Tag Archives: breakfast

Emmett’s Baby Led Weaning

Around four months of age the topic of solids was broached at Emmett’s doctor’s appointment but we let his pediatrician know that we had no plans of introducing solids until he was 6 months old. We wanted his stomach to be as developed and ready for solid foods as possible. Plus I knew that he could sleep through the night without a “midnight snack” so solids seemed unnecessary for that reason. I will admit that he didn’t always sleep through the night but I knew that he was physically able to.

I have previously mentioned and did a book review of, Baby Led Weaning, you can see my review here. When I came across this method of introducing solids, it seemed like the best decision for us but I still had to convince Seamus that it was the right thing to do for our baby. I’ll be honest, I was concerned it would be tough to convince him but with my solid level of knowledge and armed with answers to all of his questions, it was pretty easy to sway him.

There’s nothing magical that happens on the exact date that a baby turns 6 months but we wanted to wait until that specific date. Well, unfortunately it had to be postponed for a couple extra nights because our power went out on his 6 month birthday and then again the next day. I was disappointed but also it just prolonged the excitement of giving my baby his first solids.


The book talks about what foods are best to start with and the one they recommend most frequently is broccoli, so we went with that. I was really curious on how Emmett would react to his first taste of food, he’s been breastfed since birth so he’s not used to the exact same flavored drink like formula fed babies are, so I wasn’t nervous but I couldn’t wait to see his facial expressions.


Seamus cut the head of broccoli into long stalks and we roasted it plain for about 10 minutes. Once it cooled, we placed a couple stalks in front of him; he almost instantly picked one up and put it to his mouth. He sucked on the florets and his face was instantly covered in the little buds, it was adorable but there wasn’t a single funny expression. He didn’t cringe or look grossed out, he just ate. I was shocked! I truly expected him to have even a slightly negative reaction but there was none. At that moment, I knew I had chosen the correct path for Emmett.

We continued to have success with each of the new foods we introduced to him. He didn’t turn anything away until we gave him plain chicken breast. I’m not sure whether it was bland or he just didn’t like it but he just would have nothing to do with it that night. The next time we gave him chicken we seasoned it and he was fine with it. Who knows, maybe he just wasn’t in the mood for chicken; I know I’m not always in the mood for chicken.  🙂


There were a couple of times where I almost called it quits with BLW because the gagging and choking was making me nervous. Seamus, being a wonderful and supportive husband, encouraged me to skim the book again to look for any tips on how to handle gagging and whether it was normal. Being the nervous first time mom I was, I had read AND HIGHLIGHTED the section all about how gagging was normal, but had forgotten I’d done this. After rereading and see that it was completely normal and even expected, I was right back on the BLW bandwagon. That has pretty much been my only time faltering.


We did hit a few roadblocks with Emmett eating this way while at day care, but we overcame them with the help of our center’s director. This was the first time they had ever heard of a baby being fed this way and because they needed to remain compliant with many different standards they were leery of how things would go. Seamus and I met with the director to explain the process and the reasoning behind Emmett eating this way and after a couple of weeks things were up and running smoothly. They ensured us that someone would sit and watch Emmett while he. As he’s become more and more proficient with food, they’ve begun feeding him while watching other babies at the same time. Not all day care centers may be willing to work with you if you choose this method, but I encourage you to at least check with them and fully educate them before completely writing the idea off. I promise you, that feeding a baby this way is as easy as feeding them pureed food with a spoon and sometimes even easier.


This method may not be right for everyone but it has been nothing but successful for us. Emmett eats pretty much everything and we rarely have to make a separate meal for him, so it saves time in meal prep. Plus, Seamus and I are able to eat our food when it’s hot since Emmett is feeding himself and we don’t need to take extra time to feed him separately. The benefits of a baby eating this way are pretty much endless and I absolutely would recommend this to any parent who will be introducing solids to their baby soon.



To date, Emmett has tried and enjoyed (in no particular order), broccoli, sweet potatoes, corn bread, bananas, rolled oats (prepared), plums, red potatoes, chicken, mini-meatloaf, mini-quesadillas, mini-hamburgers, sweet peppers, apples, avocado, spaghetti, yogurt, mum mums, pierogi, pickles, ham, sausage, eggs, bread, cheese, pizza crust (with a tiny amount of sauce and cheese left on it), asparagus, tomato, peaches, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, pears, cabbage, corned beef, pork tenderloin, grilled cheese sandwiches and applesauce (which he surprising did not like at all). There very well may be more but this is all that I can recall at this moment.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me!! Go ahead and use the ‘Contact Me’ button at the top of the page.



