Tag Archives: breakfast

Flint Lockwood and a Meal Plan

Making our meal plan was pretty easy this week, but before I get to that, I want to share Emmett’s costume – he was Flint Lockwood from the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs movies.

A few weeks ago, Seamus was at Kohl’s shopping and came across a t-shirt that had the tuxedo print on it. He obviously bought it, because what’s cuter than a 2 year old wearing a tuxedo shirt. HEHE At this point we still were unsure what Emmett would be for Halloween, he had mentioned being Daniel Tiger from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, but it has a head piece and Emmett isn’t fond of putting things on his head. So, we kept thinking…

One Saturday morning when Emmett decided to sleep in, Seamus and I were just laying in bed brainstorming ideas and he had the brilliant idea for Emmett to be Flint Lockwood. With his tuxedo shirt, and a pair of jeans, all we would need is a lab coat! Did you know you can get them in child-size lab coat and at an affordable cost?? This is the lab coat (affiliate link) we purchased for Emmett and it fit him perfectly.

Flint Lockwood and a Meal Plan - Baby Doodah7

This worked out perfectly, because to Emmett it felt as though he was just wearing regular clothes not a costume so there was no fighting to get dressed. Plus, he loved that his labcoat had pockets and he could hide his many necessities (ie: his hot wheels, binkie, Percy from Thomas and Friends). It was really the cutest thing!!

We made it about 6 houses down the street before we decided to call it a night. I wasn’t expecting to get far, it was chilly and drizzling, but I thought we’d at least make it down the street, oh well. At the first house, while we were waiting for Emmett to grab his candy, the family dog ran out to sniff Emmett. Very sweet dog, Emmett was not in danger, but because Emmett doesn’t have a lot of experiences with dogs, he was freaked out. So, every house going forward we had to coax him to come up, that they didn’t have a dog, that it would be okay – it got to the point where he was just crying. Poor guy! I kept asking if he wanted to go home and he’d tell me no, I asked again and he said yes. So home we went. I’m glad we got out and got to experience everything – next year will be even MORE fun. 🙂

Flint Lockwood and a Meal Plan - Baby Doodah6Now our Meal Plan

Breakfast: 2 Scrambled Eggs & bacon

Lunch: Salad with ham and chicken, blue cheese crumbles, sunflower seeds and honey mustard dressing

Sunday: Pot Roast

Monday: Breakfast for Dinner

Tuesday: Tacos and Guacamole

Wednesday: Homemade Steak Subs

Thursday: Scrounge day

Friday: Rotisserie Chicken & Baked Potatoes

Saturday: Balsamic Pork & Asparagus (Seamus found this recipe, I need to get it from him so I can share it)

It’s a pretty easy week, but one that will be super yummy!! Have you seen my post with tips to make your meal planning easier? You should check it out, these are my TRIED and true tips – they really work.

Join me and link-up with Laura from Mommy, run fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com.

Your turn!

What were you or your children for Halloween? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


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Sunday Meal Plan Link-Up

It’s Sunday and it’s Meal Plan Link-Up time!

Hi everyone! I’ve been absent, and I’m so sorry. Life has been so busy with packing and regular responsibilities and then Thursday evening I could barely move because I completely herniated a disc. I woke up at 3 am and had to have Seamus help me get out bed to use the bathroom because I couldn’t move without severe pain. Because of the back problems, we didn’t get as much packing done as I would have liked.

On a side note, If you’ve never herniated a disc, then let me explain that it is a pain so intense that I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. When a disc in the lumbar region herniates and presses on the sciatic nerve, it is called sciatica, which is what I am suffering with. Sciatica is when you have severe pain or numbness running down through your butt and down your leg. About 5 years ago, I had a herniated disc on my left side. I went through surgery, and while it did help take the pain away, I still have numbness. This time it is on my right side, and instead of having surgery, I would like to heal my back naturally. I’ve been doing some serious research, and will share my finds in a future posts.


