


In the afternoon we made a quick trip to visit my parents and open gifts with them. It was pretty relaxing visit, which is good because by the end of the night Emmett was very obviously starting to feel crappy and getting a fever. 🙁


Santa also made a visit, but the babies were not happy.

picture-post-holidays-10 picture-post-holidays-9

The rest of the holidays were spent between work and Seamus/Emmett time (there’s nothing better)!

picture-post-holidays-4 picture-post-holidays-12 picture-post-holidays-11


She's single & educated!

She’s single & educated!

My sister was joking around on Christmas, asking whether her outfit was pretty enough for the blog. Then she stated I should take a nice picture of her and put it on the blog, letting people know she’s single. Welp, there yah go, Bridget! HAHA

We had a great time seeing my niece and her parents, just wish we’d had more time together.

Your turn!

How did you spend your holidays?



My 2014 Intentions

I’m sharing my 2014 Intentions.

I don’t know if anyone is like me, but every year I make resolutions (you can read last year’s here), and nearly every year I fail to follow-through. It’s pretty depressing, and I have absolutely no one to blame but myself. I want 2014 to be different, beyond all else, I’d love for this to be the year that I stop making excuses.

So in an effort to stick to this overarching goal, my theme for the year is (just like Nike), Just Do It!

2014-IntentionsWithout further ado, my 2014 Intentions:

Grow My Blog – Baby Doodah is slowly but surely growing in readership, but I need to put more time into the behind the scenes organization. This includes, completing my editorial calendar, getting a notebook (or a great app) to keep with me always to keep track of ideas that pop into my head at a moments notice.

I want to continue writing consistently, since July I’ve been writing about 5 to 7 posts a week, and I really want to keep up with that. I feel so great when I sit down and dedicate time to writing a post, it inspires me to write more. What better way to keep blogging, then to dedicate myself to writing AT LEAST 30 minutes a day? Nothing! So that’s what I’ll do.

Stop being obsessed with the numbers! Right now, I’m so concerned with how many views my blog gets each day, that I am checking my stats constantly. I recently read a tip that you should check your stats once a month, and take that time to, instead write great posts. I’d like to adopt this philosophy.

Work on my focus and time management, in regards to my blog. Right now, every time I sit down to write, I think of everything else I need to do, and it overwhelms me. If I’ve sat down to write, I start flipping through email, or reading one of the many bookmarked sites I have, and the last thing I work on is the blog post. I’d like to have dedicated time to do emails, write, and read things I’ve bookmarked – if I stick to these dedicated times, I believe I’ll gain some serious focus.

I am also considering a few new blog series, but for now, they’re still in development, so I can’t share anything more about them. 😉

Take My Health Seriously – I need to stop futzing around with my health. I’m extremely overweight, probably in the morbidly obese category, and that needs to stop. I want more children, and I am just not at a weight that I am comfortable with. I put myself, and the future child in so much danger being so high in weight. Honestly, there is no better motivation, than losing weight so that I can be around a long, long time for my children. I am going to be taking part in the Genetix Program (more to come on this in future posts), and I’m hoping it will help assist in the motivation to get healthy, once and for all! I need to wrangle in my eating and start breaking a sweat in the gym.

Focus on ME – I am a person who is always concerned with what others think of me, and I struggle when I feel like someone doesn’t like me or is thinking negatively about me. I need to stop, what is most important is what I think of me. There are times when people’s opinions are important, but other times I worry unnecessarily. I need to work on changing this, but I’m not quite sure how, research is needed. Of my intentions for the year, this will likely be the most difficult.

Those are my 2014 Intentions, I’m keeping it to three so that I can truly focus on them, and accomplish great things.

Your turn!

What are your 2014 Intentions? Let’s keep each other accountable!


Blogging Survey – Holiday Edition

I’m headed on back to the old school blogging world and taking a holiday edition, blogging survey.

I found this fun little survey on a favorite blog of mine, Mommy Run Fast, stop on over and view her version.

Who remembers these? They were really popular back about 4 years ago when I made my first foray into the blogging world (which didn’t last long). I loved doing them then, and I love them just as much now, so here we go!

1 Holy Night or 8 Crazy Ones? (Do you Celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, both?)

We celebrate Christmas in my house, but I have to be honest, I’m not a religious person. Our reasons for celebrating this holiday aren’t for the birth of Christ, or even for the gifts, I celebrate Christmas so that I can be close to family. One of my sisters lives several thousand miles away, because of jobs and other fun life things, we typically only see her (and her family) on or around the holidays. That is reason enough for me to celebrate ANY day!