That’s what I got last night, well it was really this morning but it was still phenomenal! Emmett went back down around 8 o’clock PM and woke up for the first time around 2:30 and went down pretty quickly. His second wake up was at 6, which works out because I’m usually waking up with the hubby at 6:30, anyhow. After I fed him at 6, he decided he wanted to sleep more and ended up sleeping until just before 9. Normally, I will get up and do stuff around the house while he’s sleeping but I just felt so worn out that I took that opportunity to catch some extra Zzzz’s, and boy were they great!

Breakfast was more of the same…

2 eggs over-hard, I added some goat cheese today.

sour dough toast with earth balance spread



HUGE bottle of water

Yesterday I shared a picture of a little device called the Avo-Saver, seen below.

Well folks, it works, it really really works!

It was only on the Avo-Saver for one day but since I usually can polish off an avocado pretty quickly, I don’t know that it will ever need to be on there for more than one day. I also promised a picture of what it actually looks like without an avocado on it. Here yah go!

Okay, so I’m obsessed with Etsy and I swear you can find pretty much anything you’re looking for (or not looking for) on it. Well, I’m always perusing Etsy looking for ironic onesies for Emmett because Emmet’s dad has an ironic t-shirt collection and I just think it would adorable if E had his own collection to wear.

While searching the other day, I came across this…

I’m pretty sure you can’t get more ironic (or odd) than that so I ordered one. That is actually my own picture because it came in the mail today and I just think it’s hilarious. Emmett won’t be able to wear for a few more months, the smallest size they had for babies was 6 months and he’s only going to be 2 months on Sunday.

I found it at Crawl Space Studios for $18.50. The quality of the onesie is really great and the actual screen print itself is very well done! I was very pleased with my purchase and will definitely be shopping with them again. The best part is that they don’t just do onesies, they do men’s and women’s shirts as well as a few different types of bags. Some of the designs are super fun!!

I’d definitely recommend this shop based on quality of the product, quick shipping and friendly service.

Hey! Christmas is coming, why not get someone an ironic Tee! 🙂

What has been your greatest find on Etsy?

What a Sunny Wednesday!

The sun is just stunning right now! If Baby Doodah weren’t napping, I’d be getting us dressed and ready for a walk. Maybe he’ll wake up soon and we can still enjoy the morning sun.

I enjoy walking at any time but really LOOOVE walking in the mornings. There’s just something about how much cooler it is and the way the sun plays off everything. It’s just beautiful!

Here’s breakfast for today…

2 over-hard eggs – with the yolks left whole for dipping (Yum!)

2 slices of Panera’s sour dough bread with Earth Balance Soy-Free spread

cup of decaf coffee

Breakfast is a little light on the veg/fruit (as you can see). Today is grocery shopping day in the Doodah household so we’re pretty much out of most things. I also wanted to note that Panera’s sour dough bread is to die for! We’ve been buying a loaf once a week because it’s THAT good. I’ve also taken a huge liking to the Earth Balance spread over butter. I switched when I thought Emmett was having issues with me eating dairy products (he’s breastfed but we’ve since found out this isn’t the case) and I haven’t switched back, I probably won’t. It’s a bit more expensive but well worth it!

And a little cuteness…because everyone loves cuteness!

For whatever reason, for the past week or so, whenever we’re getting Emmett ready for bed he just loves being nakey (he’s still wearing a diaper, so there aren’t accidents). He’ll just lie on his changing table and do his version of a baby dance, last week the hubster got some pictures, this is one of them. I just adore it and him!!

So what are some of your favorite and filling breakfasts? I’m always looking for new ideas.

A Visit With Auntie!

What a wonderful rainy, gloomy Tuesday!

I loved that when I woke up with Emmett at quarter to 6, that I heard the rain. We had a phenomenal sunny and warm summer and now I am ready for the chillier weather that Autumn will bring.

Breakfast this morning was pretty much the same as yesterday.