But for now, it’s time to share my weekly menu…

Breakfast for the Week: Udi’s bagel, egg & cheese

Snack: Blueberries, Strawberries & unsweetened coconut

Lunch: Chicken Sausage, Saurkraut, hard boiled egg, spinach and tomato salad with balsamic vinegar and oil

Snack: apple & laughing cow cheese

Dinners for the Week

Sunday: Corned Beef, Cabbage & Potato (to celebrate my Irish husband and child)

Monday: Scrounge around house

Tuesday: Honey Teriyaki Chicken

Wednesday: Steak, Chick Peas and Tomatoes (a new recipe, that I’m really excited about)

Thursday: Marinated Chicken & Brussel Sprouts

Friday: Tilapia and Cauliflower

Saturday: Chili

If you noticed, my menu for the week is free of gluten. In my research for naturally healing my back, I found that many doctors recommend eating gluten-free when a disc is herniated to help with any inflammation that wheat gluten can cause. So, in an effort to never be in this much pain again, I’m going gluten-free.

Your turn!

What’s on your menu for the week? Share in the comments below!

Join me in linking up with Laura from Mommy Run Fast and Jill from Fitness, Health & Happiness. Check out their blogs and be sure to link-up!


30 Paleo Breakfast Ideas

On the Hunt for some Paleo Breakfast Ideas

I think the meal that I struggle the most with when transitioning to healthy eating is breakfast. First off, I just love breakfast, eggs fill me up like nothing else I’ve ever eaten, and a good piece of toast with butter and jelly will make even the gloomiest day seem a bit brighter. But even more than that, eggs taste delicious!

I know what you’re thinking, Jillian, eggs are Paleo so what are you going on about?  Well, I love having my eggs with some form of bread, or bagel and those are definitively NOT Paleo. And every week when grocery shopping comes around, I add the same things to the list for breakfast that I always do, eggs, Wegmans everything bagel and American cheese slices. I stick with what works, and that egg sandwich has been keeping me full for a couple years now. But, I really REALLY want to eat better so I decided to look around for some breakfast ideas that include egg, or other options that will keep me full.

Here’s what I came up with:

