Tag Archives: blogger

Turn It Up Tuesday – #92

Welcome to the 92nd week at Turn It Up Tuesday! We’d like to thank each and every one of you for making every week so amazing! Keep stopping by, linking up, and sharing your amazing posts with us here on Turn It Up Tuesday!


Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts (old or new) and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all. We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!

Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be!


Our sponsor for June is Five Star Coffee.


At FIVE STAR COFFEE, it’s not about us … It is about YOU. Offering you exclusive, healthy products that are sure to provide WORLD CLASS TASTE EXPERIENCES is the first step toward fulfilling OUR MISSION. IT IS ALSO GRATIFYING to know that our environmentally sensitive, coffee farmers, small batch roasters and dedicated producers of artisan grade oats, pancake mixes, maple syrups and chocolates benefit as well.

Are you looking to get your blog or website in front of numerous people per week? Do you enjoy Turn It Up Tuesdays? Interested in having your blog or website featured for an entire month?
Then, sponsor Turn It Up Tuesday for a month by clicking here!


Welcome the lovely ladies of Turn It Up Tuesday!

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(from the top – left to right)

Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | April from April Noelle | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Tina from The Happy Creations | Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter | Cindy from Mom Maven | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Kelly from Making-More | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Mari from Living in Mommywood | Tenns from Bliss & Faith | Kimberly from Being a Wordsmith | Nancy from Afro-Chic Mompreneur | Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly | Kelly from Mum-bo-Jumbo | Elaine from Ramblings of a Bad Domestic Goddess | Zografia from Bisozozo | Ginger from Does Your Sister Have Normal Hair | Free from Couponin Diva | Kori from Just Another Mom | Minnie from The Country Cooking Queen’s Weight loss and healthy eathing blog | Amy from Confessions of a Ninja Mom

And welcome our awesome guest hosts for June!

TUT June 2015 (2)

(from the top – left to right)

Beverly from Eclectic Red Barn | Sofia from Fun with a Message | Dawn from Pretty Shabby UK | Heidi from Heidi’s Wanderings

Interested in being a guest host for the month or becoming a permanent co-host?

Complete the form here! Monthly guest hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis.

Here are the Featured posts from last week!


Kori chose How to Make a Minion Sandwich from Kidz Activities. “I chose this one because it’s a cute lunch idea. And I love Minions.”

Heidi also chose this post. “Because who doesn’t love the minions?”


Kori chose Snickerdoodole Protein Smoothie from Divas Run for Bling. “I chose this one because I do love everything snickerdoodle and this is a great way to get that much needed protein in as well.”


Bev chose How to Make Your Own DIY Upholstered Wingback Headboard from Making It In The Mountains. “I loved this DIY headboard. They made a big job look rather easy and the tutorial really laid out the entire process. The end result was stunning.”

DIY Father's Day Memory Book (1)

Bev chose All About My Dad Printable Memory Book from Raising Seraphin. “This Father’s Day book was just to cute. I liked the idea of starting it when a child is young and then continuing to add to it as they grow older. What a cherished keepsake it will become.”

triple-layer lemon blueberry cake_sweetapolita bakebook_7

Cathy chose Triple-Layer Lemon Blueberry Cake from Eat, Drink, and be Mary. “Lemon and blueberris! Need I say more! One of my favorite combinations! I can’t wait to try this cake!”


Cathy chose Healthier Coconut and Chia Apple Fritters from Treat Yourself Sweeter. “I love apples and coconut and just bought my first bag of Chia seeds. These look SO good!”


Elaine chose Our Top 10 Favorite Fast Lunch Ideas from Cornerstone Confessions. “Great list of quick and simple lunch ideas.”

Silvie also chose this post. “I chose this post because as a busy mom I am always looking for quick but healthy choices and this list is great!”


Elaine chose How to Easily Earn Cash Back at the Grocery Store from Adventures of a Cavemom. “I am always looking for ways to save money on groceries. I will definitely use these.”


Amy chose 6 Things Successful Bloggers Do Every Day! from Snippets of Inspiration. “I love this post on a list of tips that all successful bloggers need to do everyday. As a new blogger, I am constantly learning from others on how to grow my blog in to a successful one. This tips will help me get my blog closer to where I want it to be.”