Peppermint or Chocolate?

Hmm… This is a toughy! I like both and would eat both, but if I had to choose, I’d probably go with the chocolate. You can only eat so much peppermint. OOOh! Great idea! Add some peppermint to your chocolate (I know, I’m the first person to think of this). Wham, Bam, Thank you ma’am! 😉

 Sing us into the Holiday Season, what is your favorite Carol this time of year?

I have three, and every time they come on the radio, a huge smile spreads across my face. My #1, all time favorite is Happy Christmas by John Lennon, there’s nothing better, in my opinion. Second would be The Bear Naked Ladies, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. Third is Jewel’s version of Joy to the World – Each one of these makes my heart and beautiful singing voice happy.

Tell us about a Favorite Family or Personal Holiday Tradition.

Oh my goodness, this could be a blog post all on its own, but since it isn’t, I’ll keep it short. I think my favorite memories from growing up were waking up Christmas morning, with all of my siblings, and running into the living to see all the presents. Since there were four of us, and 2 parents, there were always a load of presents. It was fun to look at the pile and try to identify which ones were yours, but you weren’t allowed to move them or look underneath, that was cheating! Still to this day, I will NOT look through a pile of presents on Christmas, until it’s my turn in the cycle. 🙂

C’mon you remember your favorite  (Christmas, Hanukkah) gift, tell us all about it:

Wow. I really don’t think I do remember a favorite, I do have a most memorable. Cabbage Patch Dolls were huge, and I had asked for one for Christmas. My Uncle, who was awesome, got me one, but I was SO disappointed because he had gotten me a boy doll and not a girl. I threw a tantrum of the biggest proportions (I still remember and I was very young), and my mom made me go sit in my grandma’s kitchen while everyone else opened their gifts. I was forced to apologize, and did so begrudgingly, but I was still so sad, I had wanted a girl. I did eventually, fall in love with that little boy doll, Lance. And now, as a mom of a boy, I realize how silly I was to only want a girl, boys are AWESOME!

That magical moment? (Your favorite scene from a Holiday movie…it’s okay if you have 2)

Okay, first, who has seen Santa Claus: The Movie? No, not the one with Tim the Toolman Taylor, but the one starring Dudley Moore and John Lithgow. Well, that’s my all time favorite Christmas movie! It was on all the time when I was growing up, and my sister and I loved it. It’s never ever on any more, and I couldn’t tell you why. If you can get your hands on a copy, I highly recommend you watch it. But my favorite scene in that movie, is when the little homeless boy is given something to eat by the rich girl. It’s the weirdest thing, but I love the way he sits down and eats and the sounds it makes. I can’t even explain it, but it has always been my favorite part of that movie.

Kissing under the mistletoe?  Who do you hope is standing underneath (We know it’s normally your spouse, if it did not have to be, who would you choose?)

No real hopes, because I know who will be there, my sweet boy, Emmett and my husband. Back in high school, I used to hope for just one kiss under the mistletoe, never happened, though. Bummer! HAHA

Swans a swimming, lords a leaping, golden rings; which gift of the 12 days of Christmas would you like most?

5 Gold Rings – I love rings!

Play Secret Santa, what inappropriate gift would you love to give this year?

None. I can’t think of a single one, I like giving thoughtful gifts that mean something to me to give, and to the recipient, to receive.

Martha Stewart or the Grinch? What is your decorating style? (Pictures would be awesome!)

I guess I would err more on the side of Martha Stewart, but I’m still not THAT classy. In years past, I haven’t decorated at all, but I was drawn to do so this year, and went all out. I really want Emmett’s memories of Christmas to be warm and fuzzy, like most of mine are.

holiday-survey-1 holiday-survey-2

What is ONE WORD that defines the holiday season for you? (Examples: Believe/Wonder/Bah Humbug?)

Warmth – the moment I begin thinking of the holidays of my youth, my heart gets warm and it spreads throughout my entire body. I truly love the holidays!

If Santa could assure its delivery, what’s the first thing on your holiday wish LIST?

I’d love to have more time to complete everything I need to do on a daily basis, but since that isn’t a possibility, I’ll take better time management. 🙂

That was REALLY long, and if you stuck around this far, I appreciate it.

Your turn!

Answer any (or all) of the questions, on your blog or in the comments below! I’d love to hear what you have to say.

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