Tag Archives: celebration of posts

Happy 400th Post!

Holy guacamole!! Can you believe that this post is my 400th post?? 400!

I know we’re approaching my 2 year anniversary (in September), and while that seems like an achievable feat, somehow 400 posts doesn’t. I feel like there is just no way that I’ve shared 399 different blog posts with you, my readers. I mean obviously I did, wordpress doesn’t lie 😉 but it’s just such a crazy thought.

I thought it would be fun, in honor of my 400th post, if we went on a little time travel journey, back in time. I want to highlight my best posts from the last 100 and maybe a few others. Are you ready to buckle-up and join in on the journey (I feel like I need to play the Back to the Future music here. haha)!?

Top Baby Doodah! posts from the past 100

1. We moved! Do you remember that?? I do. The move was pretty smooth, but we were sad to find out that the neighbors below us were rude and selfish. We’ve since adjusted, but we rarely spend time in our living room because of their noise. It kind of stinks, but there’s not a thing we can do about it, so we’ve grown to accept it and our lives are so much better off.

Lessons learned moving - 400th post

2. Are you interested in reading all about 33 little known facts about me?? Well here yah go!! 🙂

3. Since the beginning of the year I’ve shared many different posts about Binge Eating Disorder, my coping, what it looks like to an outsider, I even wrote an open letter to a woman struggling with binge eating disorder. Each and every one of them has been tremendously important to me in my journey to healing.

4. I’ve shared a couple of awesome recipes, our delicious guacamole and our ooey gooey meatloaf. Mmmmmm


5. One of my biggest posts to date, in terms of traffic, was the one I wrote about being frustrated with blogging. I got a lot of advice, encouragement and commiseration. Sometimes it’s good to know you’re not alone in your struggles.

6. Eating right and exercising can be a difficult thing to stay motivated to do. My post about rewards and how they can help you stay focused, was a pretty big hit!


7. It’s easy to have a killer Monday when you have this list!!

8. It is no secret that I love my little boy beyond all measures, so I wrote a little blog post about the 10 reasons why having a boy rocks. I know girls are just as awesome in their own right, but I have a boy – so I wrote about a boy!

Reasons-Boys-Rock-Baby-Doodah9. I rode 33 miles in support of Cancer Research for the Ride for Roswell. No simple feat, I assure you! But, I am proud that I accomplished something so great for a cause so good.

10. I don’t use my phone or iPad to keep Emmett entertained much, but when I do, I’ve come up with a fool-proof list of toddler apps that keep him happy and focused, while I get things done around the house.

11. And finally… Emmett turned 2!!! It’s because of this boy that I have this blog and I’m so thankful for him, he lights up every single day of my life.

Happy birthday baby doodah 7

Well, that about rounds up my top posts from the last 100. I’d love it if you checked them out and shared your thoughts in the comments.

I’m excited to see what the next 100 posts brings!!

Your turn!

If you have a blog, do you celebrate the 100 post milestones?

What were some of your favorite posts from the last 100, or since the beginning? Share in the comments below!

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