Ginger also chose this post. “I’m always looking for great posts about blogging. This one offered some great ideas and resources for bloggers of all kinds.”


Amy chose Easy Cinnamon Stick Recipe for Father’s Day Breakfast from Jodie Fitz. “This recipe is fun, easy and kid friendly. Not to mention, it is perfect and just in time for Father’s Day. I will definitely be using this idea to impress my husband this weekend!”


Mari chose 5 Exercises You Can Do to Keep Your Eyes Strong from Urban Naturale. “I loved this share by Emily that came from UN because as bloggers, writers, moms etc we are all putting an enormous strain on our eyes on a daily, I know I am and I think these exercises can really ease some of that stress for sure. Look forward to adding them to my daily office workout lol.”


Mari chose How to Pack Like a Champ for Your Big Move from Fun Money Mom. “Lisa’s share had great tips. Being someone that has moved more times than I’d like to admit in my lifetime thus far I can totally relate to her share. I agree to label properly and not carry stuff to go through later! Get it sorted and out the way so you don’t carry stuff over you just will end up giving away. Great share!

Must Reads for Summer

Stacey chose Must Read Books for Summer from Sunny Day Family. “I am always looking for a good book to read and some of these look amazing! Thank you so much for sharing!”


Stacey chose 18 No-Bake Sweet Treats from Dreaming of Leaving. “No bake desserts are the best, during the summer months. Since we don’t use A/C, I try not to heat up the house with the oven, if I don’t have to. Thank you so much for sharing!”


Tina chose Fun Zebra from a Garment Tag from Crafty Journal. “Such a clever and simple idea!I love it! A fun and creative craft! Thanks for sharing your creation with us.”

Father's Day Frame DIY - Watch them Grow

Tina chose DIY Father’s Day Frame from Raising Seraphin. “What a cute Father’s Day gift idea. Nice tutorial and beautiful result! Thanks for sharing your creation with us.”


Ginger chose 20 Essential Oil Hacks You Need for Daily Life from Painted Teacup. “I love essential oils and I am always looking for new ways to use them. This was a really great and informative post!”


Kelly chose Paper Plate Pop Up Firecrackers from Crafty Journal. “What a great idea! Although we don’t celebrate 4 July here in Australia, this is such an easy craft for the little ones. I shared this with some American friends so they can make it with their kids. I plan on making a variation of this when we celebrate Australia Day next January.”

nophotosKelly chose Why you won’t see photos of my baby on this blog from Velvet-Rose.Net. “Julie makes a really important point about the dangers of including clear images of their kids on their blog and social media. This is a timely reminder and not a topic I have seen covered very often. I am glad Julie has taken the time to highlight the potential dangers as it is oh so easy to think it won’t happen to me. “


Heidi chose 10 Writing Tips to Improve Your Blog from Budget Girl. “Because I really do need help making sure that my writing makes sense some days.”


Silvie chose Inside Review of Disney Pixar Movie Inside Out from our very own Kelly from Mum-Bo-Jumbo. “I chose this post because we can’t wait to see this movie and this review made us want to see it even more!”


Natasha chose Why Commenting on Others’ Blogs is Awesome for Your Blog from our very own Tenns from Bliss & Faith. “I truly believe that commenting on others’ blogs are a great way to network and grow your blog. I haven’t had the opportunity to do so as much as before, but this is a reminder how important it is. Great post!”


The post with the most clicks is The Newbie Blogger’s Guide to Success from Little Girl Designs.

Stop by and show some love to our featured bloggers this week! I’m sure they’d all appreciate it!

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitupbuttonfeature1_zps09bd5c75.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

And the Best of the Best is…


6 Things Successful Bloggers Do Every Day! from Snippets of Inspiration


Easy Cinnamon Stick Recipe for Father’s Day Breakfast from Jodie Fitz

Show some love to our Best of the Best bloggers this week!!!!

Best of the Best Bloggers – make sure to showcase the button below on your blog! And you’ve won free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures for 30 days – just e-mail Natasha at 1epicmommy@gmail.com for more details!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitupbuttonbest_zps00692ef1.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

This week, we’re introducing a great giveaway…celebrating fellow blogger the 4th blogiversary of fellow blogger, Angie from God’s Growing Garden. Help celebrate by entering to win the Fun with Four Blogiversary Giveaway.


