Tag Archives: blog is 2 years old

Happy 2 YEAR Anniversary to Baby Doodah!

Can you believe it?!? This lil ole blog is officially 2 years old (actually as of yesterday).

When Emmett was born, I got an idea in my brain that I would launch a blog, but I was really nervous because I had started numerous blogs in the past that fallen flat. I gave up! I stopped writing and started thinking I didn’t have enough content. However, when having Emmett a whole new world opened up to me, I had (obviously) never been a parent before and could now share my experiences and I could also feature the other blogs and articles that I was learning from.

That’s how it started out, and I loved it! I still do, but now we’re even bigger. I talk about a huge variety of things, from stuff about my little Baby Doodah, to recipes, my tips and tricks as a new mom, how I’m coping with Binge Eating Disorder, or even tips for specific things like Potty training a toddler. I’ve learned a lot in the 2 years that I’ve been doing this, and I have enjoyed every moment of it.

If you look back or read some of my older posts, you can see that my writing style and photo quality has changed, in a good way. I’ve grown personally, as a mom and a writer, but also professionally. Now, I not only look at this little corner of the blog world as my place to share about my family, but also to provide tips or recommendations to others who may be going through something similar.

I’ve always loved writing. My best friend in grade school and I used to sit and write out fictional stories, mainly about the Little Mermaid (because it was huge back then), but we made up our own twists and turns. I wrote, she illustrated – we had fun! Throughout the years I forgot that love for writing, but I am really glad I found it again.

Nothing brings me more joy than sitting down with a hot idea, that is just dying to be written. It feels so good to have this place. I am truly honored that you stop by and read what I write. Knowing that there are people who genuinely care about what I have to say is a very moving thing.

I thank you from the very bottom of my heart!!

And to thank you, I have teamed up with Philips AVENT to offer you a pretty freakin’ (if I do say so myself) giveaway.

Here’s what’s included: A Philips AVENT Single Electric Comfort Breast pump and Philips AVENT Breast Milk Storage Bags. And because I really REALLY love you guys, I am also going to be giving away a $50 Visa Gift Card.

One lucky winner will win all three items. So, please, use the Rafflecopter widget below and enter to win! Contest ends 9/26/14. I will announce the winner on Monday, 9/29/14.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I also want to mention that Philips AVENT will be having a 30th Birthday Twitter party, hosted by Philips AVENT, and Kerri Jablonski of @IamtheMaven, tonight (9/16/14) from 8pm – 9 pm. We’re going to be celebrating Philips AVENT’s 30th birthday party, you can follow along using the hashtag #AVENTparents for a chance to win prizes, hear advice and share your parenting stories. I hope to see you there!

Emmett-Day Care

Birthdays all around!! Woohoo! Let’s celebrate!!

Your turn!

How do you usually celebrate your birthday?

Do you have a favorite memory from the past two years of Baby Doodah!?

signatureLooking for a quick, easy and FREE way to get your news? Check-out theSkimm and sign-up for your daily email box delivery of the world’s news, plus if you share your birthday, you get it listed at the bottom of the newsletter on your day. It’s like celebrating with thousands of people!!!

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