Paleo breakfast ideas 3

My Favorite Paleo Breakfast Ideas

  1. Bacon and Heirloom Tomato Frittata with Basil
    I am a huge fan of eggs for breakfast, and this would be a great recipe to make on weekends or to make ahead and prepackage for the week.
  2. Paleo Whoolly Mammoth Oatmeal
    Oatmeal!? I know! I was surprised too, but Paleo Fuel and Fire has it figured out. I love love LOVE oatmeal for breakfast (not as much as eggs, but still a lot), and this looks pretty good. Something I could probably whip up ahead of time and then throw in the frying pan before leaving for work.
  3. Banana Bites
    Okay, seriously, such a brilliant idea. Mornings for a lot of people are rushed but all you need to do is slice up a banana and smother it with almond butter and put another slice of banana on top. Perfection!
  4. Banana Nut Porridge
    I love oatmeal, love it like there’s no tomorrow, but unfortunately if you choose to follow a Paleo lifestyle oatmeal is not an acceptable option. This is where those alternatives come in, and this one looks awesome!MG_6135-30-Paleo-breakfasts
  5. Banana Walnut Muffins
    I love all things banana! Banana bread and muffins are a primary love of mine. These look like a phenomenal option to fulfill those banana cravings.
  6. Best Paleo Pancakes
    Pancakes can be Paleo! This makes me happy, check out this light and fluffy option by Girl Gone Country.
  7. Breakfast Biscuit Sandwiches
    I often enjoy egg sandwiches for breakfast, and when I’m being really strict and sticking to a Paleo diet, I miss them a lot. This recipe has you make Paleo biscuits and the other items are already Paleo, perfect.
  8. Paleo Breakfast Casserole
    I’ve personally made this recipe and I really REALLY like it. My only tip would be to ensure you cut the sweet potatoes into very small cubes or the whole thing tastes like a sweet potato. If you don’t mind that, then go with larger chunks.
  9. Brussel Sprout Breakfast Hash with Bacon & Apples
    Oh my goodness! This look simply amazing! I love sweet and savory together so this would be the perfect breakfast for me.
  10. Churro Waffles
    Topped with coconut sugar and cinnamon, these are sure to be a winner at your next breakfast party!paleo-breakfast-ideas
  11. Coconut Porridge
    Another delicious oatmeal-like option. Yum yum yum!
  12. Eggs with Avocado and Salsa
    Sure this might be a pretty straight forward example of a breakfast, but that’s the beauty of it. You don’t need fancy things in order to make a yummy and filling breakfast.
  13. Everyday Paleo Crap Cake Eggs Benedict
    Okay, raise your hand if you love eggs benedict. Is it raised? Mine too! I love it and this is the perfect example of how a recipe can be delicious and Paleo.
  14. French Toast with Grilled Bananas
    Here we have bananas again. Something about bananas makes them very breakfast friendly. Check out this yummy looking french toast recipe.
  15. Green and White Omelette
    Another great one that is pretty quick to make for those busy workday mornings.
  16. Onion Frittata Recipe
    I love onions and I love eggs, so what better than a frittata recipe with both of those items in it? Sign me up!
  17. Orange Dark Chocolate Chip Scones
    When I found this recipe, I’m pretty sure I dribbled on my keyboard. These sound amazing! Nothing something I would necessarily eat for breakfast every morning, but would be good for a pot luck breakfast.paleo-breakfast-ideas-orange-dark-chocolate-chip-scones-gluten-free-recipe
  18. Paleo Almond Honey Granola
    I absolutely love the idea of making this ahead of time and packing it up for snacks all week long.
  19. Paleo Breakfast Burritos
    So good, so simple and perfect for breakfast! A great idea to make really quickly in the morning before heading out the door.
  20. Breakfast Cookie Granola
    Another granola recipe, but this one has almond or sunflower seed butter in it. Sounds really delicious!
  21. Paleo Cinnamon Rolls
    OMG! Who doesn’t love cinnamon rolls on Sunday mornings?? We used to have them all the time, with our Sunday brunch. I want to run and make these now!
  22. Paleo Cinnamon Square Crunch Cereal
    Oh yes, you read that right, CEREAL! I love love love cereal but avoid it a lot of the time because it is so full of sugars and other additives, but not this one. This is homemade through and through. I’ll likely be giving this a try very soon!
  23. Paleo Oatmeal
    Another oatmeal recipe, and you may very well be sick of seeing them, but they all sound so good that I wanted to be sure to share as many as possible with you.Paleo-meal-ideas-2
  24. Poached Eggs with Tomato, Avocado and Basil
    Genius and something so simple to throw together. Use the tomatoes as your toast and layer with the avocado, salt, pepper and basil. Mmmm
  25. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
    One of my favorite things to order when going through a drive-thru for my morning coffee is a chocolate chip muffin. Now I can just make these, saving the money and the calories!
  26. Strawberry, Spinach and Almond Butter Smoothie
    On days when I just don’t feel like eating, I can usually stomach a smoothie. This one sounds like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and like it would be amazing!
  27. Weekend Paleo Breafast Bowl
    Om nom nom – This recipe is full of veggies and topped with eggs for some hardcore protein.
  28. Paleo Breakfast Biscuit Sandwich
    The maple dijon bacon alone, in this recipe makes me yell about the delicious food from the rooftops.
  29. Coffee Cake Banana Bread
    Oh my goodness! This looks like something I could eat in one sitting, so I probably shouldn’t make it, but you should and then bring me ONE slice. 🙂
  30. Paleo Breakfast Bars
    Super simple to throw together and make ahead, so that you can grab and go in the mornings when you have no time.

There you have it, my list of favorite Paleo breakfast ideas that I’ve found around the web.