Click on the giveaway graphic above or click here to go to the giveaway page!

Four winners will be chosen to win one of the four prize packs!

FunWithFourPrize3_zps1s1m5eww FunWithFourPrize2_zpskz7vuduk FunWithFourPrize1_zps6itr7vyi FunWithFourPrize4_zps3h5uilwv

So now that you’ve met our Sponsor for the month, our hosts and guest hosts, our Featured, and the Best of the Best, and our special giveaway,

let’s get started!

– Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.

– Link up as many posts as you’d like! The more, the merrier!

– Check out some of the other posts and make some new friends!

– Grab the button below and showcase on your sidebar! Invite your fellow bloggers to join the fun!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitup1_zps05216d89.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesday! We will feature the favorite posts each week! **Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to Epic Mommy Adventures, along with co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Turn It Up Tuesday, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to the original source.**

Interested in reading all of our favorite posts on Turn It Up Tuesdays – past or present? Or do want to know if your post was featured before we go live next week? Follow Natasha Peter’s board Featured on Turn It Up Tuesdays! on Pinterest.

Indoor Montessori Activities for Toddlers

Being outdoors absolutely provides the best activity outlets to kids when it comes to learning and fun! There’s just so much for them to explore and enjoy out in the open, thanks to the unending wonders of nature. At times, however, your little ones may not get to revel in the fun that they usually do outdoors. Whether it’s due to the scorching summer heat or the fact that you and your partner are both busy running some errands, there are days when your kids have to remain within the confines of your house. It’s during moments like these that you must involve your little ones in activities that not only keep them busy, but also help contribute to their overall development.

Indoor Montessori Activities for Toddlers - Baby DoodahContinue Reading

How to: Keep Your Floors Clean for Baby

You may have considered cleaning the floors one of the easiest activities, however, when your baby starts crawling, you will soon realize that there are more details of the floor cleaning that you need to take into consideration.

As a parent, you are will be aware with the moment when the baby is ready to start crawling and you’ll immediately start looking over all the parts of the floor that may have stains or any kind of dirt. No matter how often you clean them, you cannot escape from the irritating feeling that your infant may somehow come into contact with thousands of microbes and bacteria.

The best tactic is to stay calm and to charge yourself with some effective cleaning strategies. Babies really adore crawling on the floors, so you cannot deprive them from that pleasure. Thanks to this article you will learn how to keep your floors clean, and allow your child to roam the house freely.

How to Keep Your Floors Clean for Baby - Baby Doodah!

Cleaning Your Floors

Continue Reading

Trick Your Guests Into Thinking Your House Is Clean

It’s happened to nearly everyone at some point – your house is a mess, you haven’t cleaned in days and Aunt Jane calls and says she is just around the corner and stopping by to visit. You look around your home as panic sets in and realize there is no possible way to clean the mess in 10 minutes.

Fortunately, there are some simple tricks that will help you whip your house into shape and make your guests think you’ve recently cleaned.

Clean Your House Fast, and trick your guests into thinking your home is clean! - Baby Doodah!Continue Reading

Turn It Up Tuesday – #86

Welcome to the 86th week here at Turn It Up Tuesday! Hope all of the mothers out there had an amazing Mother’s Day!!!

Mother's Day - TUT

Last week, we had an awesome time on Turn It Up Tuesday with 361 links – another amazing week! We’d like to thank each and every one of you for making every week so amazing! Keep sharing your amazing posts with us here on Turn It Up Tuesday!

300px+turn+it+up+button+copyContinue Reading

Turn It Up Tuesday – #83

Welcome to the 83rd week here at Turn It Up Tuesday! Last week, we had an awesome time on Turn It Up Tuesday with 364 links – another amazing week! We’d like to thank each and every one of you for making every week so amazing! Keep sharing your amazing posts with us here on Turn It Up Tuesday!


Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts (old or new) and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all. We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!

Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be!


Our sponsor for April is Great Escapes Travel Agency.


Great Escapes Travel is a full service travel agency specializing in Leisure and Group Travel.
We plan land based vacations, cruises, destination weddings, and honeymoons to U.S. destinations, as well as the Bahamas, Caribbean and Mexico.