Zucchini Cornbread Quiche – Today I added cheese for no other reason than I LOVE cheese!

1 whole tomato

glass of OJ

Once I return to work, Emmett will need to be taken care of because unfortunately we cannot afford to be a single income family. E will go to day care on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, Tuesdays his Aunt Bridget (my baby sister) will watch him for us and Wednesdays I will be working from home.

When Bridget suggested she watch E one day a week, back when I was about 6 months pregnant, I thought she was joking around but she was very serious. She worked with her college adviser and created a schedule that gave her one day off a week, which worked out to be Tuesdays. We are so grateful for this because it will help save us $50+ a day by not having to take E to day care on that day.

Since college started almost a month ago and I still have not returned to work, Bridget has come up to visit us on Tuesdays since she has them free anyhow. It’s always nice having Bridget come up because while she’s playing with E, I can shower or get some things done around the house. It’s also great because it gives Emmett the chance to get to know his Aunt Bridget before just being left with her when I return to work.

It looks like Emmett is saying, “No more pictures, please!”

Emmett was in a pretty good mood while Bridget was here, so she got to spend some quality time with him. He has days where he is very cranky and is constantly blowing off steam but not today, today was a good day! There were coos and wiggles and lots of love!

So how about you, who did or will care for your child/children when you return(ed) to work?

Happy Monday!

I am still off on maternity leave so it being Monday is no different than it being Saturday or Sunday — so it is indeed happy! 🙂

Over the weekend I decided to make Zucchini Quiche Cornbread. I found the recipe on one of my absolute favorite blogs, Healthy Tipping Point. If you don’t read Caitlin’s blog, I sincerely recommend you start! She is highly inspirational, motivating and very down to earth, I look forward to every post she makes.

Anyhow, back to the quiche!

I found the recipe on her blog, here. I was excited because I love quiches and having just had a baby myself, I have been looking for something quick and easy to make for breakfasts, especially for those mornings when Baby Doodah refuses to let me put him down. This was perfect and tastes absolutely amazing!

The only change I made to her recipe was that I made mine in a square 8x8x8 cooking pan because I don’t have a cast iron skillet and it worked out just fine. It took about 10 minutes longer to cook but it really is delicious! To reheat, I just threw it in the microwave for a minute and it was just warm enough, I added a nectarine and some OJ for a perfectly filling meal!

Not sure what the rest of the day will hold for BD and I but I’m hoping it will include a walk because we’ve been having outstanding weather here in Buffalo and I want to take full advantage.

What are your plans for this beautiful end of Summer day?

Saturday Eats

I love Saturdays because we are all home together as a family. We typically all get up about the same time (thanks to Emmett) and get to enjoy E’s happy playful time!

I had a breakfast that has become the norm for me lately.

2 Eggs over-hard but this time I actually just mushed up the yolk

2 slices sour dough bread with (delicious) Earth Balance spread


Muller Yogurt (not pictured)

That may seem like a lot but it holds me over for quite some time which often becomes necessary because I don’t get a chance to snack or make lunch if E and I are playing or he’s fussy.

I’d also like to state for the record that I have begun enjoying Muller Yogurt more than Chobani.

Shock! Awe!

Yep! It’s true! The texture and taste is just so smooth, I highly recommend it. I’ve had the kind with candied almonds and also blackberry/raspberry, both were delicious.

Lunch was some frozen chicken fingers and blue cheese, which I totally forgot to get a picture of but I’m sure you can use your imagination. 😉

Dinner was a recipe that the husband found during a web search, it’s called Grilled Mexican Naan Pizzas. We made some edits to the actual recipe but it came out tasting absolutely delicious!

Instead of grilling we just cooked it in the oven. Our grill is a little touchy so we didn’t want to take the risk of the meal being ruined and the oven worked just fine. I also am not a fan of chorizo sausage so I left that off my pizza and of course we forgot to buy fresh cilantro so that was skipped too. I had mine with some sour cream, not because it needed it but because I just love sour cream with Mexican food.

It was seriously so good! If you’re looking for a quick easy meal, I would give this a try.

Today was also an exciting day because I finally was able to go out and get a haircut and highlights… More on that tomorrow!

Any new recipes you’ve tried lately that you’d like to share?

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