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite Paleo, or healthy breakfasts?


What I Ate Wednesday – #8

Happy What I Ate Wednesday!

Today was Emmett’s second day at his day care and it seems to be going pretty well. When I dropped him off yesterday and set him on the floor, he looked like a little lost puppy. Just staring at me, trying to figure out where he was and who everyone around him was. He had met the teachers before, but it was 2 weeks earlier and in a span of 10 minutes, no way he’d have any recollection of that. I felt terrible leaving him, even though he was fully engulfed in a toy when I walked out. I knew that he would likely be confused later, after he realized I was gone and wonder where his normal teachers were. 🙁

When I picked him up they said he had done alright. He’d whined a little in the beginning but had warmed up as the day went on and they’d even had him sleep in a cot, instead of a crib. What a big boy! I was thrilled to hear that he had done pretty well despite being around new folks.

Today seemed to go even better! He was pretty clingy when I dropped him off and didn’t want to be left, but his teacher distracted him with breakfast and he was fine. Today’s report for the day was that of smiles and happiness, I am thrilled to hear this. I want him to adjust and be happy, that is most important, it is just an added benefit that my ride to and from day care has been chopped in half. Woohoo!

Now onto the food…

Since today was my first Wednesday back in the office since July of 2012 (I had previously been working from home on Wednesdays) my pictures are a little lackluster.

I scarfed down breakfast too quickly to get a picture, but I had a whole wheat English muffin, a slice of cheese and 1 egg. Yummy and very filling! I also had some coffee in my new Starbucks mug, I love it!

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My snack was something new and oh so very delicious. I had plain Greek yogurt with a squirt of honey, a handful of blueberries, a half cup of unsweetened coconut and some Bear Naked banana nut granola. Oh my YUM!




Lunch was quick but very good. I had some romaine hearts, unsalted sunflower seeds, blue cheese crumbles, Krakus Ham and a drizzle of Ken’s Light Honey Mustard. Oh! And a hunk of Tuscan garlic bread from Wegmans.

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Once again, I completely forgot to snap a pic of dinner. I really apologize, I was not used to having to work so I was thrown off my routine. Either way, I had a delicious burger and some broccoli.

It was a really tasty and reasonably healthy What I Ate Wednesday, I’ll take it!

Want to read some of my other What I Ate Wednesday posts? See them here.

Your turn!

Share some of your eats, on this What I Ate Wednesday.

Thanks to Peas and Crayons for hosting, What I Ate Wednesday.

What I Ate Wednesday – #6

I think I say this every Wednesday, but what a busy day it was! It seemed like I was moving non-stop from the moment I awoke and I have the headache and tense neck/shoulders to prove it.

I actually don’t have a lot of pictures, because I didn’t eat a whole lot. I never thought I’d say this but I was literally too busy to eat at times. Crazy, right!?

Breakfast was the same as last week’s:

2 slices of toast
tomatoes (fresh from the farmer’s market, still)
2 plums
a banana


what-i-ate-wednesday-54 what-i-ate-wednesday-51I absolutely love this breakfast, hence why I had it again. It is very filling and just hits all the taste buds!wednesday-2

I skipped a snack today, I honestly just didn’t feel hungry and since my mind was busy, I didn’t really think about food.

Huge win!

Lunch was just kind of thrown together at the last minute because I didn’t want to spend a lot of time cooking or making anything. I just had some Keebler Townhouse Flatbread Sea Salt and Olive Oil crackers and a couple hard boiled eggs.



Dinner was out, at Salsaritas. We had an appointment to view a new day care for Emmett and stopped on the way home. It was absolutely delicious, but it always is when we go there.


All in all it was a really good day, busy, but good! I am amazed at how much less food I eat when I keep myself busy. I’m not just allowing myself to sit around thinking about what I can binge on in the kitchen. It feels good to being working on gaining control of my eating.

Your turn!

What foods did you eat this Wednesday?

Thank you to Peas and Crayons for hosting!