At Great Escapes Travel, we are not mere order takers who book your trip and then leave you on your own. We are “Escape Artists”. As Escape Artists, we act as an adviser and a resource for our clients. We take the time to talk with our clients to really get to know them. Then we are able to create the perfect vacation experience created just for them. We provide personalized service that is tailored to meet each of our client’s needs. We work with our clients every step of the way – before, during and after the trip. We make ourselves available to our clients by phone, text, email, and Facebook. And we guarantee that someone will respond to you within 24 hours.

Are you looking to get your blog or website in front of numerous people per week? Do you enjoy Turn It Up Tuesdays? Interested in having your blog or website featured for an entire month?
Then, sponsor Turn It Up Tuesday for a month by clicking here!


Welcome the lovely ladies of Turn It Up Tuesday!



(from the top – left to right)

Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings | Jessica from The Wondering Brain | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | Rhonda from Mother 2 Mother | Jillian from Baby Doodah | April from April Noelle | Tina from The Happy Creations | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Cindy from Mom Maven | Tiffany from MrsTeeLoveLifeLaughter | Kelly from Making-More | Yolanda from That’s Mashed Up | Tenns from Bliss & Faith | Silvie from My Silly Little Gang | Mari from Living in Mommywood | Rose from What Rose Knows | Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly | Kimberly from Being a Wordsmith | Nancy from Afro-Chic Mompreneur | Kelly from Mum-bo-Jumbo | Zografia from Bisozozo | Elaine from Ramblings of a Bad Domestic Goddess | Lisa from Blogghetti | Latisha from Ask Latisha | Ginger from Does Your Sister Have Normal Hair

And welcome our awesome guest hosts for April!

TUT Apr 2015

(from the top – left to right)

Mionna from Just Mi! | Kori from Just Another Mom | Cathy from Brand New Mom Blog | Rachel from Rae Loves | Free from Couponin Diva

(not pictured)

Minnie from The Country Cooking Queen’s Weight loss and healthy eathing blog | Christina from Super Mommy-n-Me

Interested in being a guest host for the month or becoming a permanent co-host?

Complete the form here! Monthly guest hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis.

Here are the Featured posts from last week!


Jillian chose The Fairytale Wedding and the Nightmare Marriage from Kiddie Matters. “I chose this post for two reasons, the first is the author’s story. It is such a great reminder how much work goes into a marriage, but about how worth it is!! The second reason is the author’s writing is just beautiful. The way the story ebbs and flows, and the descriptions used, are lovely. It held my attention to the very very end, which is hard to do nowadays!!!”

Natasha also chose this post. “What a great post!!! It shows the real life of marriage after the great wedding. This is a beautifully written post that will truly show the ups and downs of relationships. A must read!”

Rachel also chose this post. “Yanique gets really personal and details some struggles she has faced early in her marriage and I can completely relate! I love how she realizes that giving in to her fears could hurt a marriage and that she gets a wake up call to let her know that all marriages are different.”

This post also received the most clicks.


Jillian chose Filofax Organization – A Peek Inside My A5 Aqua Saffiano from Mama’s Got It Together. “What can I say?? I am obsessed with all things planners! I see a post like this pop up into the link-up and I am draw to it. 🙂 I like this one because it is showing just another way to organized your life, and I am definitely into that!”


Lisa chose grilled cheese heaven from Dreaming of Leaving. “This wonderful Round-Up of Grilled Cheese had me drooling. I love a good grilled cheese sandwich and now more reasons to expand that love! I can’t wait to try them all.”


Lisa chose 25 Amazing Muffin Recipes from All That’s Jas. ” I am always trying to think of different ways to make muffins and not stick to the same recipes I make. This is perfect. Muffins are perfect to make ahead and freeze so I need to clear some space for many of these delicious muffin recipes from this Round-Up.”

Mari also chose this post. “Can’t go wrong with such an awesome selection of muffins.”


Kori chose S’Mores Stuffed Cookies from Fitness Food Diva. “I love S’mores and I love baking. I’ve seen a few boxed mixes but I’ love to be able to bake from scratch whenever possible.”

Silvie also chose this post. “This recipe really grabbed my attention because we are S’More-A-Holics in my house. This is now our favorite cookie recipe!”