30 Day Vegan Challenge – Week 3

Wooo… Has it really only been 3 weeks?!

So I’m going to be brutally honest right now and tell you how much I really REALLY miss eggs! It’s not even that I’m craving them, I just miss the convenience and ease of them. They were my breakfast of choice almost every morning and could be enjoyed a million different ways so I never got bored. Being unable to eat them has been super tough! I’ve come up with a bunch of different breakfast ideas and they all taste good, but none seem to satisfy me like eggs did. Two eggs in the morning, scrambled, hard boiled, sunny side up or poached, and I felt nice and full until at least 9 (I typically eat breakfast around 5 am), when I’d have my smoothie. Finding something that works as well has eggs has been a challenge all on its own.

For those of you who have been vegan for an extended period of time or those of you who never were into eggs to begin with, you likely won’t understand my lament, but eggs are seriously such a perfect breakfast (or any meal) food.

Overall, the challenge is going pretty well. My meals still remain vegan but I have a mental battle with myself before almost every meal, where I have to convince myself to eat the vegan meal I brought and not go out to get something. I realize this is perfectly normal and this wouldn’t be considered a challenge if it were easy but still I want to share my struggles with my readers. I want them to understand what I am really going through (mainly mentally) so that they don’t assume this is a cake walk for me.

I have found and eaten so many different foods, items that I never would have even thought to eat, not because they grossed me out or seemed unappealing, I just found no reason to eat them. This has been a huge benefit of going vegan. I’ve also found that I am eating so much healthier even though I am struggling. The foods that I am eating overall are so much better for me and mostly veggies that my body has to be happy. I won’t lie and say I haven’t eaten some convenience vegan foods, but the majority of the foods I eat are whole, nutrient dense foods and that feels good. I want to overcome my crap eating so that my son is raised in a house where healthy foods are the norm and junk is a very rare occurrence.

You’re probably wondering whether my cravings have subsided for junk food. In a word, no. As I mentioned earlier, I miss eggs terribly. It hasn’t bothered me not having cheese or meat, but what I am still craving is the greasy food of McDonald’s or Burger King. I was really hoping that those would go away. Maybe they will in the last week?? Here’s hoping!

As I embark on my final days of this vegan challenge, I want to let you know that I will be giving it my absolute all. I want to finish off with a bang, knowing I tried my best and made a concerted effort.

Has anyone been inspired to try something new recently?

Dear Emmett,

Do you realize that there is only 3 more months until you are a year old? This blows my mind! At this time last year, your father and I were anxiously awaiting your birth and here we are a year later, having the time our lives.


We celebrated your first Easter this month. Your dad and I didn’t decorate, dye eggs or get you an Easter basket because we knew you’d probably be getting one from your Grammy, we weren’t wrong. You got the cutest basket from her, it is a monkey’s head and inside of it was a stuffed peep (since you can’t eat the marshmallow ones yet), a VERY cute barn with 4 different farm animals in it that make noise and a chicky bird sippy bottle. I think there might have been one more thing in there but I’m drawing a complete blank. It was really cute stuff and I really love the barn, I can’t wait until your a little bit older and can play with the animals with me.

You are so SO mobile! I remember when we used to be able to put you down on the floor to play and you would stay there, now, no way! The second you hit the floor you move, move, move. You continue to do your army crawl, where your right arm is straight out, pulling, your left is bent underneath your chest pushing you forward and your legs every once in awhile will give a good push but mainly it is your arms doing the work. You still get up on your hands and knees and rock back and forth but you haven’t yet done any “formal” crawling, who cares, though!? You are able to get around perfectly well the way you do it now. You’ve become really really good at doing planks and downward dog, obviously you have no idea they’re called that but you have inspired me to start planking or doing downward dog when you are doing them. So thanks for the motivation! 🙂


Going along with your crawling, you’ve also become really good at standing. Your dad or I can stand you up, holding onto your crib or pack ‘n play and you stand there all on your own for long stretches of time. You actually love it quite a bit because now you can watch your daddy cook. At the start of the month, you were just standing there for a little bit and then falling down, now you like coasting along the side. So if I am in my bedroom and you want to see what I’m doing you’ll slowly inch your way around to the other side so you can see me. You’ve also pretty much mastered sitting down from standing. Initially you’d just let go and fall, sometimes you’d land on your back other times on your butt but at this point, most of the time you land your on your bottom in a sitting up position.


We’ve even experimented with your toy motorcycle that you can use as a walking prop. When we set it up so that you can hold on and walk behind it, you’re pretty good at taking 3 or 4 steps before you stop and sit down. You seem to get tired or bored of doing this because you’ll only do it once or twice but you’re getting better and better. Sooner or later, you will be walking and then, everybody better watch out!

In your classroom at school they have short plie bar attached to a mirror and then attached to the wall. You love that thing! The second your teacher puts you up on it and you start looking at yourself in the mirror you start talking. You yell and smile, babble and grunt, you just adore it. Your teacher also tells us that you are very talkative, that all day you are making some sort of noises. I have a feeling your dad and I are in for it. But I’m pretty sure I was a talkative toddler, so it only makes sense.

Midway through the month, your dad and I started to get a little nervous that maybe you weren’t getting enough solid foods down. You were definitely getting enough breast milk but at around 9 months you start needing the nutrients from whole foods. We considered starting to give you more pureed food and we even pureed some sweet potatoes for you, but in the end our worries were for nothing. You are a champion eater! You are now eating and swallowing pretty much everything without any trouble, this includes meats like chicken, pork or steak. Vegetables and fruit are no match for you, you grab them tight and chomp away. It has been quite the experience watching your eating abilities grow with each passing week.


You love to play with everything but mostly with items you shouldn’t be playing with. Your favorites tend to be the outlet that is strangely in the floor, that we’ve put an outlet cover over but you still want to crawl on over and take it out. You also love grabbing for the cable box and Blu-ray player, which gives your dad a heart attack nearly every time (understandably). I’m personally, not looking forward to when you can reach the TV because that is one expensive piece of equipment and it would be very sad if it got damaged. We’ll just need to be extra vigilant when we get to that point.


We continue to teach you the signs for different words so that it makes it easier for us all to communicate before you are able to speak. Last month you conquered milk and continue to do a great job with that, this month, we’re pretty sure that you’ve mastered “more.” We use it mostly to ask if you want more food, or for you to ask us for more food. We’re still working on “diaper” and “all done.” I have no doubt you will get both of those very soon.

You and I are doing swimming lessons and you are having a blast! When the other babies are bothered by the chilly water or even just being in the water, there you are, happy as a clam, splashing and smiling. I’m so happy we can experience this together. Since before you were born I knew I wanted to do a mommy and me class but couldn’t find one that was the right fit for us, swimming is perfect and something I’m good at. My hope is to continue doing these classes together until you’re 24 months, when you’ll have to start doing the classes on your own with a swim teacher.


Speaking of water, bath time is a blast! Getting you squeaky clean isn’t the easiest because you like to move and squirm but once that part is done, playing with your toys is the best. I’m not sure how it got started, but one day I started calling your toes vinegar toes, now every time I wash them I say that, it’s pretty funny. You have started moving around in the tub to reach your toys or the hose and sometimes you’ll turn your little self around and moon your daddy and I, thank goodness it is such a cute dupa. You like when I lay you back and let you float with my hand underneath your back, it seems like you find it so relaxing. I think if your dad and I let you, you’d stay in the tub forever.

Your 9 month doctor’s appointment is on May first, so I don’t have any of your weight or height information to share this month, but I’ll make sure I include them next month. I am anxious to see what you weigh and how tall you are because you just seem so ginormous.


Well Emmett, my happy beautiful boy, I love every precious moment I get to spend with you and can’t wait to see what is on the horizon this go round.


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