Kori chose 3 Reasons We Choose to Homeschool from Year Round Homeschooling. “I chose this one because we’re in the midst of beginning Tot School and thinking about homeschooling beyond that. It’s nice to read why others have chosen this path.”


Rachel chose Clean Eating Blueberry Avocado Muffins from Divas Run for Bling. “These muffins look so delicious and the fact that they will fit into my healthy eating plan is the cherry on the top. Blueberries and avocado are so good for you, why not combine them for breakfast.”


Free chose 5 Essential Productivity Apps for Work at Home Moms from Wife Mom Geek. “I have a hard time staying focused and tend to stray from tasks that I need to get done. These productivity apps will help me get in line.”


Free chose Part Two-Build A Blog Community. from View From In Here. “As a blogger I’m always looking for ways to grow my community and be the best blogger I can be.”


Mionna chose Social Media & Privacy: Where Do You Draw The Line? from All of Life’s Little Adventures. “As a blogger we have to be somewhat public. I’m a very private person, so although I’m “public”, I watch what I do. This post really brought some things I hadn’t thought about to my attention! I plan on taking some of the recommended items into serious consideration within the next few weeks.”


Mionna chose Double Bacon Cheeseburger with Mini Onion Rings recipe from Summer Scraps. “I LOVE onion rings!! I like this post, because I never thought about making mini onion rings!! I’ve spent so much money over the past couple of weeks buying onion rings. This recipe reminded me that I wanted to start making them at home!!”


Kimberly (Being a Wordsmith) chose 30+ Delicious Low Carb Side Dishes from Wife Mom Geek. “My husband is always asking for a vegetable side dish to go with whatever I make for dinner. This post gives me some great ideas to whip up!”


Kimberly (Being a Wordsmith) chose My Daughter’s Birth Story Told Through An Infographic from Confessions of a Ninja Mom. “Infographics always catch my eye and this one did so even more! Every mother has a unique story about the birth of their child. Seeing it this way is pretty creative.”


Zografia chose Gold Striped Feature Wall from Albion Gould. “Every house needs an accent wall. If it is shines a bit it’s even better!”


Natasha chose 10 Reasons to Keep Blogging from Budget Girl. “There are so many times where I have lost my motivation with blogging, but I just keep going back. This post is a great reminder why I love blogging!”

Zografia also chose this post. “After so many problems with my host and so much disappointment, this one is a must read!”


Ginger chose Carrot Cake Whoopie Pies with Rum Cream Cheese Buttercream from The Gold Lining Girl. “I love whoopie pies and I love carrot cake. This is a perfect pairing and the rum cream cheese buttercream sounds amazing!”


Ginger chose Broccoli Pesto Mushroom Grilled Cheese from Dizzy Busy and Hungry. “I am always looking for new ways to incorporate pesto into a dish. This is definitely one I will be using!”


April chose $200/Month Menu Plan for Our Family of 5 (Post #3) from Thrifty Frugal Mom. “After finding out that I have almost doubled my grocery spending, I need to accept these tips.”


April chose Inspiration from The Crafty Side of Sarcasm. “I had a long and hard week. I need some inspiration.”

Sloppy Joe Cups Poster

Silvie chose Sloppy Joe Cups from A Sprinkle of This and That. “My boys love sloppy joes but my 3 year old always has a hard time eating it without making a HUGE mess. We tried this recipe and he ate them no problem!”


Rhonda chose Stunning Strips On Walls from HomeDecorDesigns.com. “I’ve wanting to do a makeover on my foyer. I love the idea of making an impact with the unexpected. I think strips on one of the walls will do.”


Tenns chose Strawberry Lemonade Popsicle Recipe from Logan Can… “I’m a huge strawberry-lemonade fan and these Popsicles look so delicious and refreshing. I’ll definitely have to give them a go this summer.”


Tenns chose Schedule Pins to Pinterest with Tailwind from My Family Mealtime. “I’ve only heard of Tailwind vaguely, so it was nice to see a post so detailed about it. I’ll definitely have to check it out!”


Mari chose Mini Nutella Cinnamon Rolls from Three Kids and a Fish. “Love a nice warm roll in the morning.”


Tina chose It’s A Wrap from Quinton Wench. “I love this bracelet,looks amazing!!Makes me want to learn how to crochet!! Thanks for sharing!”


Tina chose Cherry Blossom Foam Flowers – DIY from Purple Hues and Me. “Amazing craft, so simple and so beautiful!!I want to try this with my daughter.Very creative!”

Stop by and show some love to our featured bloggers this week! I’m sure they’d all appreciate it!

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitupbuttonfeature1_zps09bd5c75.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

And the Best of the Best is…


10 Reasons to Keep Blogging from Budget Girl


The Fairytale Wedding and the Nightmare Marriage from Kiddie Matters

Show some love to our Best of the Best bloggers this week!!!!

Best of the Best Bloggers – make sure to showcase the button below on your blog!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitupbuttonbest_zps00692ef1.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


This month, we’re going to do something a bit different with our giveaway! Each week this month, we will be selecting one entrant to win $50 Paypal cash! You will increase your chances of winning by stopping by each week and entering to win!

$50 Paypal Cash Giveaway

The winners from the 1st two weeks of the Just to Say Thank You Giveaway have been announced!

Week 1 Winner: Kelly L.

Week 2 Winner: Carrie from The Frugal Foodie Mama

There is still 2 more chances to win in Week 3 and Week 4 of the Just to Say Thank You Giveaway…make sure to enter to win!

This week is our Bloglovin week – so be sure to follow the host, co-hosts, and guest hosts below for your chance to win $50 Paypal cash!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
So now that you’ve met our Sponsor for the month, our hosts and guest hosts, our Featured, the Best of the Best, and checked out our Thank You $50 Paypal Cash Giveaway,

let’s get started!


      • Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.



    • Link up as many posts as you’d like! The more, the merrier!



    • Check out some of the other posts and make some new friends!



    • Grab the button below and showcase on your sidebar! Invite your fellow bloggers to join the fun!



Epic Mommy Adventures


<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitup1_zps05216d89.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesday! We will feature the favorite posts each week! **Disclaimer: Adding your link to this link party gives permission to Epic Mommy Adventures, along with co-hosts, guest hosts, and participants of Turn It Up Tuesday, to share your posts and pictures via social media and as features, roundups, etc. with an explicit link back to the original source.**

Interested in reading all of our favorite posts on Turn It Up Tuesdays – past or present? Or do want to know if your post was featured before we go live next week? Follow Natasha Peter’s board Featured on Turn It Up Tuesdays! on Pinterest.

Not a Great Day

Hey guys! I know that Wednesdays are typically my days to send out a super, great, awesome post – but I just do not have it in me today.

I did not plan ahead to have something written, and now it’s 9:30 EST time, and I’m pooped. I have some other work I need to do, and my brain simply does not feel like being creative.

Plus, it was a tiring day. Emmett woke up a few times last night, not sure why. He said he was scared, but that’s about all I could get out of him. We’ve also hit a bump in the road with poop training. He’s doing so awesome with pee pee on the potty, but poop has been a bit of a hurdle this last week. What I’m trying to say (TMI) is that he hasn’t taken a good crap in a couple days. I’m worried about him! We did give him some Miralax this evening, hopefully that will help move things along.

I’m also, stressing a bit about all the packing we have left to do. I shouldn’t stress *that* much, though. Our move is on the 23rd, but we have the apartment until the 30th. I don’t plan on taking that long to move everything over, but we do have plenty of time. Still, there’s a lot to do.

Then, there’s the whole ordeal about my eating. I’ve been struggling big time with binge eating again. It has been a good 3 months or so, since I had fallen off the rails. I think it’s not having a regular routine, like you do when you work outside the home. Emmett and I have a routine, but it’s very different, and if something doesn’t go according to plan – it’s no big deal. I need to wrangle this in and take control of myself. I’m struggling with the how, though. Any work at home or stay at home moms have any ideas / tips?

And finally, the icing on the cake is the guys downstairs are being obnoxiously loud tonight. I can normally block it out, but because of all the other stuff eating away at me, it’s been a struggle.

Basically, what it comes down to is that I need to chill the EFF out. Right?!

Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and post and be 100% real with you guys. I love you, but I just don’t have it in me to write some grandiose post. Sorry…


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